March 1, 2019

Note to email subscribers of this web site

UPDATE:The subscriber email problem appears to be fixed.
A technical glitch in Googledom has interrupted the flow of email to subscribers starting about three days ago.  Stay tuned for updates...

After this problem is finally resolved, some of you (approximately twelve) will not receive nightly email digests because you did not complete the subscription registration process.  Submitting your email address is only Part One of a two-part registration process.

Part One:

After you submit your email address, you will see this message:

Email Subscription Request

Your request has been accepted!

Please check your inbox for a verification message from FeedBurner Email Subscriptions”, the service that delivers email subscriptions for Waterview Cluster. You will need to click a link listed in this message to activate your subscription. If you dont see a confirmation e-mail in a reasonable amount of time please check your bulk/spam folder.

Part Two:
Please check your email mailbox for a message from "FeedBurner Email Subscriptions" -- it may be in your Spam folder.  The message should have the Subject, "Activate your Email Subscription to: Waterview Cluster" with content similar to this: 
Hello there,

You recently requested an email subscription to the Waterview Cluster web  
site. We can't wait to send the updates you want via email, so please click  
the following link to activate your subscription immediately:

(If the link above does not appear clickable or does not open a browser  
window when you click it, copy it and paste it into your web browser's  
Location bar.)

Click the link that starts with "".  If all went well, you should see the following: