March 4, 2019

RE-POST:Republic Services Yard Waste Service Resumes on Wednesday March 6, 2019

Republic Services (RS) will resume yard waste pickup service on Wednesday March 6, 2019 and continue the service through December 24, 2019.

Collection is limited to 10- biodegradable paper bags, plastic bags, averaged sized containers, or bundles (or a combination thereof) per pick-up day. Brush and limbs must be less than 6 inches in diameter, cut into 4-foot lengths or less, bundled with rope or twine and cannot exceed 50 pounds. Yard waste or bundles that do not meet these set-out requirements will not be collected. More than 10- bags and/or bundles of tied yard waste may be scheduled for a special pick-up at an additional charge. Republic Services does not collect dirt, bags of mulch, sod, rocks, open containers with poison ivy/oak/sumac, or uncontained brush with thorns.

If you have been hanging on to your Christmas Tree in the hopes of keeping it out of the regular solid waste stream, now is the time to unload it.  To be assured of pickup, the tree should be cut into 4-foot lengths (as is the rule for "yard waste"), however some RS customer service representatives have stated that RS will accept Christmas Trees up to eight feet in height.  For sure the tree must be devoid of all lights, ornaments, and tinsel.
