July 20, 2019

UPDATE#2: Trash collection service today postponed until July 22, 2019

In the Good New-Bad News Department: Without prior notice, Republic Services sent a crew to Wateview Cluster to collect trash this morning, Saturday July 20th.  That worked well for Orchard Lane because most of the homes make use of large communal trash bins and those trash bins remained at their pickup locations.  Alas, the responsible citizens who returned their full trash containers to their homes will have to wait until Monday for the next collection date.
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Republic Services has just now reported that it WILL NOT collect trash today.  Service will resume on Monday, July 22, 2019.  The board has lodged an official complaint.  Residents may register dissatisfaction by calling Republic Services Customer Service Department, 703-818-8222, then select Menu Option 3.
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Republic Services states that they will make up today's missed collection service tomorrow, Friday July 19, 2019.  No explanation was offered for today's failure or for the missed yard waste pick-up on Wednesday July 18th.
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