March 30, 2020

Fairfax County Asks Residents to Follow State’s Stay at Home Order

Posted by Fairfax County Government at 3:30 p.m.
Fairfax County strongly urges residents to follow the stay-at-home order issued by Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam today. 
This order is critical to help slow the spread of the coronavirus as cases continue to climb across the state with 225 confirmed cases in the Fairfax County Health District. Social distancing is the most effective method to limit the disease’s transmission. 
The governor’s action, which currently remains in effect until June 10, means that residents should stay in homes with only a few exceptions for essential activities, including: 
  • Getting groceries or medicines. 
  • Caring for a sick family member or friend. 
  • Getting medical care for yourself .
  • Going outside for exercise for yourself or pets (although not in groups larger than 10 people). 
  • Getting essential social or government services.
  • Traveling to and from work or place of worship. 
  • Traveling required by court order or to facilitate child custody, visitation, or child care.
Do not go out unless you need to go out.  
“To date, this has been a suggestion to Virginians,” said Northam. “Today it’s an order.” 
As a result of the new order, Fairfax County Government is examining our services and locations to see if there is any additional impact beyond what was announced last week.  
The governor said that the state will continue to enforce the ban against gatherings of more than 10 people. 

Stay Informed