August 28, 2020

Reston Association News, August 28, 2020


Aug. 28, 2020
Topic: See What's Been Going on at the Nature Center

Reston Association videos, including Reston Today, are produced by the association and can be accessed weekly from RA News.

RA Staff and Board Members to Hold Virtual Meetings

Restonians will have five opportunities between Sept. 9 and Oct. 15 to express their various concerns and questions to representatives of Reston Association and its Board of Directors. The 2020 District Listening Sessions will be held virtually on Zoom. The first four sessions will be targeted to subjects related to each of Reston’s districts while the last session on Oct. 15 will be open to general topics. All meetings begin at 7 p.m.
Fall Issue of Nature Publication Now Available Online

In the latest issue of Branching Out, read about how our "ancient brains" respond positively to nature and why that's a good thing for preserving healthy ecosystems for other species. Branching Out is a quarterly publication produced by Reston Association's Walker Nature Center.

Order Your Unique Activities Box Today

Activities in a Box (55+ Edition) is now available. Each box is different and includes a nature activity, a craft, a science experiment, no-bake cooking, a rainy day project, a family adventure, fitness fun and a link to connect virtually for coffee or happy hour.

You may purchase multiple boxes at any time, however, distribution/availability dates are as follows:

Box 1 - Delivered on Sept 21
Box 2 - Delivered on Oct. 19
Box 3 - Delivered on Nov. 16
Box 4 - Delivered on Dec. 7

If you live in Reston, we will deliver your box directly to you home at no charge. Cost of shipping charged for deliveries outside of Reston. Register through your Webtrac account or contact or 703-435-6577.
Minimize Use of Pesticides and Fertilizers

Here are ways to reduce exposure to pesticides and fertilizers:

  • Wash all fruits and vegetables before eating.
  • Know which fruit and vegetables have higher levels of pesticide.
  • Grow your own produce.
  • Use landscape techniques that help increase native habitat to reduce the need for pesticide.
  • To reduce the impact of pesticides on wildlife use bait stations formulated with food rather than poison.
  • Use non-toxic methods to control insects.

Events, Activities & Meetings

Aug. 29-30: Dog-Paddle – Pool Swim for Dogs. REGISTER

Aug. 31: Lake Thoreau Community Meeting. INFORMATION

Sept. 9: Listening Session - North Point District. INFORMATION

Sept. 14-15: Toddler Nature - Scampering Squirrels. REGISTER

Sept. 15: Design Review Board Virtual Meeting. INFORMATION

Sept. 17: Listening Session - South Lakes District. INFORMATION

Sept. 21: Listening Session - Hunters Woods/Dogwood District. INFORMATION

Sept. 22: PreK Nature - Fascinating Foxes. REGISTER

Sept. 26: Kids’ Fishing Derby. REGISTER
Contact Mike Leone to place your advertisement in RA News.
For general inquiries about Reston Asscociation services and amenities, please email the Member Services team or call 703-435-6530.

Reston Association | 12001 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA 20191-3404