September 29, 2020

WCA Marina Dock Restoration Project September 28 - October 16

Waterview Cluster Marina Dock Restoration Project

  • September 28 - October 16 (if the weather cooperates)
  • Work schedule: Monday - Friday, 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM
  • Container at lower end of parking, near marina, will be used to secure lumber (worth its weight in gold these days) and will be removed at project completion
  • Dock areas under construction will be cordoned off, hazards clearly demarcated; areas under construction will be re-secured at day's end to minimize after-hours hazards

September 21, 2020

Reston Association News, September 18, 2020


Sept. 18, 2020
Topic: Reston Site for Search and Recovery Drills

Reston Association videos, including Reston Today, are produced by the association and can be accessed weekly from RA News.

Learn About the Making of "Emerge"

This week marks the 10th anniversary of the unveiling of Emerge, the first permanent public artwork realized by Public Art Reston in partnership with Reston Association and Reston Community Center. Valerie Theberge created a site-specific artwork that incorporates mosaic stars made by students at

September 20, 2020

The next meeting of the WCA BoD will be on Monday October 5 at 7pm via Zoom

The next meeting of the Waterview Cluster Board of Directors will be on Monday October 5th at 7pm via a Zoom call.  The meeting location is online:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 848 076 7106
Passcode: B47zbY

Hunter Mill District News, September 16, 2020


Sept. 16, 2020

Dear Neighbors,

Yesterday, Sept. 15, the Board of Supervisors returned to the Government Center's Board Auditorium with COVID-19 safety measures in place. I was very happy to be back with my Board colleagues conducting the business of our local government. We had a very full agenda here are summaries of some of the key actions taken at the meeting. You can watch the meeting here.

Prohibition of Weapons in County Buildings, Parks and at Special Events
There were more than 80 speakers and many hours of discussion before the Board voted to prohibit weapons in county buildings, parks and special events at our meeting last night. This has been on our legislative agenda for 20+ years and this year the General Assembly enabled us to move forward. It truly was an historic action by the Board and the right thing to do for our residents and county employeesLearn more.

Civil War Monuments/Memorials
Following a June 23 Joint Board Matter by myself and Providence District Supervisor Dalia Palchik, an engaged conversation and more than 20 speakers, the Board of Supervisors voted to remove three publicly owned Civil War memorials located at the Fairfax County Judicial Complex. I was proud to be a part of this action, which essentially reversed actions by the Board of Supervisors in 1900

September 13, 2020

Reston Association Newsletter, September 11, 2020

Sept. 11, 2020
Topic: You're Invited to Community Listening Sessions

Reston Association videos, including Reston Today, are produced by the association and can be accessed weekly from RA News.

Elections Committee Surveying RA Members

The Reston Association Elections Committee is conducting an informal online survey to determine members’ preferences for receiving voting ballots and related information. Receiving electronic ballots would require members to provide their email addresses to the association and/or potentially to candidates running for the Board of Directors who might wish to send campaign information to residents.
Click here to take the two-question confidential survey.
In recent years, the association has been offering

September 10, 2020

Hunter Mill District News, September 9, 2020

Sept. 9, 2020

Dear Neighbors,

The Board of Supervisors kicks off a busy fall schedule of meetings with a full Board meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 15 beginning at noon. We'll finally be back in the Board Auditorium, which has been retrofitted with plexiglass panels (as shown in this photo) between board members' seats.
I am excited to get back to the business of our local government! And we are carrying forward some of the electronic means for public participation established earlier this year when our meetings were wholly virtual. 
Our meeting on Sept. 15 has several public hearings and I've noted a few below. All meetings are televised on Channel 16streamed live online and available to view on demand following the meeting. Live audio of the meeting may also be accessed by dialing 703-324-7700.

While in-person testimony will be all

September 9, 2020

The next meeting of the WCA BoD will be on Monday September 14 at 7pm via Zoom

The next meeting of the Waterview Cluster Board of Directors will be on Monday September 14 at 7pm via a Zoom call.  The meeting information is:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 848 076 7106

Passcode: B47zbY 

September 3, 2020

Hunter Mill District News, September 2, 2020

Sept. 2, 2020

Dear Neighbors,

It's hard to believe it's the end of summer! It has certainly not been the summer any of us envisioned at the beginning of the year. However, I do hope you and your families were able to find some time to relax and enjoy the many amenities we have in Hunter Mill District, including our beautiful trails and lakes.
On a personal note, much of my summer was spent recovering from triple bypass heart surgery, which was an unexpected turn of events for me and my family. The overwhelming number of good wishes was very much