January 20, 2021

Hunter Mill District News - January 19, 2021


Jan. 19, 2021

Dear Neighbors,

First, some much needed good news for Reston residents of Hunter Mill District. Money magazine has named Reston #1 in the 10 Best Places to Live if You Work From Home. Reston's many amenities, including green space, connectivity and retail were some of the reasons that were cited. Way to go Reston!
It continues to be a busy week for the vaccine rollout. Among the many questions my office has received is how will people know if their request for a vaccine appointment has been received by the Health Department. After you fill out the pre-screening questionnaire and submit, you will receive a confirmation reply three times; as an email, as a text (if you have text capability) and as a recorded phone message if you answer the phone, or as a voicemail if the phone is not answered.
Your e-mail will look like this:
Subject: COVID-19 Vaccine Appointment Questionnaire Submitted
**This is a message from the Fairfax County Health Department**
Please click here to acknowledge receipt of this message
Thank you for your submission.
The Health Department will call or email you to schedule an appointment. Please continue to monitor your email. Based on high demand and limited vaccine availability, the appointment times scheduled for first dose will be offered on a first come first serve basis over the coming weeks.
This is an automated message, please do not reply.
If you have questions, please call 703-324-7404.
You are receiving this communication because you registered for a COVID-19 vaccination with the Fairfax County Health Department. Your registration remains active and you do not need to re-apply for an appointment. For local COVID-19 vaccination updates, please see our website.
As I have noted in the vaccine rollout updates, the demand for the vaccine is much higher than our supply. The county is working hard to get more vaccine supply but we will all need continued patience as it will take months to get through the Phase 1a and 1b groups. As our Health Department and the Virginia Health Department receive more doses, distribution will expand to pharmacies and health care providers similar to the seasonal flu vaccine.
Our county and state webpages are being continuously updated and I encourage you to reference them for the latest available information. 
Tomorrow, an historic Presidential Inauguration is being held at the U.S. Capitol, not too far from our community. I am looking forward to a peaceful transition of administrations and hopeful for unity among Americans as we move forward. More details on the inauguration can be found below. 

Today's COVID-19 Updates (Jan. 19)
If you have questions about COVID-19, you can contact the Fairfax County Health Department:
  • Call 703-267-3511 (9 a.m. to 7 p.m. weekdays and 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekends)
  • Email ffxcovid@fairfaxcounty.gov (monitored 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays)

Vaccine Updates


Data Dashboards and Charts

Current Number of Cases in the Fairfax Health District
  • Daily reported case information for the Fairfax Health District: here and scroll down to get to ZIP Code data.
  • Daily reported case information throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia: here and ZIP Code data look for Data Download bar.

COVID-19 Case Information Chart (as of publication on Jan. 19)
2021 Inauguration
The Presidential Inauguration is tomorrow, Wednesday, Jan. 20 and will be very different from past inaugurations. Here are a few things you should know:

In light of the pandemic and concerns stemming from the recent violence at the U.S. Capitol, the county is joining state officials and regional leaders in urging the public to observe safely at home and not visit D.C. until Thursday or Friday.

There are also multiple transportation impacts. Metro announced service adjustments for Metrorail and Metrobus to accommodate the expanded security perimeter that will be in effect through Thursday, Jan. 21. Read the full details. The Fairfax Connector also announced service changes.

The Virginia Department of Transportation and Virginia State Police will support the United States Secret Service Joint Transportation Plan, which calls for several bridge and road closures from Virginia into D.C. beginning today, Tuesday, Jan. 19. Local law enforcement will be assisting with the closures as part of the multi-agency, inaugural security efforts. View details of road and bridge closure plans in Virginia

Finally, numerous county staff will be on duty in Fairfax County’s Emergency Operations Center, including public safety personnel, to monitor and respond to regional and county issues that may arise. 

Transportation and Land Use
Reston Comprehensive Plan Study Task Force Meeting on Jan. 25, 7 to 9 p.m.
To learn more about the Reston Comprehensive Plan Study and the task force, visit the Reston Comprehensive Plan Study webpage. The next scheduled meeting is Monday, Jan. 25, 7 to 9 p.m. Details and the agenda will be found here. The meeting will be hosted on the Webex platform. Use this link to attend and participate in the meeting. You will be prompted to register with your email address and ZIP code before logging into meeting. If you prefer to listen to the meeting on your phone, you may call 1-844-621-3956 and use access code: 179 456 6385. This is also the number to use if accessing TTY 711. (Please note each meeting has a unique link and call-in information.) You will also be able to watch a live stream of the meeting on YouTube Live, which is also where you can watch the Jan. 11 meeting.

Hunter Mill District Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) Meeting, Jan. 27
The next TAC meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 27, 2021, 8 to 10 a.m. The meeting will be hosted on the Webex platform. Use this link to attend and participate in the meeting. You will be prompted to register with your email address and ZIP code before logging into meeting. If you prefer to listen to the meeting on your phone, you may call 1-844-621-3956 and use access code:179 390 8392. This is also the number to use if accessing TTY 711. Learn more about the Fairfax County TAC

Help Shape the Future of Bus Service in Fairfax County; Survey and Meetings
The Fairfax County Department of Transportation (FCDOT) continually evaluates bus service on Fairfax Connector to ensure that it is meeting the needs of our residents. Outreach on a ten-year Transit Strategic Plan is beginning and you are encouraged to provide input through a survey and three virtual meetings held Jan. 12-14. Learn more.

Fairfax County Park Authority Pickleball Study Open through Jan. 24.
The Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA) seeks the public's input on how to provide for the emerging sport of pickleball and invites participation in an online survey. The survey will be open through January 24, 2021. More information.
Public Safety Update
Conversate-With-A-Cop, Thursday, Jan. 21 at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.
Join in a virtual conversation with an officer from the Reston District Police Station on Thursday, Jan. 21 at 2 p.m. or 7 p.m. Ask a question, share a concern or just stop by to chat with officers. Everyone is invited to attend! Information may not be immediately accessible but officers can follow up with you. 
or call: 888-363-4735, conference code: 990007
or call: 888-363-4735, conference code: 990007

Community Advisory Committee (CAC) Meeting Jan. 26 at 7 p.m.
The Reston District Station Community Advisory Committee meeting will be virtual on Tuesday, Jan. 26 at 7 p.m. For a link to participate in the meeting, send an email to RestonCAC@gmail.com

Reston District Station Town Hall Feb. 4 to Introduce Data Dashboard
The Fairfax County Police Department (FCPD) is hosting a series of virtual town halls to present new interactive GIS-based data dashboard. It is a tool designed from community input and rooted in the principles of transparency and fair and impartial policing. Key data points include arrests, citations and warnings. FCPD training and policies related to the data sets will be discussed. The Reston District Station town hall is Thursday, Feb. 4. at 5 p.m. You can join the Zoom meeting here.
Stuff the Bus Jan. 30 and Feb. 6
Food insecurity continues to be a big concern in our community. To help our vulnerable families, Stuff the Bus will have many locations countywide on two Saturdays Jan. 30 and Saturday, Feb. 6, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Buses will be parked at two locations in the Hunter Mill District. You can bring your nonperishable food donations to:
North County Governmental Center, 1801 Cameron Glen Drive, Reston
Patrick Henry Library, 101 Maple Ave. East, Vienna

3 Things to Know Today
County Government Closed on Wednesday, Jan. 20
Fairfax County Government is closed on Wednesday, Jan. 20 for the Inauguration. Learn more.

"Top 5 Scams to be Aware of" Presentation, Jan. 21
Protect yourself from scams. On Thursday, Jan. 21 at 10:30 a.m., the Fairfax County Department of Neighborhood and Community Services is hosting a special presentation by the Office of the Attorney General, "Top 5 Scams to Be Aware of." Learn about scams and discover resources for victims of scams. Learn more.

2021 Housing Symposium, March 10
The Fairfax County Redevelopment and Housing Authority and The George Mason University School of Business are hosting the 2021 Fairfax County Housing Symposium. The symposium will bring together local leaders, members of the business community, educators, healthcare professionals, housing industry and policy experts, advocates and neighbors to elevate the conversation on affordable housing in Fairfax County. The theme for this year’s event is “Affordable Housing: A Foundation for Strong Economies, Healthy Communities and Thriving Schools.” Learn more.
Stay Informed and In Touch
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Hunter Mill District Supervisor Walter Alcorn
703-478-0283, TTY 711
Hunter Mill District of Fairfax County | 1801 Cameron Glen DriveReston, VA 20190