March 8, 2019

Complaint filed by WCA member against the WCA Board of Directors regarding "live tree removal without the proper notification and RA DRB approval"

On March 6, 2019, the WCA Board of Directors received a copy of a complaint filed against the board by a WCA member alleging,

"WCA Board of Directors has proceeded with and proposes to proceed with live tree removal without the proper notification and RA DRB approval".

The complaint may be read in its entirety at this link:!AomQNOWv0kQyg5NZsAJZrX9TUrN4OA

The WCA board encourages its members to air grievances directly to the board and work toward change in a cooperative manner before resorting to the filing of an official complaint.  However, the board does not discourage any member from using the formal complaint process to seek a hearing for fair redress of a complaint.  If you would like to learn more about the WCA complaint process, please browse to the cluster web site at, then select Documents, then click the link named, "WCA and Common Interest Community Board (CICB) Complaint Procedure and Form".

The process for receiving and reviewing complaints was developed by the WCA BoD to comply with Common Interest Community Board (CICB) regulations for community associations.  The CICB is an entity within the Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation (DPOR).  You can learn more about the CICB and its guidelines here:

The Waterview Cluster Association is a nonstock corporation subject to the Fair Housing Act, the Virginia Property Owners’ Association Act, the Virginia Nonstock Corporation Act, and the governing documents of the Reston Association (RA)--including the amended Deed of Dedication, Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and rules and regulations--as well as the cluster’s own Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and rules.
