August 4, 2020

Reston Association Cluster Connect, Aug. 4, 2020

Covenants Portal Now Available to Members

Have your members ever requested copies of past property records or wished for more direct means of contact with their Covenants Advisor? Covenants Administration has recently launched the “Covenants Portal” system as a new tool to expand communication between member property owners, Cluster Associations and Covenants Advisors. This new feature is free of charge and available to all members. Users can access archived property records, submit Design Review Board applications, message directly with their Covenants Advisor, and access important documents and forms through the portal. To request an invitation to establish your Covenants Portal account, please contact your Covenants Advisor today.
Cluster Standards & Neighborhood Color Palettes

As Reston Association is more than 60 years old, many member property owners are looking for ways to improve or enhance the exterior aesthetic of their home. Covenants Administration has seen a significant increase in the number of Cluster Associations that have expressed interest in updating their cluster’s DRB-approved color palette. Covenants staff is extremely pleased to announce a new non-contract partnership with our local Sherwin Williams store. This relationship will provide direct access to color availability and palette planning tools, as well as exclusive discounts to cluster residents.

Please contact your cluster’s Covenants Advisor or the Community Outreach Manager today to learn more about updating your cluster’s color palette and/or working with Sherwin Williams.
Cluster Zoom Meeting

Covenants Administration is pleased to announce that staff will be hosting bi-monthly Cluster Association Board Member Zoom Meetings. These virtual meetings are free of charge, structured around a current topic of interest, and include networking time for participating Cluster Board members to connect with their peers. The first Cluster Association Board Member Zoom meeting will be held on Monday, Aug. 31 and will begin at 6:30 p.m. sharp. The theme of this inaugural call will be Meet, Greet and Listening Session with Covenants Administration’s new Director, Cameron Adams and Meagan Micozzi, Community Outreach Manager. If you are a current Cluster Association Board member and are interested in attending this or any of these new Zoom meetings, please complete the survey here.
To learn how Reston Association can support your cluster, please contact Meagan Micozzi, Community Outreach Manager, at 703-435-6575 or reply to this email.

Reston Association | 12001 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA 20191-3404