February 11, 2021

Hunter Mill District News - February 10, 2021


Feb. 10, 2021

Dear Neighbors,

My office has received many emails and calls from residents who want to know how long it will take to get a vaccine appointment after they have registered with the Health Department. During yesterday's Board of Supervisors meeting, I sponsored a joint Board Matter with Dranesville District Supervisor John Foust directing county staff to expediate efforts to get this information to residents. County Executive Bryan Hill assured the Board that more communications and transparency on the vaccine queue will be coming in the next two weeks, beginning as early as this Friday, including:
  • An online vaccine and registration dashboard with a range of information, including the registration date the Health Department is now scheduling appointments for and the number of doses received/administered.
  • An online registration validation form for residents to confirm their registration and get a sense of where they are in line.
  • An online self-cancellation form for anyone who receives a vaccine from another health care provider.
  • Weekly emails to those on the waitlist to remind them that they are still registered.
The supply of vaccine coming to the Fairfax County Health Department continues to be far below what we need with more than 180,000 residents on the waiting list. I will provide you updates as they become available.
In addition, you may have heard about the CVS vaccine distribution program, which is now underway. Learn more.
Community Conversations
I also wanted to make you aware of several opportunities to ask questions and get more information from the Fairfax County Health Department on COVID-19 and vaccines:
Tonight, Wednesday, Feb. 10, 7 p.m.
This evening, the Health Department in partnership with RestON and Cornerstones will make a presentation with a Q&A session from 7 to 8 p.m. and address the myths that are circulating throughout the community regarding the vaccine. The program will be offered in English and Spanish using the Zoom platform.
English presentation:
Meeting ID: 849 7554 8869
Password: Health
Spanish presentation:
Meeting ID: 885 4359 9524
Password: Salud
Thursday, Feb. 11 and Friday, Feb. 12
The Health Department in partnership with the Fairfax Area Disability Services Board and the Fairfax Area Agency on Aging is hosting a virtual community conversation on Zoom in order to share information about the COVID-19 vaccine. ASL Interpretation and Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) will be provided. Pre-registration is required.
Thursday, Feb. 11, at 6 p.m.
Friday, Feb. 12, at noon
Saturday, Feb. 20
AARP of Virginia is hosting a vaccine information session with Fairfax County Health Department Director Dr. Gloria Addo-Ayensu on Feb. 20 at 10 a.m. RSVP aarp.cvent.com/FairfaxVaccineInfo. Call 703-324-4621 (TTY 711) for more information. 

Snow is in the forecast again so stay safe everyone and Happy Valentine's Day!

Today's COVID-19 Updates (Feb. 10)
If you have questions about COVID-19, you can contact the Fairfax County Health Department:
  • Call 703-267-3511 (9 a.m. to 7 p.m. weekdays and 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekends)
  • Email ffxcovid@fairfaxcounty.gov (monitored 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays)

Vaccine Updates


Data Dashboards and Charts

Current Number of Cases in the Fairfax Health District
  • Daily reported case information for the Fairfax Health District: here and scroll down to get to ZIP Code data.
  • Daily reported case information throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia: here and ZIP Code data look for Data Download bar.

COVID-19 Case Information Chart (as of publication on Feb. 10)
Virtual Town Halls on Feb. 16 and 18
Transparency and community engagement continue to be the guideposts of my approach to local government. As I begin the second year of my term as your supervisor, it is critical that we continue a robust dialogue. I encourage everyone to attend my town halls next week on Tuesday, Feb. 16 and Thursday, Feb. 18.

Tuesday, Feb. 16 Virtual Town Hall With Reston District Police Station Commanders, 7 to 9 p.m. 
With more than half of Hunter Mill District residents covered by the Fairfax County Police Department’s Reston District, this town hall focuses on public safety in the northern half of Hunter Mill. Reston District Station Commanders Captain Thea Pirnat and Lieutenant Marc Mitchell will provide a brief overview, including statistics, and current outreach and engagement efforts. Residents will also have the opportunity ask questions to the commanders and Supervisor Alcorn. Join the virtual meeting with this WebEx link. To listen to the meeting, dial 1-844-621-3956 and use access code: 179 543 3978. You can also watch a live stream of the meeting on YouTube Live, this is also the link to watch the video beginning Feb. 17. 

Thursday, Feb. 18 Virtual Town Hall With Supervisor Alcorn, 7 to 9 p.m. 
This town hall is an opportunity to get a briefing from Supervisor Alcorn on the state of Hunter Mill District and Fairfax County. Residents will have the opportunity ask questions on county-related issues. Join the virtual meeting with this WebEx link. To listen to the meeting, dial 1-844-621-3956 and use access code: 179 565 4421. You can also watch a live stream of the meeting on YouTube Live, this is also the link to watch the video beginning Feb. 19. 

For additional information, contact the Hunter Mill District office at huntermill@fairfaxcounty.gov, or call 703-478-0283.
Coat Closet and Stuff the Bus A Great Success!
Thank you to our very generous Hunter Mill District residents who donated to Stuff the Bus and the Coat Closet this past Saturday. The response was tremendous from all parts of our community, including a Cub Scout. (Jamie dropped off 20+ bags of food!)

Thank you also to our Reston District Station police officers who provided a lot of assistance with traffic and carrying donations on a cold and windy day.
Ch. 4 was also there to cover the event for the evening news. It was quite a day at the North County Governmental Center!

Stuff the Bus took place on Saturday, Jan. 30, as well as this past Saturday, Feb. 6. There were two locations in Hunter Mill District – outside my office in Reston and at the Patrick Henry Library in Vienna. The total amount of food donations collected was 7,725 pounds of food, valued at approximately $12,823. This will definitely help replenish our community food pantries.

Additional opportunities to make much-needed donations to our local nonprofits and organizations can be found here.

Saturday, Feb. 6, 2021 Stuff the Bus and Coat Closet events at North County Governmental Center.
Black History Month
At our meeting yesterday, the Board of Supervisors designated February as Black History Month, a time to explore Black history in our county and honor Black perseverance and resiliency. I encourage you to participate in one or more of the county events in February that celebrate our Black communities.

Virtual Black History Month Program on Friday, Feb. 19
In addition to comments from county officials, this first-ever virtual event will include remarks by Professor Mark Hopson, Director of African and African American Studies at George Mason University, as well as entertainment by hip-hop artist Dumi RIGHT, the Hamilton Boys and Amber Iman. Learn more.

The Fairfax County Library Celebrates Black History Month
The Library has an exciting and diverse calendar of events featuring nationally known speakers, authors and educators. Upcoming events include:
Transportation and Land Use
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Seeks Public Comment on Neighborhood Environmental Survey (NES) through March 15
The NES is a nationwide survey regarding annoyance related to civil aircraft noise. The research could potentially inform future federal aircraft noise policies. The FAA is requesting public comments on the survey through the Federal Register. The public comment period is open until March 15. The FAA will not make any policy determinations until it has considered public and other stakeholder input and other research needed to improve their understanding of the effects of aircraft noise exposure on communities. More information.

Wiehle Avenue Crossing Study Group Virtual Meeting, Feb. 18, 7:00 p.m.
Wiehle Pedestrian Crossing Study Group virtual meeting is Thursday, Feb. 18, 7 to 9 p.m. The meeting is hosted on the Webex platform – use this link to attend and participate in the meeting. You will be prompted to register with your email address and ZIP code before logging into meeting. If you prefer to only listen to the meeting, you may call 1-844-621-3956 and use Access Code: 173 512 0630. This is also the number to use if accessing TTY 711.To submit feedback, questions or comments, email WiehleCrossingStudyGroup@fairfaxcounty.gov.

Reston Comprehensive Plan Study Task Force Meeting Held on Feb. 8.
To learn more about the Reston Comprehensive Plan Study and the task force, visit the Reston Comprehensive Plan Study webpage. You can watch the Feb. 8 meeting on YouTube Live. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, Feb. 22, 7 to 9 p.m. Details are forthcoming and will be available here and in this weekly newsletter. 
Public Safety Update
Body Worn Cameras Update
The Fairfax County Police Department continues with its expedited implementation plan for the Body Worn Camera (BWC) program. Last week, Phase 2 of the deployment was completed. Officers from the Franconia District and McLean District stations are now trained, equipped and using the cameras. The Reston District Station was part of the original pilot program and was one of the first three stations implementing the program in 2019. Learn more.
Love, Vienna
The Town of Vienna is celebrating Valentine's Day with a free bingo and games event for ages 55+. The afternoon will include virtual bingo, fun, online games, prizes and sweet treats. The Zoom event is presented by Vienna Parks and Recreation and City of Fairfax Parks and Recreation. To register call 703-255-7801 or email kblevins@viennava.gov.
The registration deadline is Thursday, Feb. 11 at 5 pm. Learn more.

If you're looking for takeout dinner ideas for Valentine's Day, check out the Vienna Foodies Facebook page and support local businesses.
3 Things to Know Today
County Government Closed Monday, Feb. 15
In observance of George Washington's Day/Presidents Day, county offices will be closed on Monday, Feb. 15. Learn more.

Nominate Your Favorite Librarian
Fairfax County Public Library (FCPL) Staff Excellence Award nominations are being accepting through Feb. 14. Learn more

College Scholarship for Criminal Justice Majors
Virginia college students who are majoring in criminal justice may be eligible to apply for a college scholarship from the Virginia Sheriffs' Institute (VSI) Scholarship Program through the Fairfax County Sheriff's Office. Scholarships are available to both full- and part-time students. Learn more.
Stay Informed and In Touch
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Hunter Mill District Supervisor Walter Alcorn
703-478-0283, TTY 711
Hunter Mill District of Fairfax County 1801 Cameron Glen DriveReston, VA 20190