June 11, 2020

Hunter Mill District News, June 10, 2020

Volume 5 | June 2020
June 10, 2020

To My Hunter Mill District Neighbors:

Yesterday, June 9, the Board of Supervisors issued a joint statement on racial equity - I encourage you to take a few minutes to read it below; you can also watch the video. In addition, I invite you to watch the Board of Supervisors Public Safety Committee meeting on Tuesday, June 16 at 1:30 p.m., which will include a discussion with our Police Department. Details, including how you can watch are here. As always, I value your input - if you have questions or comments related to racial equity and justice in Hunter Mill District or the county, or as it relates to our Fairfax County Police Department, please send me an email at huntermill@fairfaxcounty.gov

Board of Supervisors Statement:
“The senseless murder of George Floyd sparked thousands in our County to stand up against persistent racial inequity in our country. Mr. Floyd’s violent and wrongful death is sadly all too familiar. We are all grieving for the Floyd family, the families of those who have experienced similar pain, and the many who have died in similar acts of violence. Black Lives Matter.

After many years of the topic being swept under the rug nationally, racial injustice is finally at the forefront of the country’s dialogue. Locally, we know Fairfax County still has work to do on this subject. Unfortunately, last week one of our officers violated not only FCPD policy but broke the trust that our community has placed in us to do our job properly. We are thinking of the victim and his family and, though we applaud the quick action by our Department, we know this is not where the conversation ends.

We recognize that most of our officers work with compassion and take their charge to protect and serve seriously. We know they join us in our anger at the events witnessed here and across the country, and our commitment to strengthen the community’s trust. We must all do this together – achieving results must mean we are all committed.

This Board of Supervisors demands transparency and accountability in local government. This is true for all our agencies, including our Fairfax County Police Department.

There are tough but much needed conversations ahead. We are committed to listening to the concerns of our community and re-examining our policies. We have adopted One Fairfax to intentionally make decisions under an equity lens, to promote procedures and policies that are forward thinking, and to recognize that our diversity is our strength. Despite that, we know we still have important work to do as a county, state, and country. At this time, we must listen to our community and heal together. We have seen peaceful protests throughout our County that reaffirm our community’s desire to always improve and that actions speak louder than words.

There is no one policy or program we can enact today that will solve every single issue. While we have made major progress to the policies and programs we do have in place, such as the Police Civilian Review Panel and Independent Police Auditor which came from the Ad Hoc Police Practices Review Commission, we know we have more work to do.

As you’ll hear in a moment, we’ll be forming the Chairman’s Task Force on Equity and Opportunity to advance racial equity and promote the change necessary for creating a Fairfax County that works for everyone. This group will bring together diverse community stakeholders to help us with our work.

We know this is an issue that requires constant vigilance. With the help our community, we will continue the work of our One Fairfax policy, and always strive to ensure true equity among all.”

Walter Alcorn 
Coronavirus Update
Northern Virginia, including Fairfax County Will Move to Phase 2 on Friday, June 12. Guidelines for Phase 2 Include:
  • The maximum number of individuals permitted in a social gathering is 50 people. 
  • All businesses should still adhere to physical distancing guidelines, frequently clean and sanitize high contact surfaces, and continue enhanced workplace safety measures. 
  • Restaurant and beverage establishments may offer indoor dining at 50 percent occupancy, 
  • Fitness centers may open indoor areas at 30 percent occupancy, and certain recreation and entertainment venues without shared equipment may open with restrictions.
  • Swimming pools may also expand operations to both indoor and outdoor exercise, diving, and swim instruction.
  • Phase Two guidelines for religious services, non-essential retail, and personal grooming services remain the same as Phase One
  • Overnight summer camps, most indoor entertainment venues, amusement parks, fairs, and carnivals remain closed in Phase Two.

Governor Northam Shares Guidance for Phased Reopening of PreK-12 Schools
Governor Northam announced a phased approach that allows Virginia schools to slowly resume in-person classes for summer school and the coming academic year. Learn more.

Virginia Announces Temporary Moratorium on Evictions
At Governor’s request, Chief Justice suspends all eviction proceedings through June 28.

Current Number of Cases in the Fairfax Health District
  • Daily reported case information for the Fairfax Health District: here and scroll down to get to ZIP Code data.
  • Daily reported case information throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia: here and ZIP Code data look for Data Download bar.

COVID-19 Case Information Chart (as of publication on June 10)
Reston Comprehensive Plan Study Task Force
June 8, 2020 Reston Comprehensive Plan Study Task Force Meeting
The third meeting of the Reston Comprehensive Plan Study Task Force was held virtually on Monday, June 8. Approximately 60 people participated, including our Task Force members and alternates. You can watch the June 8 meeting above and the prior two meetings here.

To learn more about the Reston Comprehensive Plan Study and the task force, please visit the Reston Comprehensive Plan Study web page.
The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 22, 7 to 9 p.m.. Details and the agenda will be found here. I encourage you to attend. Each meeting will have a unique link and call-in information, which will be posted on the Hunter Mill District Land Use and Zoning web page.
Update on June 23, 2019 Homicide
Last summer there was much concern among neighbors in Hunters Woods regarding the homicide of Reston resident Jose Lorenzo Guillen Mejia on a walking trail between Hunters Woods Plaza and Breton Court. Former Hunter Mill District Supervisor Cathy Hudgins and representatives from the Reston District Police Station held several community meetings with the Hunters Woods Neighborhood Coalition and others to provide information and updates. Today, June 10, we learned that a juvenile has been charged who is already incarcerated at the Fairfax County Juvenile Detention Center for an unrelated offense and remains held without bond. I am grateful for the investigative work of our Police Department towards bringing closure to the victim’s family and the communityLearn more.
Land Use News
ZMOD Update on Accessory Dwelling Units and Home-Based Businesses
As part of a mostly technical cleanup of Fairfax County’s zoning ordinance (last overhaul:1978), consideration is also being given to expanding a homeowner’s ability to create an accessory dwelling unit on their property. While the surveys on accessory dwelling units and home-based businesses have closed, the County still wants to hear from you. Short informational videos on these topics is posted on the zMOD website. Please note that although the names contain the same initial letters, accessory dwelling units are not the same as Affordable Dwelling Units in Fairfax County, whereas the long-term use of the abbreviation ‘ADU’ applies to the affordable dwelling unit program in which the county requires developers of single family subdivisions to provide affordable housing. Learn more

Cancellation Note: Reston Planning & Zoning Committee Meeting scheduled for June 15 is cancelled.

Hunter Mill Land Use Committee Virtual Meeting, Tuesday, June 16, 7:30 p.m.
Discussion on RZ/FDP 2019-HM-016. Application is located at Floris Lane in HerndonMore information.
Transportation Update
Overnight Traffic Stoppages of up to 30 Minutes on I-66 East Near Vienna Metrorail Station 
I-66 East will be reduced to a single travel lane with multiple 30-minute traffic stoppages between Route 123 (Chain Bridge Road) and Nutley Street during overnight hours through Saturday, June 13. Learn more.

Route 7 Lane Shifts and Traffic Changes Begin June 19 Between Baron Cameron Avenue and Carpers Farm Way
Beginning on or about June 19, drivers on Route 7 will experience lane shifts and temporary traffic pattern changes between Baron Cameron Avenue and Carpers Farm Way while crews reconstruct the Delta Glen Court intersection and shift eastbound Route 7 traffic to the north. Learn more.

Know Before You Go!
As we move into Phase 2 and other reopenings in our area, it is important to stay informed about your public transportation options. I encourage you to know before you go and check these web pages for updates:

Transportation Advisory Council Meeting
The Hunter Mill District Transportation Advisory Council Meeting was held on May 27. Representatives of (WMATA) Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority presented information on the Metro platform improvement project, the Orange and Silver Lines summer closures and other service-related updates. Watch the meeting. The next meeting is July 29, 8 to 10 a.m. For additional information or to be added to a direct email list for the HMD TAC, contact Shyamali.Hauth@fairfaxcounty.gov.
Fatherhood Awareness Month Proclamation
Fatherhood Awareness Month 2020 Proclamation
On behalf of the Board of Supervisors, I recently had the privilege of making the proclamation that June is Fatherhood Awareness Month in Fairfax County. It is a great opportunity to raise public awareness of the importance of a father’s engagement with his children and family. We are fortunate in our county to have several programs to support fathers and families. Learn more.
Town of Vienna News

Hunter Mill District Supervisor Walter Alcorn
703-478-0283, TTY 711
Hunter Mill District of Fairfax County | 1801 Cameron Glen DriveReston, VA 20190