October 12, 2019

The WCA Trash & Recycling information page has been updated

The WCA Trash & Recycling information page has been updated with the latest policy changes by both Fairfax County and Republic Services.  Please familiarize yourself with the new guidelines by browsing to the cluster web site, www.waterviewcluster.org, then click Info: WCA Trash & Recycling.

October 8, 2019

RELAC will be ending the 2019 cooling season at noon on October 9th, 2019

Message from Mark Waddell, President, Reston RELAC:

Dear RELAC Customer:

The forecast for the next ten days has a high temperature of 72 with half the days in the 60’s.  Therefore RELAC will be ending the 2019 cooling season at noon on October 9th, 2019.  This is the normal end of season date.

RELAC has a few weeks of maintenance to perform and after that work we will be emptying the supply and return pipes for a short two week period.  This is when any work on your emergency shutoff valves should be done.

This work can be performed by your HVAC company or the RELAC service department.  Call our service number to schedule this work (703.349.3301).

Thank you for a good season.  


RELAC President
P.O. Box 2423
Reston VA 20195

20191008 1841

October 2, 2019

Glass is no longer a curbside recyclable item...

On the heels of Fairfax County's elimination of curbside collection of glass bottles and jars for recycling, Republic Services asks its customers, including Waterview Cluster, to stop placing glass in recycling bins.  Instead, put all glass bottles and jars into trash receptacles or take them to a Fairfax County "Purple Bin" location.


  • Glass containers placed in curbside recycling bins break during collection and transport to recycling sorting centers. Broken glass contaminates bales of other more valuable recycled items, such as cardboard and metals. Contamination has become a major problem for the recycling industry in the past two years since China, the largest customer for recycled material, imposed strict standards on the quality of recycled material it accepts.
  • The abrasive broken glass damages machinery.
  • Glass is heavy, which adds cost to transporting recyclables to and from recycling centers.
Where are the nearest Fairfax County Purple Bins?
  • Reston South Park and Ride
    2531 Reston Pkwy, Herndon, VA 20191
  • Fairfax County Government Center – Lot B
    12000 Government Center Pkwy, Fairfax, VA 22035
  • Sully District Governmental Center
    4900 Stonecroft Blvd, Chantilly, VA 20151
  • Providence Community Center
    3001 Vaden Dr, Fairfax, VA 22031
  • I-66 Transfer Station
  • 4618 West Ox Road, Fairfax, VA, 22030
Hours of operation:


20191002 17:27

October 1, 2019

Waterview Cluster Workday - Saturday October 5, 2019

Waterview Cluster Workday
Waterview Cluster Workday

come for continental breakfast: 8:30 am
stay for lunch bring a dish to go with your hot dog: 12:30 pm

AND at 1:30 PM
 learn how an expert arborist plants a tree replacing Silver Maple 1965 - 2019
(next to 11495 WC)

YES  save the day  YES save the day  YES  save the day  Yes