October 22, 2020

Hunter Mill District News, October 21, 2020


Oct. 21, 2020

Dear Neighbors,

There are so many of our residents in Hunter Mill District that I consider to be everyday heroes. They are not loud and don't seek the spotlight but they are quietly doing small and big actions that benefit all of us in the community. During the pandemic and this election you can find these heroes everywhere, some examples:

A countless number of volunteers have come forward to prepare and distribute food for our families in need, including the volunteers (top photo) with the YMCA in Reston. Learn more.

Election officers working long hours and families such as Thomas Harris and his parents (middle photo) who voted early to make sure their voices are heard.

I am indebted to our Reston Comprehensive Plan Study Task Force, who (despite the challenges of meeting virtually) are spending countless hours toward making Reston a great place to live for generations. Learn more about them here. Please say thank you if you see them out in our neighborhoods.

Our children are also engaged! A couple of weeks ago I mentioned an Eagle Scout who made masks for our police. Zoe Bresden (bottom photo) is working on her Girl Scout Gold Award by planting 100 trees in our area through Fairfax ReLeaf and raise awareness around climate change and how reforestation can combat carbon dioxide emissions.
These are just a few examples of the everyday heroes we have in Hunter Mill District. If you know one, please send me an email with a photo and a short description.

Today's COVID-19 Updates (Oct. 21)

COVID-19 Vaccine Planning Underway
Planning is underway at the federal, state and local levels to order, distribute and administer a safe and effective vaccine as soon as it becomes available. The Fairfax County Health Department is working with the Virginia Department of Health to develop these plans for our health district. Learn more.

Current Number of Cases in the Fairfax Health District
  • Daily reported case information for the Fairfax Health District: here and scroll down to get to ZIP Code data.
  • Daily reported case information throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia: here and ZIP Code data look for Data Download bar.

COVID-19 Case Information Chart (as of publication on Oct. 21)
It's Getting Closer to Election Day!
Thank you to everyone who has voted early! On Saturday, Oct. 17, almost 11,000 early votes were cast countywide, which is more than the single largest day of early voting in 2016. There are several deadlines coming up and other information you should know:

  • The deadline to apply for an absentee mail-in ballot is this Friday, Oct. 23. Learn more.
  • The last day to vote early in person is Saturday, Oct. 31. On that last day, 15 locations will be open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., including the North County Governmental Center in Reston. Learn more.
  • My parking spot at the North County Governmental Center in Reston is now a convenient drop off spot for your completed mail-in ballot, as pictured. You can drive up and either place your ballot right in the box or hand it to the election officer and watch it go into the box. During inclement weather, the box will be found under the overhang. Please note that the box is only available during voting hours, but you don't need to stand in line.
  • Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 3 and the polls are open 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. There will be mail-in ballot boxes available at all poll locations. On Nov. 3 all voting will be at your regular assigned precinct and please wear a mask.
  • The most reliable way to track when your mail-in ballot has been received is on the state’s portalAfter you log in, check the “Vote Absentee by Mail” section. Watch this instructional video for more informationIt can take a few days for your ballot to be processed after we’ve gotten it, so the state portal may not immediately show that your ballot has been received.
  • Five tips for voting safety during the pandemic.
Affordable Housing Update
With so many essential workers struggling to make ends meet due to COVID-19, the work of enhancing the stock of affordable housing is more important than ever.

Take a few minutes to watch this county video that provides an update of the ongoing work to ensure that we have a sufficient supply of affordable housing for our residents.
Keeping Our Promise: Continuing the Work of Affordable Housing in Fairfax County
Board of Supervisors Oct. 20 Meeting
The Board of Supervisors met yesterday, Oct. 20; you can watch the meeting (with links to full agenda) here. Highlights of actions taken by the Board:
  • As requested in my Board Matter from June, we recognized former Mayor of Vienna, Laurie DiRocco (pictured), for her 17 years of service to Vienna as Mayor, member of the Town Council, and as a member of the Planning Commission. Herndon Mayor Lisa Merkel was also recognized for her 10 years of service.
  • The Board requested that the Government Relations Office draft a letter to our Congressional delegation reiterating Fairfax County’s support for a second federally funded stimulus package. The $200.2 million in funding from the CARES Act has been crucial to standing up programs that have helped our community navigate the economic damage caused by the pandemic. 
  • The Board approved the removal of four Confederate monuments, markers, and howitzers from Fairfax County's Judicial Complex. This follows the public hearing in September and the county was required to offer the monuments for a period of 30 days to appropriate museums, historical societies, governments, or military battlefields for relocation and placement. The Virginia Department of Historic Resources historical marker #262 will be returned to the commonwealth; the ownership of the John Quincy Marr monument will be transferred to the Stuart Mosby Historical Society; and the ownership of the two Dahlgren howitzers will be transferred to the Manassas National Battlefield Park. More details on the process can be found on page 24 of the Board Package.
  • The Board of Supervisors voted to allow businesses to continue outdoor dining, fitness and exercise activities with enclosed, heated tents. Businesses have been able to install open-sided tents outside their storefronts since May and now the additional space will allow these businesses (mainly restaurants) to operate while maintaining proper social distancing and thus reducing the spread of COVID-19. Learn more.
  • The Board approved the leasing of county-owned property to Sigora Solar for the installation, operation, and maintenance of solar panels on eight county properties, including the Reston Community Center and North County Governmental Center. Thank you RCC for helping drive this countywide effort! This action is only the first eight of 113 county government-owned buildings that are set to have solar panels. Through this public-private partnership, there is no up front cost to the county and electricity costs will be lower.
  • You can review the final agenda and Board package here.

Next Tuesday, Oct. 27, the Board will hold these committee meetings; links include agendas and how to watch:
Land Use and Transportation
Hunter Mill District Transportation Advisory Council (TAC) Virtual Meeting, Oct. 28
The TAC meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 28, 8 to 10 a.m. The meeting is hosted on the Webex platform - use this link to attend and participate in the meeting. You will be prompted to register with your email address and ZIP code before logging into meeting. If you prefer to only listen to the meeting, you may call 1-408-418-9388 and use Access Code: 173 624 4923. This is also the number to use if accessing TTY 711. Agenda

Next Reston Comprehensive Plan Study Task Force Meeting Scheduled for Nov. 9
To learn more about the Reston Comprehensive Plan Study and the task force, visit the Reston Comprehensive Plan Study web pageDetails for Nov. 9 meeting are forthcoming and will be found here. You can watch the seven meetings held to date on my YouTube channel.
Oct. 27 Virtual Presentation on
Internet Safety for Kids
On Oct. 27 at 7 p.m., the Reston Community Advisory Committee and the Reston District Police Station will be hosting a virtual presentation for parents to learn more about how their children are using the internet. Things have changed, school is online, work is online, life is online. But do you know what your children are doing and seeing on the Internet? This virtual presentation will discuss how some of the more popular apps work and how to start the conversation about online safety with your child. This presentation is geared toward parents and family members. Learn more.
3 Things to Know Today
Drug Take Back Day at Reston Hospital on Saturday, Oct. 24
Reston Hospital in partnership with the Fairfax County Police Department will be taking part in “Crush the Crisis,” an opioid drug take-back day, which will allow the community to safely dispose of unused or expired opioid medications. The drug take-back collection site will be available on Saturday, Oct. 24 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the hospital, 1850 Town Center Parkway in Reston. Drive-thru availability will be at the drop-off loop at the rear entrance of Pavilion I. Learn more.

VolunteerFest is This Weekend!
The annual VolunteerFest is Saturday, Oct. 24 and Sunday, Oct. 25. VolunteerFest is a region-wide weekend of service that mobilizes hundreds of volunteers in a variety of volunteer events across Fairfax County. Residents of all ages are encouraged to participate. Due to the pandemic, Volunteer Fairfax has incorporated at-home (virtual) projects from which you can select. Opportunities include making holiday cards, cleaning up yards and assisting with food drives. Learn more.

Coat Closet with Cornerstones is Underway
This year there is expected to be a greater need for coat donations for residents in our vulnerable communities. New or gently used, clean coats, as well as new hats, gloves, mittens and scarves may be donated through Nov. 6 at several Hunter Mill District locations. Learn more. Volunteers are needed for the coat distribution; contact Susan Alger at susan.alger@cornerstonesva.org or call 571-323-1383 to volunteer.
A Busy Saturday 10/17 in Hunter Mill District!
Hunter Mill District School Board Member Melanie Meren stopped by early voting in Reston to talk to constituents. Saturday early voting hours at the North County Government Center are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Thank you to the Reston District Police Station bike unit for the opportunity to tour Hunter Mill District and learn more about your work.
The Hunters Woods Neighborhood Coalition hosted a community cleanup that began at Reston Community Center. There was a great turnout by volunteers who to joined the Fairfax County Police Department to cleanup the area around the Hunters Woods Plaza and Reston Association trails.
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Hunter Mill District Supervisor Walter Alcorn
703-478-0283, TTY 711
Hunter Mill District of Fairfax County | 1801 Cameron Glen DriveReston, VA 20190