May 29, 2019

Upper Waterview Tree Removal and Parking Disruption on June 6, 2019


Removal of silver maple has now been scheduled for Thursday June 6.

Repeat of procedures for that day (from earlier notice):
The crane will require maneuvering and set up space that requires vacating the following for the scheduled work day:

  ALL the open surface parking spaces at the lower carport level from 11477WV thru 11499WV,

No curbside parking from 11475WV thru 11465WV,

No parking on either side of the driveway curve between 11463WV and 11465WV

We have stipulated at least a one week notice to the cluster before the work is to be done. We will notify affected neighbors as soon as we receive that notice from COT. If, on the scheduled workday, a parked car blocks crane access to the site, the board will have it towed to another cluster location. If you plan to be away and leave your car, please move it to a place outside the limits listed above OR make arrangements with a trusted neighbor to move it to another location while you are gone.

Cars left parked in the lower level carport spaces may remain in place, but they may be inaccessible for the duration of work involving the crane.

We usually plan for a crane to arrive at 7:00 AM on the appointed day and leave by 5pm.

Please contact Karen or Charlie at with questions or if you would like to request an on-site review regarding these preparations.

May 26, 2019

Republic Services will collect trash and recycling on Memorial Day, May 27,2019

All trash and recycling services will run as regularly scheduled on Monday May 27, 2019. There will be no interruption of service due to the holiday.

May 22, 2019

Lake Anne Treatment for Algae on Friday May 24

Blue-green algae also called cyanobacteria will be treated in Lake Anne by Reston Association’s aquatic consultants on Friday, May 24. They will be utilizing a boat with a gas powered motor for this activity. They will be treating the lake with a copper based algaecide to manage this growth. There are not any restrictions following the application. Residents can still fish and boat without restrictions. There also isn’t any restriction on pets drinking the treated water. However, there is concern for pets drinking lake water containing high levels of cyanobacteria. Remember that our lakes receive all of the areas storm water and are not regulated for consumption. These treatments are necessary to control the algae on the lakes and are conducted on a monthly basis throughout the summer.

In addition, you may have noticed a scum form on the surface of the water on our lakes. Our aquatic consultants were out monitoring the lakes last Friday and observed this as well. They stated these scums develop from the accumulation of pollen on the surface of the water as well as other floatables and runoff from the surrounding area. When the pollen is brought in during heavy rains it’s gets agitated and forms this scummy appearance. It should dissipate over time but there is no environmental concern.

William Peterson
Watershed Manager
Reston Association
12250 Sunset Hills Road
Reston, VA 20190

May 16, 2019

WCA BoD acknowledges Jeff Walton, The Care of Trees

The WCA board would like to formally acknowledge and thank Jeff Walton, arborist for The Care of Trees, for his enlightening and entertaining talk during the annual membership meeting on May 8, 2019.   Jeff explained the cluster tree management program and fielded a variety of member questions during a lively discussion period.

May 15, 2019

WCA May 2019 Election Results

At the annual general membership meeting on May 8, 2019, two members were elected to three-year terms on the Waterview Cluster Association Board of Directors.  Jim Traylor resumes his place on the board and Margaret Emerson assumes the seat vacated by Tiffany Lockhart.  At the regular directors meeting on May 13, 2019, the WCA board elected officers: and appointed committee chairs:
President: Chris Flynn
Vice President: John Melnick
Secretary: Jim Traylor
Treasurer: Marge Carrico

Design Review and Covenants: Margaret Emerson
Capital Improvements: Jim Traylor
Landscape: Karen Noel
Social: John Melnick

Contact information for officers and committees has been updated on the cluster web site,