June 8, 2020

Hunter Mill District News, June 8, 2020

June 8, 2020

To My Hunter Mill District Neighbors:

We have heard a lot in the last few months about taking care of our physical health, which has been critical during the pandemic. But we also need to focus on our mental health as the stress and anxiety related to months-long social isolation and for some, job loss and financial insecurity, take a toll. The county has put together five tips to promote positive mental health - I hope you find these helpful:
  • Engage in self-enhancing activities: Whether it is learning a new language, taking dancing lessons or meditating daily, developing new skills provides a sense of confidence and achievement and leads to stronger emotional health.
  • Limit exposure to news about the pandemic: It is important to be informed, but at the same time we need to take breaks from watching, reading or continuously listening to the news as this can increase our stress levels.
  • Exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep: Physical and mental health are interconnected, and it is important to exercise regularly, practice good nutrition and get plenty of rest. A walk along one of our beautiful trails in Hunter Mill District is a great way to decompress!
  • Invest time in relationships: Take the time to connect with other people and let them know what you need. Strong quality relationships have a great effect on our well-being. It is important to surround ourselves with those who have a positive impact on our emotional health.
  • Embrace the gifts around you: It is natural to worry about what is happening around us today. It is equally important to focus on the positive aspects of our lives. Practice mindfulness by being in the moment and make a conscious effort to appreciate the simple things such as a great cup of coffee, a beautiful sunset, being together with loved ones, etc.


Today's Updates (June 8)

Current Number of Cases in the Fairfax Health District
  • Daily reported case information for the Fairfax Health District: here and scroll down to get to ZIP Code data.
  • Daily reported case information throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia: here and ZIP Code data look for Data Download bar.

COVID-19 Case Information Chart (as of publication on June 8)
Two Meetings Tonight
The Reston Comprehensive Plan Study Task Force Virtual Meeting 7 to 9 p.m.
The Reston Comprehensive Plan Study Task Force is meeting virtually tonight, Monday, June 8, 7 to 9 p.m. Additional information, including the agenda and Task Force members can be found here.  

The meeting will be hosted on the Webex platform - use this link to attend and participate in the meeting. You will be prompted to register with your email address and ZIP Code before logging into meeting. If you prefer to listen to the meeting on your phone, you may call 1-408-418-9388 and use access code: 712 728 646. This is also the number to use if accessing TTY 711. (Please note each meeting has a unique link and call-in information.)

You will also be able to watch a live stream of the meeting on YouTube Live.

Register for Cornerstones Virtual Town Hall Meeting 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
I will join other county officials on June 8, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. to discuss our plans to help rebuild our community’s economic stability and ensure that our most vulnerable neighbors are connected to resources to regain their independence and security. Learn more
Grant Program for Small Businesses
and Nonprofits
The Fairfax RISE (RISE – Relief Initiative to Support Employers) grant program provides immediate relief to small businesses and nonprofits impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Board of Supervisors wants to assist small businesses and nonprofit organizations to remain in business through the COVID-19 emergency and address gaps that may exist among complementary programs. The grant will not have to be repaid. Applications are being accepted now through June 15. Learn more.
The grant program also establishes a minimum allocation of 30% of total funding toward awards for women-owned, minority-owned, and/or veteran-owned businesses. It is funded through an allocation of the Coronavirus Relief Funds provided through the federal CARES Act.

Updates and Resources
Small Business
Updated Information for Businesses Impacted by the Coronavirus
This county web page provides the latest resources and information specifically for businesses and their employees. For questions that you may have on business restrictions, email business@virginia.govIf you have a specialized question you can contact the Fairfax County Department of Economic Initiatives at DEI@fairfaxcounty.govLearn more.

Support Local Restaurants
Visit Fairfax is now providing a restaurant Take Out Trail Guide; check it out and help support local businesses: Learn more.

County Operations
To help limit the spread of the coronavirus, Fairfax County closed all government buildings and facilities to the public until further notice. However, the county government remains open for business online and by phone and mail and some specific services will continue to be provided in-person. Learn more.
County Fire Stations Close to Public
In order to protect the health of firefighters and medics, Fairfax County Fire and Rescue is closing all fire stations to the public, effective Friday, March 27, at 5 p.m. These closures are in coordination with the decision to close county government buildings to the public. Learn more.

Animal Shelter Service/Program Updates
The Animal Shelter has cancelled activities and implemented temporary changes for several programs and services. Learn more.

COVID-19 Pandemic Disrupting Childhood Vaccination Schedules
The Fairfax County Health Department has seen an 83 percent drop in its vaccination rates among infants up to children age 5 compared to the same period one year ago. In response, the county is offering free vaccine clinics to ensure children are protected from vaccine-preventable diseases. Learn more.

Drop Off Donated Face Coverings at County Police Stations
Fairfax County is still in need of cloth mask donations to support our most vulnerable communities. Cloth mask donations can be dropped off at Fairfax County police stations (map). Each of the stations has a donation bin for you to place your items. Learn more

Who to Contact with Concerns, Violations and Questions About Phase One
To report concerns or potential violations of the Phase One guidelines for businesses call the county’s public safety non-emergency number at 703-691-2131, TTY 711. A cross-agency, cross-discipline system is in place to triage and handle complaints, with a focus first on education, awareness and seeking voluntary compliance. 
If you have questions or concerns about the face covering executive order from the Governor call the Virginia Department of Health at 1-877-ASK-VDH3. (Please do not call the Fairfax County Health Department or the public safety non-emergency number about compliance with the governor’s executive order for face coverings.) 
For all other COVID-related questions, email ffxcovid@fairfaxcounty.gov.

Face Coverings Now Required Inside Public Places in Virginia
Governor Northam announced that face coverings will now be required when people are inside public spaces.  Learn more.

First Phase of Easing Public Health Restrictions Begins May 29
Read guidelines for businesses and faith communities as we move into the Phase 1 re-opening.

What If I Contract COVID-19 and I’m Too Sick to Care for My Child?
It is critical that parents make a crisis plan now in case they become too sick to care for their children or ask for support. Our Department of Family Services offers some steps you can take to develop your plan. Learn more.

County Still Seeks Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Donations
Fairfax County Government continues to accept Personal Protective Equipment donations to assist county staff during the pandemic. Learn more.

Fairfax County Now Offers COVID-19 Text Messages in Spanish 
To sign up, text FFXCOVIDESP to 888777. This is a free, anonymous service provided through Fairfax Alerts, the county’s text and email emergency alert system. Learn more.

What Apartment Residents and Building Owners Can Do to Limit the Spread of Coronavirus
People who live in apartments or condos should consider additional steps they can take to limit the spread of the COVID-19. Learn more.

Safety Tips for Employees and Employers
While many of us are able to work from home during the pandemic, some of us still must report to an office, store or job site to do our work. Employees and employers can take steps to stay healthy and limit the spread of the coronavirus. Learn more.

COVID-19 and Kids: The Problem with Playdates
If your kids go outside, it is important to maintain social distance of at least six feet from anyone from outside their own household. Learn more.

Video: What Should You Do if You Get Sick from the Coronavirus?
In this video, two nurses from our Health Department provide guidance on what you can do at home to take care of yourself if you get sick with COVID-19. Watch

Social Distancing, Self-Isolating and Quarantine: What Do These Terms Mean?
We’ve all been hearing terms like “social distancing,” “self-isolating” and “quarantine” — but what do these terms mean and how do we use them to protect ourselves and others? Learn more.

Health Care Options for the Uninsured 
The county has a list of resources for the nearly 8% of residents without health insurance, including a list of clinics that offer low-cost or free medical care and pharmacies during the coronavirus outbreak. Learn more.

Human Services
Online and Phone Assistance for Victims of Abuse and People Needing Food, Medical and Employment Help
Department of Family Services Director Michael Becketts shares important phone numbers and online resources for victims of abuse, and for people needing food, medical, and employment assistanceLearn more.

Help with SNAP, Medicaid, Employment Assistance and More
For people applying for the first time, the process may seem complicated or intimidating. The county's Department of Family Services is available to help with financial, medical and employment assistance, from a distance, so residents can stay safe at home. Learn more.

50+ Podcast on Coping with Social Isolation
Listen to this helpful podcast with Phyllis Miller Palombi, a Reston-based marriage and family therapist, who is the Hunter Mill district representative on the Fairfax Area Commission on Aging. Listen.

County Adds Four More Ways to Help You Get Assistance from a Distance
Four new options are being added to the menu of Assistance from a Distance opportunities provided by the county to help ease strain and stress on residents and staff. Learn more.

Spiritual Support by Phone Available for Older Adults
To provide support during these unique times, the Fairfax County Spiritual Support Team is now offering spiritual support by telephone for adults age 60 and over in our community. Learn more.

New COVID-19 Language Portal Now Available
The county has created a COVID-19 Language Portal. The page features enhanced information and resources in several languages. Learn more.

Geospatial Resources Platform
The Geospatial Resources Platform highlights applications with data relevant to the COVID-19 pandemic in Fairfax County. Some examples are:
  • Food resources with food pantries, FCPS grab-n-go locations, and other nonprofit sites.
  • Healthcare resources with hospital, urgent care, respiratory clinic, and pharmacy locations.
  • Grocery stores that support seniors shopping during special hours. 

This video play list provides access to nearly a dozen videos presented in American Sign Language, including "When to Get Medical Care" at left. Learn more.

Social Security Administration Updates on COVID-19
Get updates on Social Security payments and how to get assistance here.

Legal Advice for COVID-19 Issues 
Legal Services of Northern Virginia provides free legal advice to low-income, older adults and individuals with disabilities and is prepared to provide consultation on issues related to COVID-19 including unemployment claims, housing evictions and foreclosures and protective orders. Learn more.

4 Things to Know About Tenant-Landlord Rights
While many things remain uncertain, here are some things to remember about tenant-landlord rights that may provide guidance. Learn more.

Answers to Many Basic Needs Questions (Food, Utilities, Evictions) Can Be Found Online
Residents in need of assistance for the first time may not know where to start. Coordinated Services Planning provides resources including food/utility/rent. Learn more.

Making Home a Safer Place for Domestic Violence Survivors During the Pandemic
With the unemployment rising and bills mounting, these additional pressures during the already stressful coronavirus pandemic could lead to an increase in domestic violence. Learn more.

For those affected in our community, job seekers and employers have access to Virginia Career Works Centers — a comprehensive system of employment and training services and resources delivered and coordinated through one-stop employment resource centers. Services are being offered online and by phone, so please reach out if you need assistance. Learn more.

Interactive Map to Find Food Resources, Services
Some of our neighbors in Hunter Mill District may have food assistance needs. To make it easier for you to find food resources, the county has developed a searchable map that includes all food distribution sites, including Fairfax County Public Schools, community meal distribution sites, food pantries and other related services. Please share this information with your neighbors and organizations. Learn more.
Housing Resources
Many residents may have concerns about mortgage payments and assistance. Here are suggested resources:
·   Fannie Mae
·   Freddie Mac

Public Safety
For some people, home is not safe. For victims of domestic violence, child abuse and elder abuse, the isolation and stress of being trapped at home with their offenders puts them at increased risk of serious harm. Learn more.

Scam Slam Audio Series: Unfortunately, More Coronavirus Scams You Need to Know About There are more scams we should be aware of including those related to shopping, mortgage relief and personal loans. Learn more

Fire Department Reminds Businesses To Maintain Clear Access To All Exits During the pandemic, businesses are rightfully taking a variety of safety measures to maintain physical distancing and reduce exposures. However, the county's Fire and Rescue Department is receiving messages of concern that exits are often being blocked, locked or otherwise restricted while the store is occupied. Learn more

Keeping Public Safety Employees Safe During the Coronavirus 
Please help us keep our public safety employees safe! Note that there are changes in processes if you seek help from Police, Fire and Rescue, 9-1-1 call takers or Sheriff’s deputies. Learn more.

Beware of Door-to-Door Coronavirus Scams 
As the coronavirus public health emergency continues, scam artists are taking advantage the situation. This includes everything from selling products that supposedly will prevent, treat or cure the virus to asking for donations to aid people who are sick. Learn more.

How to Report Non-Emergency Incidents
In order to responsibly maintain social distancing, the Fairfax County Police Department is asking residents to report eligible non-emergency incidents by using the online reporting system or calling the non-emergency number at 703-691-2131. Learn more.

Bike Advisor Program
The Fairfax Alliance for Better Bicycling (FABB) has created a Bike Advisor program to encourage commuters to try bicycling during the Metro Silver and Orange lines shutdown this summer. FABB has volunteer Bike Advisors around the county available to help people find bike routes to work or wherever they would like to go in their community, provide helpful advice and the resources needed to have a successful bike trip. Learn more.
Additional County Resources:

Metrorail Orange and Silver Lines Stations in Fairfax County to Close for Expanded Construction Activities Beginning May 23
The Washington Metropolitan Transit Authority announced a new plan for construction activities for this summer with a full closure of all Metrorail Orange and Silver Line stations in Fairfax County. Learn more.

List of Utilities Suspending Service Disconnections, Offering Other Billing Options
As COVID-19 impacts continue, area utility companies are taking actions to help offer relief during this time. Learn more 

Town of Vienna Updates
Get the latest information on town operations and more here.

Help Your Community, Take a Vacation and Learn Something New — All Without Leaving Your House 
There’s lots you can do and learn without ever leaving the house, as shown by this young man on the left! Try a science experiment, volunteer in your community or take a virtual vacation. Learn more.

Wellness Resources for You and Your Family 
To aid you, the people you care about and our community, the county has compiled a range of resources and information on a newly created Wellness Resources web page.
Stay Informed
Hunter Mill District of Fairfax County | 1801 Cameron Glen DriveReston, VA 20190