April 17, 2020

Reston Association Newsletter, April 17, 2020

April 17, 2020
Reston Today video

TOPIC: Update on Lake Anne Dock & Canal Project

Reston Association videos, including Reston Today, are produced by the association and can be accessed weekly from RA News.

Here's How to Join the Virtual Session

Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, this year's Reston Association Annual Members' Meeting
will be held online. Members can view the April 30 meeting or offer comments during the member comment period by using the Zoom website or mobile application. The 2020 Board of Directors' election results will be announced at the virtual meeting, which begins at 7 p.m.

To join the online meeting, go to https://zoom.us/join
Meeting ID: 793-234-203
Password: Reston2020

To sign up to speak at the meeting, please email Christina at speak@reston.org.

Click here for more information about the annual meeting.
Fairfax Connector Passengers Urged to Wear Face Coverings
It's a Good Time to Consider Composting

Fairfax County has temporarily suspended collection of yard waste. As you do your spring cleanup of your yard it may be a good time to reconsider how you dispose of your leaves and grass clippings. You might also think about delaying this type of work until the COVID-19 pandemic has passed.

Composting is nature’s own recycling program. No need to bag all your leaves and grass and haul them off-site. Composting leaves is great for the health of your garden and flowerbeds. Composting recharges and builds soil naturally. You can also mow your leaves into fine pieces and leave them on your turf.

Please consider mulching your grass as you cut, since there is no place to take bagged yard materials until further notice from the county. And as a friendly reminder, residents should not dispose of their yard waste in Reston's parks or natural areas.

Free Virtual Pet Fashion Show April 17-19

Reston Association will hold a virtual pet fashion show on April 17-19. Post your photos in the Family Tails Fashion Show Event on RA's Facebook site. The photo with the most "likes" each day wins a $20 gift card to PetSmart. Voting time is 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Email your questions to Events@reston.org.

Events, Activities & Meetings

Events and activities are canceled until further notice due to COVID-19.
Annual Members' Meeting rescheduled for April 30 (electronic meeting).
Contact Mike Leone to place your advertisement in RA News.
Download the Reston Association Media Kit here.
Subscribe to RA News by going to www.reston.org and scrolling to the bottom of the page. Type in your email address in the white box and click the "Join" button.

For general inquiries about Reston Asscociation services and amenities, please email the Member Services team or call 703-435-6530.