April 26, 2019

WCA DRCC Open House on May 1, 2019, 6:30pm

Waterview Cluster Association
Design Review and
Covenant Committee

May 1, 2019, 6:30 p.m.
Waterview Cluster Marina, Reston, VA 20190

Join us to learn about the Cluster Standards and the recent updates.

Talk with us about your upcoming exterior projects.

Meet the committee members and discuss how to navigate RA’s DRB application process.

Explore the cluster approved paint colors, three new colors were added to the original color palette that you may not know about.

April 16, 2019

Pothole Repairs Scheduled for Monday April 29, 2019

Weather permitting, on April 29, 2019 a crew from Pothole Repair Metro DC will repair six significant potholes in cluster drive aisles on both Orchard Lane and Waterview Cluster.  The crew is expected to arrive around 12:30 PM.

These pothole repairs are a prequel to the next round of larger-expanse, full depth pavement repairs that will be scheduled later this year or early next year.

April 12, 2019

WCA Capital Improvements Committee will meet at 9am on April 19, 2019

Waterview Cluster Association
Capital Improvements Committee


April 19, 2019, 9 a.m.
Meeting location: Waterview Cluster Marina

1.       Call to Order
2.       Open Forum
Each member may address the committee for up to three minutes.  Speakers may not allot their time to others.
3.       Approval of Minutes
4.       Presentations, Discussion, and Action Items
4.1. Assessment of Waterview Square site visit by Sal Kapoor from Structural Repair and Renovations.
4.2. Open task status review
4.2.1.       Pavements
4.2.2.       Concrete
4.2.3.       Site Features
4.2.4.       Carport

5.       Adjourn

WCA Board of Directors - Regular Meeting, April 15, 2019, 7 p.m., Lake Anne Coffee House

Waterview Cluster Association
Board of Directors

April 15, 2019, 7 p.m.
MEETING LOCATION: Lake Anne Coffee House, 1612 Washington Plaza N, Reston, VA 20190

1.       Call to Order
2.       Open Forum.  During open forum, each member may address the board for up to five minutes. A director may briefly respond to statements made or questions posed. Speakers must observe rules of decorum and not engage in other disruptive behavior. The time guidelines ensure that others will have an opportunity to speak. Speakers may not allot their time to others.
3.       Approval of Minutes
4.       Reports
4.1. Treasurer's Report
4.2. Other Officer Reports
4.3. Committee Reports
4.3.1.             Capital Improvements
4.3.2.             Covenants
4.3.3.             Landscape
4.4. Social
5.       New Business
5.1. Discussion of complaint, “11497WC letter/complaint”, against the Waterview Cluster Board of Directors that was delivered to the board on March 6, 2019 via email by TWC Association Management on behalf of the owner of 11497 Waterview Cluster.
5.2. Capital improvement expenditures for repairs to pavements, SWM, marina dock, and carports.
5.3. Design review applications for RA DRB approval:
5.3.1.             Black Paint Color Update
5.3.2.             Vinyl Window Trim Update
5.3.3.             Prefinished Roof Color Update
5.4. Marina reservation policy
5.5. WCA board officer recommendation to change the venue for WCA board meetings.
5.6. Disposition of non-compliant vehicle parked in the Orchard Lane parking area.
6.       Adjourn


April 10, 2019

Dominion Surveyors 2019 WCA boundary survey nearing completion

Dominion Surveyors competed its field data collection yesterday and its staff members will continue to be seen throughout the cluster intermittently over the next two weeks as the WCA 2019 boundary survey project enters its final phase.  The newly collected data will be used to produce a plat showing all the improvements between identified WCA common area and homeowners properties.  Once complete, the crews will start staking the property lines.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jim Traylor.

April 1, 2019

WCA DRCC will meet on April 3, 2019, 6:30 p.m. at 11497 Waterview Cluster

Waterview Cluster Association
Design Review and
Covenant Committee

April 3, 2018, 6:30 p.m.
11497 Waterview Cluster, Reston, VA 20190
1.       Call to Order

2.       Open Forum. During open forum, each member may address the committee for up to five minutes. A committee may briefly respond to statements made or questions posed. Speakers must observe rules of decorum and not engage in other disruptive behavior. The time guidelines ensure that others will have an opportunity to speak. Speakers may not allot their time to others. Please sign-in for open forum.

3.       Approval of minutes.

4.       New Business
4.1. Finalize selection of prefinished metal roof colors
4.2. Finalize standard for vinyl trim wraps for window replacements