The Reston Association Elections Committee is conducting an informal online survey to determine members’ preferences for receiving voting ballots and related information. Receiving electronic ballots would require members to provide their email addresses to the association and/or potentially to candidates running for the Board of Directors who might wish to send campaign information to residents.
Click hereto take the two-question confidential survey.
In recent years, the association has been offering electronic ballots only to members who opt-in. Paper ballots are mailed to the remaining members. Mailing paper ballots is a significant cost to the association. Also, an increasing number of members have found online voting to be more convenient than mailing their ballots. Voting electronically helps increase participation in the annual board election, which is held throughout the month of March.
The Friends of Southgate Community Center, a local 501c3 nonprofit organization, is seeking sponsors to help Reston families. Southgate is operated by Fairfax County on leased Reston Association land and serves the needs of many area households in need. The center hosts patrons from a variety of backgrounds, including many new immigrants to our country with children in school who benefit from federal assistance of free or reduced-price school meals.
For sponsorship information please contact Gerald Padmore at or 571-233-6112.
Lake Anne and Lake Thoreau will be monitored for algae by Aquatic Environment Consultants on Sept. 15. Depending on the results of the monitoring, treatment may take place Sept. 17 on either or both lakes.