September 21, 2020

Reston Association News, September 18, 2020


Sept. 18, 2020
Topic: Reston Site for Search and Recovery Drills

Reston Association videos, including Reston Today, are produced by the association and can be accessed weekly from RA News.

Learn About the Making of "Emerge"

This week marks the 10th anniversary of the unveiling of Emerge, the first permanent public artwork realized by Public Art Reston in partnership with Reston Association and Reston Community Center. Valerie Theberge created a site-specific artwork that incorporates mosaic stars made by students at Hunters Woods Elementary School. Discover more about the making of Emerge by watching this video, doing the family activities in the Public Art Explorer packet and visiting the underpass safely outdoors.
Lake Update
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and providing feedback over the last number of weeks, and especially so during the recent Aug. 31 Lake Thoreau community engagement meeting. Reston Association values your input and observations concerning the environmental health and management of not only Lake Thoreau but also all our lakes.

Virtual Nature Center Walk-or-Run Event

Support the Walker Nature Center while staying fit. Choose your distance (1 mile, 5K or 10K). Advance registration required. Hosted by Friends of Reston.

NOTICE: Reston Parkway Trail Closing

The Reston Parkway trail north of Sunrise Valley and south of the Dulles Toll Road will be temporarily re-routed for construction activities on or about Sept. 28. Reston Association was notified about the trail having to be closed by Brookfield Properties this week. Details about the re-routing will be provided in the coming days.
Share Your Positive Experience
Members are invited to share positive experiences they had interacting with RA employees. Simply click the link below to submit your comments.

Events, Activities & Meetings

Sept. 21: Listening Session - Hunters Woods/Dogwood District. INFORMATION

Sept. 21: Activities in a Box – 55+ Edition. INFORMATION

Sept. 22: PreK Nature - Fascinating Foxes. REGISTER

Sept. 24: Board of Directors Meeting. INFORMATION

Sept. 25: Shrub Sale Orders Due. ORDER

Sept. 29: Listening Session - Lake Anne/Tall Oaks INFORMATION

Oct. 2: Environmental Film - Science FairREGISTER

Oct. 4: Bird Walk. REGISTER

Oct. 6: Virtual Appraisal Roadshow. REGISTER

Oct. 15: Listening Session - At-Large Meeting INFORMATION
Contact Mike Leone to place your advertisement in RA News.
For general inquiries about Reston Asscociation services and amenities, please email the Member Services team or call 703-435-6530.

Reston Association | 12001 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA 20191-3404