June 16, 2020

Hunter Mill District News, June 15, 2020

June 15, 2020

To My Hunter Mill District Neighbors:

See below for our most recent data on COVID-19 cases. As we are finishing our fourth day in Phase 2, the data locally and regionally continue to improve. But please let’s all use common sense this summer – the virus is still very much among us!

On another topic – today marks a major milestone in the history of U.S. human rights law. Thank you U.S. Supreme Court for ruling that federal anti-discrimination laws protect gay and transgender employees - we are ALL created equal under our U.S. Constitution. Read the U.S. Supreme Court Ruling.
I also want to bring to your attention that the Board of Supervisors will be having a timely and critical discussion with our Fairfax County Police Department tomorrow, June 16 during the Public Safety Committee Meeting at 1:30 p.m. Police Chief Edwin Roessler and senior members of his staff will present an update on the Police Department's use of force policies and training, and the implementation of body worn cameras. In addition, the Chief and the county's Chief Equity Officer Karla Bruce will walk through the presentation “An Equity Perspective to Frame the Path Forward – Police Department and Community Engagement, Police Legitimacy, and Trust.” The presentations and other materials can be found here. I encourage you to watch the Channel 16 live stream of the meeting here; live audio of the meeting can be accessed by dialing 703-324-5300. I will also include the link to the meeting video in my next newsletter on Wednesday, June 17.
The full schedule of committee meetings tomorrow, which can also be viewed on live stream:


Today's Updates (June 15)

Current Number of Cases in the Fairfax Health District
  • Daily reported case information for the Fairfax Health District: here and scroll down to get to ZIP Code data.
  • Daily reported case information throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia: here and ZIP Code data look for Data Download bar.

COVID-19 Case Information Chart (as of publication on June 15)
Two Things to Know Today
Solarize Fairfax County 2020
Over the past seven years, the Solarize program has brought more than 370 new solar systems to Northern Virginia. The program is back this year and is offering free consultations for homes and businesses in Fairfax County, to help owners determine if solar will work for them. Learn more.

Red Cross Now Testing All Blood Donations for COVID-19 Antibodies
Beginning today, June 15 and for a limited time, the American Red Cross is testing all blood, platelet and plasma donations for COVID-19 antibodies, providing donors insight into whether they have been exposed to this coronavirus. At the same time, there continues to be an urgent need for blood donations. Learn more. 
With the implementation of Phase 2 reopening in Northern Virginia, including Fairfax County and the Hunter Mill District, we're moving from closing to reopening, including county amenities and operations and transportation. Since much of what we have included in our updates and resources may not have the latest information, I am encouraging you to use these main links as your COVID-19 resources. If you cannot find county information you are looking for, please contact my office at huntermill@fairfaxcounty.gov.


Get the latest information on town operations and more here.
Stay Informed
Hunter Mill District of Fairfax County | 1801 Cameron Glen DriveReston, VA 20190