November 24, 2020

Republic Services trash pick up this week will be on Friday 11/27 (one day delay for holiday).

Republic Services trash pick up this week will be on Friday 11/27 (one day delay for holiday).  Monday 11/30 will still be the regular pick up for trash and recycling.

Happy Thanksgiving to all🦃

John Melnick

November 23, 2020

The WCA BoD will hold a regular meeting on Monday December 7 at 7pm via Zoom

 The Waterview Cluster Board of Directors will hold a regular meeting on Monday December 7th at 7pm via a Zoom call.  The meeting location is online:

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 848 076 7106
Passcode: B47zbY 

November 15, 2020

Cardinal has scheduled leaf pickup for Monday November, 23rd.

Cardinal Landscaping has scheduled its next clusterwide leaf pickup for Monday November, 23rd. That gives everyone next weekend to get ready.

November 4, 2020

Hunter Mill District News, November 4, 2020

Nov. 4, 2020

Dear Neighbors,

The long 2020 election season is over, but as of today, we still don't know results of yesterday's national election. Like you, I was hoping for some certainty during a very uncertain year. That said, I am proud to live in an active, inclusive and vibrant community that takes civic engagement seriously. It was pretty amazing to see the early voting turnout at the North County Governmental Center and the commitment of so many to have their voices heard. There were older voters in wheelchairs and