August 19, 2020

Hunter Mill District News, August 19, 2020


Aug. 19, 2020

Dear Neighbors,

Next week on Wednesday, Aug. 26, we will be celebrating Women’s Equality Day 2020, which marks the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. As noted by the county's Commission for Women, while certainly an historic win for women's rights, the 19th Amendment did not guarantee suffrage for all women. Native Americans did not gain the right to vote until 1924. For Asian Pacific Islander Americans, it was 1952. African Americans and Latin Americans suffered voter suppression in the southern states until passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and 1975.
Fast forward to 2020 and following in the footsteps of the resolute suffragists, women are now registering to vote and turning out to vote in greater percentages than men. Even better news is that women are running for office in unprecedented numbers and are active in all levels of our government. This is all cause for celebration and I encourage all of you to take some time to enjoy one of the exhibits or events in Fairfax County that celebrate women's right to vote, including the Lucy Burns Museum as shown in the photo above:
  • Lucy Burns Museum at the Workhouse Arts Center in Lorton.
  • Drive-In Thursdays: Bold Women in History Film Series at the Workhouse Arts Center in Lorton.
  • Turning Point Suffragist Memorial, currently under construction on the grounds of Occoquan Regional Park - learn more.
  • Pop-Up Exhibitions & History Talks: In the City of Fairfax, visitors can stop by the Fairfax Museum and Visitor Center to see the traveling exhibition, “We Demand: Women’s Suffrage in Virginia,” on loan from The Library of Virginia through Sept. 7. A pop-up exhibit from the National Archives will follow, detailing the national story of the women’s suffrage movement. In September, several history talks will explore various topics related to the movement. Visit for event dates and details.
Of course, the best way for us to honor the Suffragists is to make sure we all exercise our right to vote on Nov. 3!

Today's COVID-19 Updates (Aug. 19)

Current Number of Cases in the Fairfax Health District
  • Daily reported case information for the Fairfax Health District: here and scroll down to get to ZIP Code data.
  • Daily reported case information throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia: here and ZIP Code data look for Data Download bar.

COVID-19 Case Information Chart (as of publication on Aug. 19)
NOTE: We have combined the trend graphs with the chart information so you can view the available data in one place.
Be A Part of an Historic Election Season:
Job Opportunities in Office of Elections
Apply for a Job: The Fairfax County Office of Elections is hiring 200 additional seasonal staff to process mailed absentee ballots, work at in-person absentee voting locations or provide office assistance. These jobs require a minimum of 18 hours per week, or as noted in the application. Start dates will vary depending on the position, but you should be available at least through Election Day on Nov. 3. For more information and to apply.

Apply to Become an Election Officer:
The Office of Elections is also seeking election officers to work at the polls on Election Day - bilingual skills especially needed. Learn more and apply.
Honoring Young Heroes
Two seven-year old residents – who may just be the youngest heroes in Hunter Mill District – were honored this week by Thea Pirnat, our new Commander of the Reston District Police Station, as well as other representatives of the Fairfax County Police Department and Fire and Rescue Department. Last summer, the then six-year-old Cuyler twins saved a toddler from drowning at a friend's pool party. A ceremony was held for them on Aug. 18 at Parklawn Swim Club. Congrats Ethan and Ella and thank you for your brave actions! Learn more
Land Use and Transportation
Fairfax Connector Resumes Full Service on all routes on Saturday, Aug. 29
The Fairfax Connector will resume full service on all routes on Saturday, Aug. 29, with service enhancements including a new commuter route from the Stringfellow Road Park-and-Ride Lot to Southwest Washington, D.C. Due to the pandemic, ridership dropped to about 30 percent of normal levels in March, but has begun to rebound. Ridership is now about 45 percent of pre-pandemic levels. The Fairfax County Department of Transportation will continue to require masks and rear door boarding, encourage social distancing, and undertake enhanced cleaning protocols. Learn more.

The Fairfax County Park Authority and the Resident Curator Evaluation Team for the Lahey Lost Valley property will host a virtual public meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, Sept. 2 at 10 a.m. to score the Resident Curator Program applications received for the Lahey Lost Valley property and determine the selection outcome. The meeting will be available for public viewing. For information on how to join via computer or phone, visit the Lahey Lost Valley websiteLearn more about this curatorship.  
Virginia Chamber Orchestra Events
The Virginia Chamber Orchestra (VCO) is pleased to announce a series of three concerts on Sunday afternoons from 3 to 4 p.m. at the Korean Bell Gazebo in the Meadowlark Botanical Gardens, 9750 Meadowlark Gardens Court, in Vienna. Concert dates are Sept. 6, 13 and 20.

Socially distanced ensembles (photo taken pre-pandemic) will perform for socially distanced audiences. Masks are required. Duos, trios and quartets will feature leading members from the all-professional orchestra.

Attendees may bring lawn chairs, blankets, soft drinks and snacks. Masks are required. The usual fee for entrance to the Meadowlark Gardens will include the concert: $6 for ages 18-54; $3 for ages 55 and over, and $3 for ages 6-17.  For more information, email

More Concerts:
  • Reston Community Center's Summerbration Fab Fridays are being held through Sept. 4 - learn more
  • Park Authority's 2020 Summer Entertainment Series has gone virtual. Watch the free livestream feeds from any of your devices - learn more.
Fairfax County is developing its first-ever Community-wide Energy and Climate Action Plan (CECAP) and your input is needed. Only three percent of greenhouse gas emissions in the county come from local government and school operations, the rest are from cars and trucks on our roads, energy use in our buildings, waste management processes, and other community sources. It’s up to all of us to take steps, even small ones, to reduce our emissions so that we are spared the consequences of climate change and can thrive in a clean, healthy, prosperous community.

Join one of three virtual upcoming public meetings and take the CECAP public survey to share your opinions and suggestions. Your input will be considered by the CECAP Task Force as they make decisions about climate change mitigation goals, strategies and actions we can take in the years to come.

4 Things to Know Today
New Virtual Parent Café Offered with African American Cultural Focus
Virtual Parent Cafés are a great way for parents to learn from each other as they grow in their parenting skills. All Parent Cafés are open to Fairfax County parents or guardians with children ages infant to 18 years old. Created as a tool to help parents find support and prioritize self-care during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Parent Café is moderated by one or more staff members who lead the discussion around a variety of topics such as routines, self-care, discipline, praise, expectations, and social media. Learn more.

Reston Community Center (RCC) Fall Program Guide is Online
Due to COVID-19, RCC will not mail the Fall Guide this year. Registration will begin on Sept. 1 for Reston patrons and Sept. 8 for Non-Reston. Learn more.

Fairfax County’s New “Supporting Return to School” (SRS) Program Bolsters Virtual Learning
Supporting Return to School (SRS) is a new Fairfax County program developed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and this year’s virtual return to school. The program will provide full-day on-site programming for children in Kindergarten through sixth grade, Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. The SRS program reflects the county’s and Fairfax County Public Schools’ joint commitment to ensure that all families have equitable access to the services they need to support children’s virtual learning. Learn more.

Town of Vienna Mayor's Walk
Mayor Linda Colbert is hosting the Mayor's Walk on Friday, Aug. 21 at 9:30 a.m. Meet up in front of Town Hall and join her to walk about Town and chat.
Stay Informed and In Touch
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Hunter Mill District Supervisor Walter Alcorn
703-478-0283, TTY 711
Hunter Mill District of Fairfax County | 1801 Cameron Glen DriveReston, VA 20190