March 31, 2019

Boundary survey update 31-March-2019

Dominion Surveyors created a preliminary broad outline of the to-be-surveyed areas on the 29th.  They will review that data on Monday and be back to shoot in the improvements that are along the actual property lines later this week, probably Tuesday or Wednesday (April 2nd or 3rd).

At the request of the board, Dominion Surveyors is onsite periodically during the next week to identify and mark the boundaries of several areas of interest throughout the cluster.  The boundary areas to be marked include properties that have been identified in RA DRB applications, RA Covenants inspections, and WCA capital improvements projects.

March 29, 2019

Dominion Surveyors is onsite for the next two or three days to perform a boundary survey

At the request of the board, Dominion Surveyors is onsite periodically during the next week to identify and mark the boundaries of several areas of interest throughout the cluster.  The boundary areas to be marked include properties that have been identified in RA DRB applications, RA Covenants inspections, and WCA capital improvements projects.

Fairfax County PSA: Battery storage and disposal (March 2019)


So far this year, Fairfax County has experienced four battery-related fires.  In 2018, there were six fires caused by batteries.  As these numbers increase, so must awareness of the proper storage, recycling and disposal of all batteries.


Alkaline / single-use batteries (AA, AAA, 9V, C or D cell) should be stored using the following guidelines:
  • Keep in their original packaging
  • Store standing up
  • Use a battery storage container/organizer (designed to keep batteries secure/separate)
  • Never store batteries loose
  • Keep in dry storage area
  • Do not carry loose batteries in your pocket or purse
  • Cover terminal ends with electrical tape until ready to use
  • Do not toss batteries in a junk drawer with other metal objects


There are four types of rechargeable batteries: lithium ion, nickel cadmium (ni-cad), nickel metal hydride and small sealed lead acid batteries (SSLA's under 2 lbs.)  These should never be thrown away, but instead recycled.  When damaged or exposed, these batteries pose a major fire hazard. 
Any rechargeable electronic device has a rechargeable battery.  Examples include laptop computers, remote control toys, portable power tools, video cameras, cell or cordless phones and walkie talkies.  After a certain number of uses, these batteries can no longer hold a charge and need to be recycled.
Additionally, damaged, defective and recalled batteries should be recycled.
Rechargeable batteries and any battery that has been damaged, deemed defective or recalled, can be recycled at one of the county's Household Hazardous Waste Collection Sites at I-66 Transfer Station and I-95 Landfill Complex.  Additional recycling resources include:
Batteries labeled with Alkaline that are single-use (AA, AAA, 9V, C, or D cell) do not need recycling.  Due to the Mercury-Containing and Rechargeable Battery Management Act passed in 1996 that phased out the use of mercury in alkaline batteries, single-use batteries are less of an issue when disposed in landfills.  However, all batteries could pose a potential fire hazard if under the right conditions.  Therefore, take the precautions listed in the next section for the proper disposal of single-use batteries.


When discarding Alkaline/single-use batteries (AA, AAA, 9V, C or D cell) in your household trash, follow one of these safety procedures before throwing them away to prevent an accidental fire.
  • Place a piece of electrical tape over both ends (+/-) of the battery.
  • Place batteries separately in a sealed plastic bag
  • Place batteries in their original packaging, sealed with tape.
Collection Sites

March 25, 2019

WCA DRCC will meet on March 27, 2019, 6:30 p.m. at 11497 Waterview Cluster

Waterview Cluster Association
Design Review and
Covenant Committee

March 27, 2019, 6:30 p.m.
11497 Waterview Cluster, Reston, VA 20190
1.       Call to Order

2.       Open Forum. During open forum, each member may address the committee for up to five minutes. A committee may briefly respond to statements made or questions posed. Speakers must observe rules of decorum and not engage in other disruptive behavior. The time guidelines ensure that others will have an opportunity to speak. Speakers may not allot their time to others. Please sign-in for open forum.

3.       Approval of minutes.

4.       New Business
4.1. Review selection of prefinished metal roof colors
4.2. Review roof standard update to stipulate DRB approval requirement
4.3. Review standard for vinyl trim wraps for window replacements

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March 24, 2019

WCA Cluster Workday, Saturday April 27, 2019





9:00 – 1:00 FOR CLEAN UP




March 18, 2019

The WCA Design Review and Covenant Committee will meet at 6:30pm on March 20 at 11497 Waterview Cluster

Waterview Cluster Association
Design Review and
Covenant Committee

March 20, 2019, 6:30 p.m.
11497 Waterview Cluster, Reston, VA 20190
1.       Call to Order

2.       Open Forum. During open forum, each member may address the committee for up to five minutes. A committee may briefly respond to statements made or questions posed. Speakers must observe rules of decorum and not engage in other disruptive behavior. The time guidelines ensure that others will have an opportunity to speak. Speakers may not allot their time to others. Please sign-in for open forum.

3.       Approval of minutes.

4.       New Business
4.1. Selection of metal roof color for updates
4.2. Review prohibition for vinyl trim wraps for window replacements

March 14, 2019

Dominion Energy planned power outage for Waterview Cluster and vicinity on Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Please tell your fellow Waterview Cluster neighbors about the following importance notice to the board from Dominion Energy:
Image result for dominion energy
Dear Valued Customer,
Dominion Energy Virginia will be improving a portion of the energy grid that serves your area on Tuesday, March 19, 2019. In order to complete this work safely and efficiently, your power will be interrupted between 11:00 p.m. on Tuesday March 19, 2019 and 5:30 a.m. on Wednesday March 20, 2019.
Should inclement weather or extenuating circumstances prevent Dominion Energy from performing the work on this date, it will be postponed until the evening of Wednesday, March 20, 2019 through Thursday morning March 21, 2019 at the same times.
In the event of a change to this schedule or to provide additional important information, we will attempt to notify customers by telephone. Please ensure the phone number associated with your Dominion Energy account is correct. You can update your information by signing into your online account at or by calling us at 1-866-DOM-HELP.
If you need additional information regarding this notification, please contact Ricky Singleton by calling 703-742-3077 and refer to project number 10265093.
We have confidence that the enhancement in your service will be well worth any temporary inconvenience this interruption may cause. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
Reliability Team
Dominion Energy Virginia

March 11, 2019

The WCA Capital Improvements Committee will meet at 11am on March 23, 2019 at "Waterview Square" (adjacent to 11485 WC)

Waterview Cluster Association
Capital Improvements Committee
March 23, 2019, 11 a.m.
MEETING LOCATION: Waterview Square, adjacent to 11485 WC

1.       Call to Order

2.       Open Forum
Each member may address the committee for up to three minutes.  Speakers may not allot their time to others.

3.       Approval of Minutes

4.       Presentations, Discussion, and Action Items
4.1. Waterview Square site review with Sal Kapoor from Structural Repair and Renovations, an alternative contractor for drainage improvements for the area.
4.2. Open task status review


March 9, 2019

The WCA Capital Improvements Committee will meet at 11am on March 16, 2019 at the WCA Marina

Waterview Cluster Association
Capital Improvements Committee
March 16, 2019, 11 a.m.
MEETING LOCATION: Waterview Cluster Marina
1.       Call to Order
2.       Open Forum
Each member may address the committee for up to three minutes.  Speakers may not allot their time to others.
3.       Approval of Minutes
4.       Presentations, Discussion, and Action Items
4.1. Unfinished tasks
4.1.1.             Upper Waterview carport leak repair and next steps
4.1.2.             Erosion issue on western slope of Lower OL
4.2. New Tasks
4.2.1.             Carport carpentry repairs on all three two-story carports and some carport storage units.
4.2.2.             Chaining of marina picnic tables.
4.2.3.             Asphalt pavement repairs on both WC and OL parking areas
4.2.4.             Boundary survey
4.2.5.             Marina deck board and steps repair or replacement.
4.3. Tree maintenance tasks and schedule
4.4. Storage closet number and organization
4.5. Hydrant meter usage and futures
4.6. Review of committee responsibilities and member communication tactics
5.       Adjourn


March 8, 2019

Complaint filed by WCA member against the WCA Board of Directors regarding "live tree removal without the proper notification and RA DRB approval"

On March 6, 2019, the WCA Board of Directors received a copy of a complaint filed against the board by a WCA member alleging,

"WCA Board of Directors has proceeded with and proposes to proceed with live tree removal without the proper notification and RA DRB approval".

The complaint may be read in its entirety at this link:!AomQNOWv0kQyg5NZsAJZrX9TUrN4OA

The WCA board encourages its members to air grievances directly to the board and work toward change in a cooperative manner before resorting to the filing of an official complaint.  However, the board does not discourage any member from using the formal complaint process to seek a hearing for fair redress of a complaint.  If you would like to learn more about the WCA complaint process, please browse to the cluster web site at, then select Documents, then click the link named, "WCA and Common Interest Community Board (CICB) Complaint Procedure and Form".

The process for receiving and reviewing complaints was developed by the WCA BoD to comply with Common Interest Community Board (CICB) regulations for community associations.  The CICB is an entity within the Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation (DPOR).  You can learn more about the CICB and its guidelines here:

The Waterview Cluster Association is a nonstock corporation subject to the Fair Housing Act, the Virginia Property Owners’ Association Act, the Virginia Nonstock Corporation Act, and the governing documents of the Reston Association (RA)--including the amended Deed of Dedication, Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and rules and regulations--as well as the cluster’s own Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and rules.


March 6, 2019

The WCA Design Review and Covenant Committee will meet at 6:30pm on March 13 at the Lake Anne Coffee House

Waterview Cluster Association
Design Review and
Covenant Committee

March 13, 2019, 6:30 p.m.
Lake Anne Coffee House, 1612 Washington Plaza N, Reston, VA 20190
1.       Call to Order

2.       Open Forum. During open forum, each member may address the committee for up to five minutes. A committee may briefly respond to statements made or questions posed. Speakers must observe rules of decorum and not engage in other disruptive behavior. The time guidelines ensure that others will have an opportunity to speak. Speakers may not allot their time to others. Please sign-in for open forum.

3.       Approval of minutes.

4.       New Business
4.1. Review metal roof color updates
4.2. Review DRB application requirements for all roof replacement 
4.3. Review paint color updates

4.4. Review prohibition for vinyl trim wraps for window replacements

20190306 1400jtt on behalf of TL

March 5, 2019

WCA BoD seeks permission from RA to remove a tree from WCA common area: "WCA_RADRB-Application-Common_20190305-01"

The WCA Board of Directors has submitted to the Reston Association (RA) Design Review Board (DRB) a "Design Review Application" along with supporting documentation to justify the removal of a large, mid-1960's-vintage Silver Maple tree that is located in the cluster common area adjacent to the 11491-11499 Waterview Cluster row of townhouses.  The tree is not within a designated Chesapeake Bay Resource Protection Area (RPA).  

The WCA board asserts that the health of the tree has declined to the point that it represents a public safety hazard, as documented in writing by two independent arborists certified by the International Society of Arborists (ISA).  The WCA board requests permission from RA to dismantle the tree and thereby mitigate risks to persons and property.  

The WCA RA DRB application package is named, "WCA_RADRB-Application-Common_20190305-01", and is freely accessible to the public in a document repository at this link:!AomQNOWv0kQyg5NFDP0qdsq51ZnRYQ

The digital files within the shared repository were created as separate Adobe PDF-format logical entities.  These individual files were then added to a single zipped archive file as well as a "jumbo" PDF file that contains all of the individual PDF's stitched together in proper sequence, to make them easier to manage as a single entity, if desired.  

Documents contained within "WCA_RADRB-Application-Common_20190305-01":
  • Waterview Cluster Association DRB Application Package Cover Page, 1pp
    • File: WCA_RA-DRB-Application-Common_PKG-Cover_20190305_0001.pdf
  • RA Design Review Application (for Tree Removal), 6pp
    • File: WCA_RA-DRB-Application-Common_PKG-DRA_20190305-01_0002.pdf
  • RA Design Guidelines (11/19/15) – Cluster Common Property - Application Checklist, 1pp
    • File: WCA_RA-DRB-Application-Common_PKG-Checklist_20190305-01_0003.pdf
  • Map #1: Fairfax County GIS Map (Chesapeake Bay, 2005, 17-2) showing location of tree adjacent to 11495 Waterview Cluster (not in RPA), 1pp
    • File: WCA_RA-DRB-Application-Common_PKG-Map#1_20190305-01_0004.pdf
  • Map #2: WCA Planting Plan Map (from 1965, Part III, Chloethiel Woodard Smith Architects) showing location of tree adjacent to 11495 Waterview Cluster, 1pp
    • File: WCA_RA-DRB-Application-Common_PKG-Map#2_20190305-01_0005.pdf
  • Photo #1: Tree Photo looking toward 11495 Waterview Cluster, Winter 2019, 1pp
    • File: WCA_RA-DRB-Application-Common_PKG-Photo#1_20190305-01_0006.pdf
  • Photo #2: Photo showing fruiting part of wood decaying fungi, Fall 2018 (not in fruit right now), 1pp
    • File: WCA_RA-DRB-Application-Common_PKG-Photo#2_20190305-01_0007.pdf
  • Arborist Statement #1: Jeff Walton, ISA Certification WE1659A, The Care of Trees, 1pp
    • File: WCA_RA-DRB-Application-Common_PKG-Arborist#1_20190305-01_0008.pdf
  • Arborist Statement #2: Peter Deahl, ISA Certification 0074, Fine Pruning, LLC, 2pp
    • File: WCA_RA-DRB-Application-Common_PKG-Arborist#2_20190305-01_0009.pdf
  • Waterview Cluster Tree Management Protocols, Revised 2019, 1pp
    • File: WCA_RA-DRB-Application-Common_PKG-WCA-Tree-Protocol-2019_20190305-01_0010.pdf
  • Next Steps to Replacement (regarding the Silver Maple adjacent to 11495 Waterview Cluster), 1pp
    • File: WCA_RA-DRB-Application-Common_PKG-WCA-Next-Steps_20190305-01_0011.pdf
  • Article, College of ACES, University of Illinois, “Armillaria Root Rot of Trees and Shrubs”, March 2000, 2pp
    • File: WCA_RA-DRB-Application-Common_PKG-Article#1_20190305-01_0012.pdf

  • Zip Archive:
  • Jumbo PDF: WCA_RADRB-Application-Common_20190305-01.pdf

20190305 1806jtt

WCA Board of Directors - Regular Meeting, April 8, 2019, 7 p.m., Lake Anne Coffee House

**POSTPONED until April 15, 2019 due to a scheduling conflict with a Reston Association Design Review Board meeting scheduled on April 8th at the same time. **

The next regular meeting of the Waterview Cluster Association Board of Directors will be held at 7 p.m. on April 8, 2019 at the Lake Anne Coffee House, 1612 Washington Plaza N, Reston, VA 20190.  The agenda will be posted approximately one week prior to the meeting.


March 4, 2019

RE-POST:Republic Services Yard Waste Service Resumes on Wednesday March 6, 2019

Republic Services (RS) will resume yard waste pickup service on Wednesday March 6, 2019 and continue the service through December 24, 2019.

Collection is limited to 10- biodegradable paper bags, plastic bags, averaged sized containers, or bundles (or a combination thereof) per pick-up day. Brush and limbs must be less than 6 inches in diameter, cut into 4-foot lengths or less, bundled with rope or twine and cannot exceed 50 pounds. Yard waste or bundles that do not meet these set-out requirements will not be collected. More than 10- bags and/or bundles of tied yard waste may be scheduled for a special pick-up at an additional charge. Republic Services does not collect dirt, bags of mulch, sod, rocks, open containers with poison ivy/oak/sumac, or uncontained brush with thorns.

If you have been hanging on to your Christmas Tree in the hopes of keeping it out of the regular solid waste stream, now is the time to unload it.  To be assured of pickup, the tree should be cut into 4-foot lengths (as is the rule for "yard waste"), however some RS customer service representatives have stated that RS will accept Christmas Trees up to eight feet in height.  For sure the tree must be devoid of all lights, ornaments, and tinsel.


March 3, 2019

WCA General Membership Meeting scheduled for May 8, 2019, 7pm, RCC Lake Anne

The annual meeting of the members of Waterview Cluster Association will be held at 7:00 p.m. on May 8, 2019 in the Jo Ann Rose Gallery at the Reston Community Center - Lake Anne, 1609-A Washington Plaza, Reston, VA 20190.

The primary purpose of the meeting is to elect (or reelect) two board members.  After the election and the conclusion of any other business before the membership, the board of directors will conduct its first regular meeting of the new term.

March 1, 2019

Note to email subscribers of this web site

UPDATE:The subscriber email problem appears to be fixed.
A technical glitch in Googledom has interrupted the flow of email to subscribers starting about three days ago.  Stay tuned for updates...

After this problem is finally resolved, some of you (approximately twelve) will not receive nightly email digests because you did not complete the subscription registration process.  Submitting your email address is only Part One of a two-part registration process.

Part One:

After you submit your email address, you will see this message:

Email Subscription Request

Your request has been accepted!

Please check your inbox for a verification message from FeedBurner Email Subscriptions”, the service that delivers email subscriptions for Waterview Cluster. You will need to click a link listed in this message to activate your subscription. If you dont see a confirmation e-mail in a reasonable amount of time please check your bulk/spam folder.

Part Two:
Please check your email mailbox for a message from "FeedBurner Email Subscriptions" -- it may be in your Spam folder.  The message should have the Subject, "Activate your Email Subscription to: Waterview Cluster" with content similar to this: 
Hello there,

You recently requested an email subscription to the Waterview Cluster web  
site. We can't wait to send the updates you want via email, so please click  
the following link to activate your subscription immediately:

(If the link above does not appear clickable or does not open a browser  
window when you click it, copy it and paste it into your web browser's  
Location bar.)

Click the link that starts with "".  If all went well, you should see the following:

LED Bulbs Accepted at Fairfax County Household Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites

LED LightLight-emitting diode bulbs are not accepted in curbside recycling bins; however, Fairfax County residents may bring LEDs to the county’s two household hazardous waste drop-off areas for recycling. The drop-off areas are located at the I-66 transfer station in Fairfax and the I-95 landfill complex in Lorton. LEDs are accepted free of charge.
LEDs have become the bulb of choice because they are more efficient than incandescent bulbs, but they often contain hazardous substances such as lead, nickel, silver, copper and arsenic. LEDs are not regulated as hazardous or universal waste by federal, state, or local regulatory statutes.  Unlike compact fluorescent bulbs which contain mercury, LEDs may be discarded as municipal solid waste, or regular trash.
In its continuing efforts to promote environmental sustainability practices, Fairfax County’s Solid Waste Management Program worked with its hazardous waste disposal vendor to begin accepting LEDs in 2019. This new recycling option exceeds current federal and state regulatory statutes for the disposal of LEDs.   


I-66 transfer station (4618 West Ox Road, Fairfax): Monday-Saturday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Sunday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
I-95 landfill complex (9850 Furnace Road, Lorton): Monday-Sunday, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.
For more information, call 703-324-6361, TTY 711, or submit a question by email.
To receive more stories from the Department of Public Works and Environmental Services, subscribe to the Sustainable Communities e-newsletter.