May 30, 2020

Hunter Mill District News, May 29, 2020

May 29, 2020

To My Hunter Mill District Neighbors:

It is with a very heavy heart that I read the news this week about the death of George Floyd. The brutality to Mr. Floyd is now on full display and the pain being felt is deep and generations long.
Thank goodness for smart phones. This level of transparency is a painful but necessary step for moving forward. 
Although I am well aware that we are not isolated from the ugliness of racism in Fairfax County, we are fortunate to have an engaged community that deeply cares about maintaining our commitment to inclusion and diversity. I am confident that will continue and I encourage everyone to participate in a respective and productive conversation about our own biases, our privileges and our histories. As we have said before, hate has no home here.
Yesterday I spoke with

May 27, 2020

Hunter Mill District News, May 27, 2020

May 27, 2020

To My Hunter Mill District Neighbors:

Our libraries are among the most treasured assets in Hunter Mill District, as well as countywide. Both the Reston Regional and Patrick Henry libraries have served as community hubs for many of us and have certainly been missed while closed due to the pandemic. However, there is some good news to share! The Library will begin curbside pickup of holds and grab bags at all branches this Monday, June 1. The curbside program is available Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
To pick up your holds: 
  • Please park in the designated area of your library’s lot and call the branch phone number posted on the sign. Branch phone numbers can also be found online on individual branch web pages.
  • Provide your library card number to staff on the phone and remain in your car until your holds have been deposited on the pickup table and library staff have returned to the building.
In addition to picking up holds, you may

May 20, 2020

Hunter Mill District News, May 20, 2020

May 20, 2020

To My Hunter Mill District Neighbors:

We live in a great community so it was very upsetting to learn this morning that swastikas had been painted on sidewalks and buildings at North Point Shopping Center in Reston. Reston and the Hunter Mill District have a long history of inclusion and racial and ethnic diversity. Acts of hate will not be tolerated. And vandalism and hate crimes are both criminal acts. Throughout this pandemic we have witnessed tremendous community spirit and goodness and I am confident that will continue. The Police Department is investigating and I encourage anyone with information related to this incident to call the Police non-emergency number at 703-691-2131. 

What heartened me and I hope it will you, too, is that

May 18, 2020

RA updated its DRB Application form on February 24, 2020 - supersedes all previous versions of the form.

Sharp-eyed WCA Covenants Liaison, Margaret Emerson, discovered that RA has updated its DRB Application form - the new form supersedes all previous versions.  You will find a copy of the new form in "fillable" Adobe PDF format on the cluster web site here: (see RA Design Review Board Application (revised February 24, 2020))

The new DRB form may also be found in the Resources area on the Reston Association Design Review page here:

Hunter Mill District News, May 18, 2020

May 18, 2020

To My Hunter Mill District Neighbors:

Last Saturday I was able to enjoy a trip to the Reston Farmers Market - a small step toward a semblance of normal, but it felt great to be there! As I have mentioned before, to successfully and safely move forward to Phase 1 and more re-openings we need to pay attention to the data and follow the advice of our public health officials.
I also believe that more readily-available statistics on COVID-19 cases will help generate trust and a better understanding of the public health situation locally and regionally. To that end, my office has put together a chart that shows not only key Fairfax Health District data but also comparable regional case data from Virginia, Maryland and D.C. The chart is under Today's Updates and I hope you find this information helpful. If you are looking for

May 16, 2020

Hunter Mill District News, May 15, 2020

May 15, 2020

To My Hunter Mill District Neighbors:

We got word this week that our Fairfax Connector buses, as well as Metro buses, trains and MetroAccess vehicles, are joining VRE and Amtrak in requiring face coverings and masks to be worn by riders, beginning this Monday, May 18. This also includes stations and facilities.

This enhanced safety measure will help protect other riders as well as the bus/train operators and follows guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Wearing a face mask has become

May 13, 2020

RELAC will start up this Friday, May 15, 2020, by noon for at least two days

Hope everyone is staying safe.

The forecast is for 80 degree temperatures this Friday and Saturday.
RELAC will start up this Friday, May 15, 2020, by noon for at least two days.

Then the forecast is for 4 cooler days.  if this forecast holds, RELAC 
may not be operating till the temperatures gets to 70 again. Thursday
May 21.

RELAC is communicating with LARCA to bring online the LARCA properties
and Chimney House Road by Friday.

Thank You
President Reston RELAC

Hunter Mill District News, May 13, 2020

Volume 4 | May 2020
May 13, 2020

To My Hunter Mill District Neighbors:

The silver lining for me during this awful pandemic has been to see the tremendous community spirit in the Hunter Mill District. In this newsletter, I have highlighted great examples including our healthcare workers, public safety officials, nonprofits and residents.

This week I had the privilege to meet representatives of Reston-based Nova Labs, an all-volunteer makerspace, founded in 2011. They have been working on a PPE Challenge to make and donate personal protective equipment to organizations and facilities across the region. Yesterday, May 12, they dropped off the first 400 of 1,500 face shields at the Fairfax County Government Center for our front-line county employees at several locations. Thank you Nova Labs! This type of innovation and community spirit will help us get through this pandemic as safely and

May 11, 2020

Virginia Governor’s New Executive Order 61 - “Phase 1” reopening begins midnight on May 15, 202.

Bulletin from the law firm for the WCA:

On May 8, Governor Northam issued Executive Order 61 (EO61), which begins "Phase 1" of the Commonwealth's planned gradual reopening of certain businesses and activities.  EO61 goes into effect at midnight on May 15 and continues through June 10 (subject to change). However, some cities and counties (including Northern Virginia) are contemplating a delay in the Phase 1 reopening due to continuing COVID-19 infection trends, so it is important to monitor related announcements from local governments. 

Of particular interest to community associations, EO61 allows recreation centers, pools and certain sports and exercise facilities to reopen but only for outdoor activities and only if several significant restrictions are implements. Indoor recreational activities remain prohibited. In addition, keep in mind that the stay-at-home Order (EO55) still imposes social distancing requirements and still prohibits social gatherings of more than 10 individuals. 

Per EO61 and guidance published by the Governor's Office, the following are some of the mandates that must be followed when opening outdoor recreational facilities during Phase 1:

* Hot tubs, spas, splash pads, spray pools, interactive play featuresbasketball courts and racquetball courts must remain closed.  

* Outdoor swimming pools can open but for lap swimming only, with one person per lane. Indoor swimming pools and related areas must remain closed. 

* All seating in pool areas must remain closed

* Employees working in customer-facing areas must wear face coverings over their nose and mouth. Lifeguards responding to distressed swimmers are exempt from this requirement. 

* Must provide hand sanitizing stations, including at the entrance/exit. 

* Must strictly follow the physical distancing guidelines, enhanced cleaning and disinfection practices, and enhanced workplace safety practices provided in the "Guidelines for All Business Sectors" document located on the Governor's website (

Hunter Mill District News, May 11, 2020

May 11, 2020

To My Hunter Mill District Neighbors:

It hasn't been very often in the last several weeks that I've been able to share good news with you, but the purple glass recycling containers are back! Collection of glass dropped off at purple, glass-only containers resumed today, Monday, May 11. The purple containers have been returned to their locations throughout Fairfax County. Thank you for your patience and flexibility! A reminder that many residents will be bringing glass to the containers and county staff will be working to make sure they are emptied regularly. However, If the bins fill up, please do not leave glass outside and around the containers. You can also bring your glass to containers at the I-66 transfer station and I-95 landfill complex. The map of container locations and more details can be found here.

Also, a reminder that the Board of Supervisors is meeting tomorrow, May 12 and is scheduled to adopt the

May 8, 2020

Reston RELAC A/C Service Notification/Update, May 6, 2020

Reston RELAC A/C Service Notification/Update

Hi everyone.  Hope you are all staying safe.

Our team at Relac is ready to begin the 2020 A/C season. Looks like the weather
for early May will be cooler than it has been for the last few years.

As a reminder the official startup date is May 22 or the second consecutive 80 degree

day in May.  In the last few years this has happened in the first week of May.  The
forecast has the temperatures well below 70 for the next 9 days.

We will continue to monitor the weather and update you on the RELAC startup date.

We had one customer contact us with the statement:  "I understand that the RELAC
will not be turned on due to the Pandemic.  Is this true?”.  This is totally a rumor and
we would like to assure you that we are ready to start operating in May.

Thank You

We will keep you posted

President Reston RELAC

Hunter Mill District News, May 8, 2020

May 8, 2020

To My Hunter Mill District Neighbors:

By far the most clicked on link in these coronavirus updates has been the daily updates on cases found under Today's Updates. At the direction of Governor Northam, we now have case information available by ZIP Code. The recent data release is a change from the the Virginia Department of Health's (VDH) long-standing policy not to disclose data at the ZIP code level to protect patient privacy. With more than 22,300 confirmed cases of COVID-19 throughout Virginia, the risk to patient privacy is lower and VDH is publishing ZIP code data to help communities identify differences in the distribution of cases. You can find that ZIP Code information here - scroll down to the Data Download bar and then look for Cases and Testing Data by ZIP Code. From there you can search for your ZIP Code.

Not matter what ZIP code you live in, it is very clear is that there is still significant community transmission in our area. I urge everyone to stay vigilant with social distancing, wearing a face covering, washing your hands frequently and the other precautions to ensure your safety.

I would like to end this busy week with a Happy Mother's Day to all our residents who are mothers, as well as my wife, Kristina and my own mom in Missouri. I hope you have

May 6, 2020

Upper Waterview Cluster Parking Area Asphalt Repair Scheduled for May 8, 2020

Finley Asphalt and Concrete will be onsite Friday May 8, 2020, to repair and pave the gravel-filled patch area in the upper-level parking area adjacent to the Upper Waterview Cluster two-level carport.  The residents associated with the two affected carport spaces have been notified.  

This much needed repair work was requested many weeks ago, but Finley has been booked solid.  They had a sudden opening in their calendar and the WCA agreed to the last minute appointment because of the urgency of the repair due to the almost incessant rains.  Unexpectedly, a Finley crew dropped off a load of equipment today for Friday's work, probably to save time in the morning so that they can get the repair completed with a minimal amount of inconvenience to the affected carport users.


Hunter Mill District News, May 6, 2020

May 6, 2020

To My Hunter Mill District Neighbors:

During our virtual meeting yesterday, May 5, the Board of Supervisors approved the FY 2021 Budget Markup. We made no changes to the revised FY 2021 Budget the County Executive proposed in early April. The Board also approved the FY 2020 Third Quarter Review, which sets aside $11 million for the county’s response to the pandemic and authorizes local spending of $200 million in federal funding through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (Cares) Act. 
As I noted in my remarks yesterday we must fund a robust local public health program, including hundreds of contact investigators as well as medically-supervised and supportive isolation for residents who need it. Our world changed drastically with the arrival of COVID-19. It is heartbreaking to see what this pandemic has done to our residents, small businesses, nonprofits and our community.  
Now our focus is on

May 4, 2020

Fairfax County collection of glass dropped off at purple, glass-only containers resumes Monday, May 11, 2020

Purple Can Club (Glass Recycling) Resumes

Collection of glass dropped off at purple, glass-only containers resumes Monday, May 11, 2020. Containers are being reset at locations throughout Fairfax County. See map of locations at Glass.
Residents can also bring glass to containers at the I-66 transfer station and I-95 landfill complex, or glass can be placed in the trash.

Hunter Mill District News, May 4, 2020

May 4, 2020

To My Hunter Mill District Neighbors:

This afternoon, Governor Northam announced an extension of his Executive Order fifty-three, which includes the closure of non-essential retail businesses, to next Thursday, May 14 at midnight. At that time, the Governor anticipates Virginia will move to Phase 1 of the recovery on May 15. Phase 1 is expected to last two to four weeks or more. Here is what the Governor outlined Phase 1 will look like:
  • You are safer at home - especially if you are vulnerable
  • No social gatherings of more than 10 individuals
  • Continued social distancing
  • Continued teleworking
  • Face coverings recommended in public
  • Easing limits on business and faith communities
In addition, Phase 1 guidelines for all businesses will include:
  • Physical distancing
  • Enhanced cleaning and disinfection
  • Enhanced workplace safety
More information, including details on Phases 2 and 3, is here. You can also read the slides or watch the Facebook video of today's press conference.

Anticipating our transitioning to

May 1, 2020

Hunter Mill District News, May 1, 2020

May 1, 2020

To My Hunter Mill District Neighbors:

We're in for a great treat around noon tomorrow (Saturday, May 2) when the Blue Angels and Thunderbirds will be flying over our county as part of a salute to healthcare workers. A collaborative effort by the Navy and Air Force, the planes will be flying over hospitals and locations in Baltimore before heading to D.C. and Fairfax County. I hope you have the opportunity to enjoy this spectacle with your family at home. More information

I would also like to thank our many residents and advocates for your engagement and input during both the Hunter Mill District budget town halls and the public hearings with the Board of Supervisors. Your voice