October 28, 2020

Hunter Mill District News, October 28, 2020


Oct. 28, 2020

Dear Neighbors,

Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 3 is just days away and the last day to vote early is this Saturday, Oct. 31. Here are some important reminders:

My office is providing real time updates on the wait times for early voting at North County Governmental Center in Reston on Twitter. Wait times will also be posted on the Hunter Mill District web page.

The last day of in-person early voting is this Saturday, Oct. 31, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at all 15 early voting locations, including the North County Governmental Center in Reston. There is no early voting on Sunday, Nov. 1 or Monday, Nov. 2.

On Thursday, Oct. 29 and Friday, Oct. 30voting hours at the satellite voting locations (including Reston) have been extended and will begin at 11 a.m. (instead of 1 p.m.) until 7 p.m. These extended hours are ONLY for Thursday and Friday. Hours at the main Government Center in Fairfax remain the same.

Whether you are voting early or voting on Election Day, make sure you are dressed for the weather (and if needed, bring an umbrella.) Rain is in the forecast for Thursday and Friday. Due to COVID-19 precautions, you can expect to spend some time outside.

If you are voting on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 3, the polls are open 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. There will be mail-in ballot boxes available at all poll locations. On Nov. 3 all voting will be at your regular assigned poll location and please wear a mask.

Additional important information on voting in Fairfax County can be found here.

Thank you for voting and making your voice heard!

Today's COVID-19 Updates (Oct. 28)

COVID-19 Vaccine Planning Underway
Planning is underway at the federal, state and local levels to order, distribute and administer a safe and effective vaccine as soon as it becomes available. The Fairfax County Health Department is working with the Virginia Department of Health to develop these plans for our health district. Learn more.

Current Number of Cases in the Fairfax Health District
  • Daily reported case information for the Fairfax Health District: here and scroll down to get to ZIP Code data.
  • Daily reported case information throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia: here and ZIP Code data look for Data Download bar.

COVID-19 Case Information Chart (as of publication on Oct. 28)
Oct. 23 Statement on Hidden Creek
Country Club Property in Reston
Since assuming office this year, one of the more contentious land use questions in Reston is whether the designation of the Hidden Creek Country Club property as a golf course in the adopted Fairfax County Comprehensive Plan should be changed. On this question I have long stated that any proposal to change the comprehensive plan for this property to allow additional development would need support from the surrounding communities.

The current owners of Hidden Creek have spent much of 2020, and for some time prior to my assuming office, exploring community interest in other uses for their property. While this outreach effort has given them the time and opportunity to make their pitch, it has also generated a good deal of uncertainty and even anxiety among neighbors. Earlier this fall I let the Hidden Creek owners know that I did not want the community to bear this uncertainty indefinitely. 

Based on a review this week of all direct communications with my office via emails, phone calls and letters, there is not support from surrounding communities for changing the comprehensive plan. In fact it is not even close – there are more than five residents against for every supporter of possibly changing the plan. Therefore, I do not support changing the Fairfax County Comprehensive Plan’s current designation of this property as a golf course and consider the matter closed.

Although I do not play golf (just once in the past 33 years) I do recognize that the long-term use of this property as a golf course depends on people willing to pay to play golf. I encourage members of the community who wish to see this property remain a golf course to pick up the game and go play!
Groundbreaking for Lake Anne House
On Oct. 22, Board of Supervisors Chairman Jeff McKay and I were among the officials who joined Enterprise Community Development, Fellowship Square Foundation and the Fairfax County Department of Housing and Development to celebrate the construction underway to replace the current Lake Anne Fellowship House.

When completed in the summer of 2022, the new Lake Anne House will offer 240 apartment homes including 56 studio apartments, 178 one-bedroom apartments and six two-bedroom apartments that will serve senior residents with incomes at or below 60 percent of AMI (Area Median Income) for at least 30 years. Each resident will pay no more than 30 percent of their income toward their housing costs, including rent and a utility allowance. The existing buildings, constructed in the 1970s, pre-date the American Disability Act and accessibility is a big challenge for its elderly residents. Lake Anne was designed to directly remedy that, facilitating long-term aging in place.

The community will include supportive features such as on-site management and resident services offices and wellness clinic for visiting medical professionals, as well as a fitness center, arts and crafts room, large social hall, sunroom, game room and outdoor terrace.

Watch the video above for my remarks at the groundbreaking and learn more.
Lake Anne House Groundbreaking Remarks Oct. 22, 2020
Vienna's Shop and Stroll Saturdays
The Town of Vienna has launched a new campaign to encourage locals and visitors to explore the Town's diverse shopping centers. The Vienna Shop & Stroll will take place noon to 4 p.m. on several Saturdays through Dec.12. Designated shopping centers will host safe and socially distant seasonal activities, in-store promotions, and activities for all to enjoy. Visitors to the participating shopping centers must wear a mask and maintain social distance.
A Successful Drug Take Back Day on Oct. 24
The Fairfax County Police Department in partnership with Reston Hospital participated in the 19th Annual National Drug Take Back Initiative this past Saturday, Oct. 24. Officers from each of our eight districts staffed collection sites where community members safely disposed of 1,696 pounds of unused and expired over-the-counter and prescription medications. More than 300 pounds were collected in Reston.

Drug take back boxes are available year-round at each of our eight police stations. Accepted items include prescription medication (schedule II-V controlled and non-controlled), prescription ointments, over-the-counter medications, and medications for pets. Prohibited items include needles (sharps), liquids of any kind, illegal drugs, non-prescription ointments and lotions, aerosol cans, and inhalers. 

4 Things to Know Today
Traditional Trick-or-Treating Not Recommended for Halloween; Safe Alternatives Available
Halloween is going to look different this year and we all need to continue to protect ourselves and our loved ones against COVID-19. According to the county's Health Department, traditional door-to-door trick-or-treating and events that involve large gatherings of individuals is not recommended this year. Learn more about alternative ways to celebrate that you and your family should consider.

Volkswagen Group of America Chooses Reston Town Center for Headquarters
The company signed a new, 20-year lease agreement for a 196,000 square-foot headquarters as an anchor tenant in the Boston Properties' new 1.1 million square foot development in the next phase of Reston Town Center. Learn more.

Change Your Clock and Check Your Smoke Alarm
In addition to moving your clock back one hour early Sunday (Nov. 1) morning, you should also check your smoke alarms. Learn more.

Understanding Dementia and What You Can do to Make a Difference, Tomorrow, Oct. 29
The Millennial 50+ Ambassadors of Northern Virginia are hosting a a training on understanding dementia and what you can do to make a difference on Thursday, Oct. 29, 6 p.m.to 7:15 p.m. Everyone is invited! Learn more.
Stay Informed and In Touch
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Hunter Mill District Supervisor Walter Alcorn
703-478-0283, TTY 711
Hunter Mill District of Fairfax County | 1801 Cameron Glen DriveReston, VA 20190