March 9, 2019

The WCA Capital Improvements Committee will meet at 11am on March 16, 2019 at the WCA Marina

Waterview Cluster Association
Capital Improvements Committee
March 16, 2019, 11 a.m.
MEETING LOCATION: Waterview Cluster Marina
1.       Call to Order
2.       Open Forum
Each member may address the committee for up to three minutes.  Speakers may not allot their time to others.
3.       Approval of Minutes
4.       Presentations, Discussion, and Action Items
4.1. Unfinished tasks
4.1.1.             Upper Waterview carport leak repair and next steps
4.1.2.             Erosion issue on western slope of Lower OL
4.2. New Tasks
4.2.1.             Carport carpentry repairs on all three two-story carports and some carport storage units.
4.2.2.             Chaining of marina picnic tables.
4.2.3.             Asphalt pavement repairs on both WC and OL parking areas
4.2.4.             Boundary survey
4.2.5.             Marina deck board and steps repair or replacement.
4.3. Tree maintenance tasks and schedule
4.4. Storage closet number and organization
4.5. Hydrant meter usage and futures
4.6. Review of committee responsibilities and member communication tactics
5.       Adjourn
