January 14, 2021

Vaccination Scheduling Update - January 14, 2021


Jan. 14 Update on Vaccine Rollout
Additional Information Provided By Fairfax County Health Department

Here are answers to some of the most common questions we are receiving in the Hunter Mill District office. Additional updates will be provided as soon as information is made available from the Health Department.

There remains a lot of confusion among seniors about what must be done to pre-register/register for a COVID vaccine?
Information about how to sign up is available online – specifically the drop down menu “How do I get vaccinated if I’m eligible.” To get an appointment, adults age 75+ can either call 703-324-7404 (Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.) or fill out the pre-screening form. The prescreening form webpage explains what information residents should be prepared to share, including contact information, demographics, medical history, etc. When residents use the phone option, they will be assisted in filling out the same registration over the phone. If they complete the online form, they will be contacted to schedule an appointment. This form will be updated soon to allow residents to schedule a time themselves online if they meet the requirements.
Is it better to use the online form, call or both?
Residents should use whichever method is most appropriate for them. The online option is the preferred option while the call-in option is in place to assist individuals who may have difficulty accessing or using the online option or need language assistance. There is no reason to do both and doing so makes it more difficult for people that have no option but to use the phone to get their call answered in a timely fashion. If you have completed the form, that is sufficient and you will be contacted by the Health Department to schedule the appointment.
I pre-registered online, but did not call. What should I expect?
The Health Department will contact you to schedule an appointment. It will take some number of weeks to get through the 1b phase but your registration is in queue and you will be contacted to schedule an appointment as vaccine supply and appointments become available.
My family member was able to pre-register. Do they have fill out the new form once its available? 
No, they do not need to fill out a new form. If someone filled out the form this week, they will be contacted by the Health Department to schedule an appointment. No additional steps are needed.
What is the approximate response time for a pre-screen form response?
Due to the heavy volume of people who have completed the form, the Health Department cannot give a specific timeframe, but you will be contacted as quickly as possible. It will take several weeks to get through the 1b phase but your registration is in the queue and you will be contacted to schedule an appointment as vaccine supply and appointments become available. 

When can I expect to sign up for my appointment online?
The online pre-screening form will be updated very soon with the ability to for eligible residents to schedule appointments online themselves. 

Information Update From Inova
Inova Health System is proud to partner with the Fairfax County Health Department to begin vaccinations for Frontline Essential Workers as Virginia expands into Phase 1b of its COVID-19 Vaccination Plan. During the past few weeks, Inova has been offering the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to any healthcare worker covered in Phase 1a of the Commonwealth’s Vaccination Plan. Inova has administered more than 30,000 doses of vaccine so far and is moving quickly to expand our operations so we can begin safely welcoming new populations to our vaccination clinics.
According to the VDH COVID-19 Vaccine Plan, frontline essential workers in phase 1b must be prioritized by Order of Vaccination Planning to manage supply and volume. Based on this guidance, Inova is working in partnership with local health districts to coordinate scheduling and vaccination sites for specific groups they have requested our assistance with.
Local health districts will reach out to engage the frontline essential worker groups as they become eligible. The following Fairfax County groups are eligible to receive a vaccine through Inova.
  • Law enforcement / Corrections, and Fire / Hazmat (effective Jan 11, 2021) –
  • Public and private schools within Fairfax County (effective Jan 16, 2021) – Scheduling instructions are available through your employer and/or county.
What you need to know right now:
  • Inova’s central vaccination clinic is not able to vaccinate individuals age 75+ who are not employed in a priority group at this time. More information on vaccination options for individuals in the general public age 75+ will be available on Inova.org/covid19 and here.
  • People should not schedule an appointment for a COVID-19 vaccine with Inova unless they have been instructed to do so by their local health district, public safety jurisdiction, or school district. Appointments are required.
  • If someone schedules an appointment for a vaccine, but does not meet specific eligibility requirements, they may be turned away based on the Commonwealth’s guidance and not receive a COVID-19 vaccine at that time.
  • Proof of identity and eligibility is required upon arrival to our vaccination clinic for someone to receive a vaccination. The list of acceptable proof is provided upon registration so individuals can prepare for their appointment.
  • Inova has administered more than 30,000 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine since mid-December and our team members are eager to welcome new populations to our clinics.
At this time we are not yet vaccinating the following 1b groups. Check our website (link below) frequently for more updates as we expand operations to accommodate additional groups.
  • Homeless shelter workers
  • Childcare workers
  • Food and Agriculture (including Veterinarians)
  • Manufacturing
  • Grocery store workers
  • Public transit workers
  • Mail carriers (USPS and private)
  • Officials needed to maintain continuity of government (includes judges and public facing judicial workers)
For the latest information related to Inova Health System’s vaccine efforts, please visit: https://www.inova.org/patient-and-visitor-information/covid-19-advisory#vaccine

Stay Informed

Hunter Mill District of Fairfax County | 1801 Cameron Glen DriveReston, VA 20190