January 9, 2021

Hunter Mill District News, January 9, 2021


Vaccinations Begin Week of Jan. 11
for Eligible 1b Populations
The Virginia Department of Health has announced that select health districts in Virginia, including Fairfax County, will begin vaccinating priority group 1b the week of Jan. 11. This includes adults age 75 and older; people living in correctional facilities, homeless shelters and migrant labor camps; and frontline essential workers.

Frontline essential workers are in sectors essential to the functioning of society and are at substantially higher risk of exposure to COVID-19 because they cannot work remotely. Frontline essential workers include police, fire, hazmat corrections and homeless shelter workers; childcare/k-12 teachers/staff; food and agriculture; manufacturing; grocery store workers; public transit workers; mail carriers; and officials needed to maintain continuity of government.

In accordance with the Virginia Department of Health, the Fairfax County Health Department will begin scheduling appointments for eligible persons in the Phase 1b group, beginning Monday, Jan. 11. Vaccinations for the 1a group, which have been ongoing for weeks, will continue as well.

Older Adults, Age 75 and Older
For adults age 75 and older, beginning Monday, Jan. 11, call the Health Department’s vaccine hotline at 703-324-7404 (Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.) to register for an appointment. More details will be available on the Health Department webpage next week, including the option of using an online form to schedule appointments. The ability to schedule appointments will depend on the supply of vaccine available.

Frontline Essential Workers
Vaccine supply in the United States is still very limited and is expected to increase gradually over the next months. Because there is not sufficient supply to vaccinate everyone in Phase 1b at the same time, frontline essential workers will be vaccinated in the following order:
  1. Police, fire, and hazmat
  2. Corrections and homeless shelter workers
  3. Childcare/K-12 teachers/staff
  4. Food and agriculture
  5. Manufacturing
  6. Grocery store workers
  7. Public transit workers
  8. Mail carriers (USPS and private)
  9. Officials needed to maintain continuity of government.

Beginning Monday, Jan. 11, closed vaccination clinics for police, fire and hazmat, corrections and homeless shelter workers will be conducted by the Health Department. There will be no need for individuals working in these sectors to contact the Health Department to schedule appointments.

Dates for the other Phase 1b frontline essential worker categories will be announced in the future. More details will be available on the county's Health Department webpage.

People Living in Correctional Facilities and Homeless Shelters
Beginning Monday, Jan. 11, closed vaccination clinics for residents of correctional facilities and homeless shelters will be conducted by the Health Department. There will be no need for individuals working or living in these facilities to contact the Health Department to schedule appointments.

More information and the latest details can be found on the county's COVID-19 Vaccine Webpage.

Updates and additional information will be included in Supervisor Alcorn's Jan. 13 newsletter.

Stay Informed
Hunter Mill District of Fairfax County | 1801 Cameron Glen DriveReston, VA 20190