November 24, 2021

Next Waterview Cluster Board of Directors regular meeting: Monday December 6, 2021

The Waterview Cluster Board of Directors will hold a regular meeting on Monday December 6, 2021 at 7pm via a virtual session. The meeting location is online - please look for a message from the BoD to the Forum for connection details.

November 19, 2021

Thursday 11/25/2021 Trash Pickup Postponed to Saturday 11/27/2021.

Subject: Waterview Cluster Thanksgiving Schedule


Good Morning,



We wanted to advise you (good news) of the plans for Thanksgiving as per the below.


   Thursday, 11/25 (Thanksgiving) customers to be serviced Saturday, 11/27.


We know that not all will remember to set their carts out, but we’re making the effort nonetheless to run on that Saturday, and in hopes of reducing some volume on the following Monday, 11/29 as best we can.  




Thank you




November 17, 2021

Waterview Cluster Association Membership Meeting: December 8, 2021

A meeting of the Waterview Cluster Association membership will be held in an Internet-based virtual session on Wednesday December 8, 2021 7pm – 8pm Eastern Time.  Members will be able to join the meeting using a web browser, software app, or audio-only dial-in using a regular telephone.  The connection details will be sent to the cluster Forum List via email.  

November 4, 2021

PSA: A note from Fairfax County Department of Public Works and Environmental Services: Only rain down the drain!

Did you know? The Fairfax County storm drainage system, known as the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) carries stormwater to nearby ponds, streams, lakes, and rivers. Please do not dump anything down the storm drains. Do not rake or dump grass clippings or leaves into the storm drainage system. Never dump treated swimming pool water, pet waste, used motor oil, paint, chemicals or other substances into a storm drain. Secure garbage on collection days to avoid litter reaching the stormwater system.

For more information regarding the Fairfax County MS4, please visit

For more information regarding different types of illicit discharges to the MS4, please visit

You, as a homeowner, can help to prevent pollutants from reaching the county’s waterways.

Please remember – only rain down the drain!