December 20, 2019

Another leaf pick-up Update...Thursday, December 19

Cardinal cannot pick-up this week due to rain at the beginning of the week followed by freezing weather that has created solid piles of leaves and fields of leaves frozen to the ground. Using pitchforks to pick up leaves does not produce an attractive appearance.

Warming trend coming -- Cardinal will be working every day, except on Christmas Day, to catch up. Completion projected before New Year’s Day (2020), weather permitting! Better than Jan. 10 last year.

20191220 08:13

December 13, 2019

Fall Leaf Collection:FRIDAY DECEMBER 20 (NEW DATE)

The final leaf pick-up has been rescheduled due to the continuing intermittent wet weather.



Updated: 20191213 06:45

November 16, 2019

Waterview Cluster Fall 2019 Leaf Pickup Dates Announced

Cardinal Landscaping will collect leaves from cluster common areas on November 25-26, 2019 and December 16, 2019.

Updated: 20191116 11:25

October 12, 2019

The WCA Trash & Recycling information page has been updated

The WCA Trash & Recycling information page has been updated with the latest policy changes by both Fairfax County and Republic Services.  Please familiarize yourself with the new guidelines by browsing to the cluster web site,, then click Info: WCA Trash & Recycling.

October 8, 2019

RELAC will be ending the 2019 cooling season at noon on October 9th, 2019

Message from Mark Waddell, President, Reston RELAC:

Dear RELAC Customer:

The forecast for the next ten days has a high temperature of 72 with half the days in the 60’s.  Therefore RELAC will be ending the 2019 cooling season at noon on October 9th, 2019.  This is the normal end of season date.

RELAC has a few weeks of maintenance to perform and after that work we will be emptying the supply and return pipes for a short two week period.  This is when any work on your emergency shutoff valves should be done.

This work can be performed by your HVAC company or the RELAC service department.  Call our service number to schedule this work (703.349.3301).

Thank you for a good season.  


RELAC President
P.O. Box 2423
Reston VA 20195

20191008 1841

October 2, 2019

Glass is no longer a curbside recyclable item...

On the heels of Fairfax County's elimination of curbside collection of glass bottles and jars for recycling, Republic Services asks its customers, including Waterview Cluster, to stop placing glass in recycling bins.  Instead, put all glass bottles and jars into trash receptacles or take them to a Fairfax County "Purple Bin" location.


  • Glass containers placed in curbside recycling bins break during collection and transport to recycling sorting centers. Broken glass contaminates bales of other more valuable recycled items, such as cardboard and metals. Contamination has become a major problem for the recycling industry in the past two years since China, the largest customer for recycled material, imposed strict standards on the quality of recycled material it accepts.
  • The abrasive broken glass damages machinery.
  • Glass is heavy, which adds cost to transporting recyclables to and from recycling centers.
Where are the nearest Fairfax County Purple Bins?
  • Reston South Park and Ride
    2531 Reston Pkwy, Herndon, VA 20191
  • Fairfax County Government Center – Lot B
    12000 Government Center Pkwy, Fairfax, VA 22035
  • Sully District Governmental Center
    4900 Stonecroft Blvd, Chantilly, VA 20151
  • Providence Community Center
    3001 Vaden Dr, Fairfax, VA 22031
  • I-66 Transfer Station
  • 4618 West Ox Road, Fairfax, VA, 22030
Hours of operation:


20191002 17:27

October 1, 2019

Waterview Cluster Workday - Saturday October 5, 2019

Waterview Cluster Workday
Waterview Cluster Workday

come for continental breakfast: 8:30 am
stay for lunch bring a dish to go with your hot dog: 12:30 pm

AND at 1:30 PM
 learn how an expert arborist plants a tree replacing Silver Maple 1965 - 2019
(next to 11495 WC)

YES  save the day  YES save the day  YES  save the day  Yes

September 25, 2019

WCA Carport Gutter Cleaning on September 27, 2019

D.C. Gutter Cleaning Services will be onsite to clear the WCA carport gutters on Friday September 27, 2019.

September 11, 2019

WCA BoD Regular Meeting will be held at 7pm on October 7, 2019 at the Reston Museum

The Waterview Cluster Association Board of Directors budget planning session will be incorporated into the next Regular Meeting at 7pm on October 7, 2019 at the Reston Museum.


September 10, 2019

POSTPONED:WCA BoD Budget Planning Session on Monday September 16, 2019

The Waterview Cluster Association Board of Directors budget planning session will be folded into the next Regular Meeting at 7pm on October 7, 2019 at the Reston Museum.

The Waterview Cluster Association Board of Directors will hold a budget planning session on Monday September 16, 2019, 6:30pm 7pm, at the Waterview Cluster Marina.


September 7, 2019

Waterview Cluster Fall Workday - Saturday October 5, 2019

Save the Date
Waterview Cluster Fall Workday


Tree Planting Day
where the master works his
magic with the help of 5
(yes, 5 (hopefully))

Waterview Cluster Association Landscape Committee

August 30, 2019

Trash & Recycling service will run as normal on Labor Day, Monday September 2, 2019

Despite what is presented on the Republic Services web site (as of early this morning), Republic Services states that it will run a normal trash and recycling collection schedule on Monday September 2, 2019.

20190830 1501
20190830 1159

August 27, 2019

WCA BoD issues Parking Violation Notice to a vehicle with long-expired tags in Lower Orchard Lane.

WCA BoD has issued a Parking Violation Notice to a vehicle with long-expired out-of-state tags in Lower Orchard Lane.  The owner must bring his vehicle into compliance before September 4, 2019 or it will be towed from the premises on that day.

20190827 1016

Director Emerson appointed to the office of Vice President

At its meeting on August 12, 2019, the WCA Board of Directors appointed Director Margaret Emerson to the office of Vice President.

August 16, 2019

WCA Marina Dock Substructure Engineering Assessment, Monday August 19, 2019

On Monday August 19, 2019, engineers will inspect the underpinnings of the WCA Marina dock and bulkheads to assess their structural integrity.  The marina complex was installed in 1989 and the goal of the assessment is to try to estimate the remaining life expectancy of the infrastructure, which is currently slated for replacement in 2025.  It is believe that the inspection will be complete on Monday, but the possibility exists that the inspection might extend into Tuesday.

20190816 1643

August 2, 2019

Tree removal operations will disrupt parking near WCA Marina on Wednesday August 7, 2019

Waterview Cluster Marina
Before 7:00 AM,
please vacate all parking spaces at the Marina end of the Waterview Cluster parking area or your vehicle will be towed.

RA PATHWAY CLOSED for your safety.

August 1, 2019

Tree removal operations will disrupt parking at WC North Shore entrance on Monday August 5, 2019

REMOVAL, part 2
Waterview Cluster entrance on North Shore Drive

Before 7:00 AM,
please vacate all parking spaces facing
11453WC – 11463WC AND adjacent to 11463WC

Any vehicles remaining in the above parking spaces

after 7am on Monday August 5, 2019 will be towed.

July 30, 2019

July 26-27 Tree Removal Status Update

North Shore Red Oak
All threatening upper branches have been removed from the premises.  The North Shore Red Oak trunk will be removed by crane and log truck as soon as it is practical to do so.

Marina Red Oak
Fallen branches and the most threatening upper story branches were removed according to plan on July 26th.  However, during that process the arborist in charge found extensive borer damage throughout the canopy of the Marina Red Oak and determined that it was not safe to proceed with the removal using the planned rigging.  Alternative removal options and their costs will be presented to the board this week.

20190730 1607

July 24, 2019

Tree removal operations to disrupt parking near WCA Marina on Friday July 26, 2019

Waterview Cluster Marina
FRIDAY JULY 26, 2019
Before 7:00 AM,
please vacate all parking spaces at the Marina end of the Waterview Cluster parking area or your vehicle will be towed.

RA PATHWAY CLOSED for your safety.

July 22, 2019

Tree removal operations will disrupt parking at WC North Shore entrance on Saturday July 27, 2019

Waterview Cluster entrance on North Shore Drive
JULY 27th

Before 7:00 AM,
please vacate all parking spaces facing
11453WC – 11463WC AND adjacent to 11463WC

Any vehicles remaining in the above parking spaces
after 7am on Saturday July 27, 2019 will be towed.

July 20, 2019

UPDATE#2: Trash collection service today postponed until July 22, 2019

In the Good New-Bad News Department: Without prior notice, Republic Services sent a crew to Wateview Cluster to collect trash this morning, Saturday July 20th.  That worked well for Orchard Lane because most of the homes make use of large communal trash bins and those trash bins remained at their pickup locations.  Alas, the responsible citizens who returned their full trash containers to their homes will have to wait until Monday for the next collection date.
20190720 1018

Republic Services has just now reported that it WILL NOT collect trash today.  Service will resume on Monday, July 22, 2019.  The board has lodged an official complaint.  Residents may register dissatisfaction by calling Republic Services Customer Service Department, 703-818-8222, then select Menu Option 3.
20190719 1343

Republic Services states that they will make up today's missed collection service tomorrow, Friday July 19, 2019.  No explanation was offered for today's failure or for the missed yard waste pick-up on Wednesday July 18th.
20190718 1158

July 19, 2019

Two tree removals scheduled in late July 2019

On June 30th and July 18th, the WCA board submitted applications to the RA DRB for two tree removals that are scheduled for next week Friday July 26, 2019.  Both trees are Red Oaks that have lost their structural integrity and represent a public safety hazard.

Red Oak #1, near 11461 Waterview Cluster.
  • WCA Supporting Statement and Documentation:
    • WCA_RADRB_Application-Common_20190630-01b-v2.pdf
    • Exhibit #1a: Arborist inspection report from Jeff Walton, ISA Certified Arborist #WE1659A
    • Exhibit #1b: Map showing tree location near North Shore
    • Exhibit #1c: Photographs

Red Oak #2, on the southern end of the Waterview Cluster Marina that dropped a huge limb from its canopy on the WCA dock and adjacent RA pathway on July 16, 2019.
  • RA-DRB Application, signed:
    • WCA_RADRB_Application-Common_20190718v4(signed)(w-attach).pdf
    • This application incorporates the following attachments:
      • Map marking the location of the Marina Red Oak.
      • Arborist's assessment of the Marina Red Oak.
      • Photographs of the Marina Red Oak before and after the canopy limb failure.
20190722 1018
20190719 1644

Tree removal operations will disrupt parking at WC North Shore entrance on Friday July 26, 2019


Before 7:00 AM,
please vacate all parking spaces facing
11453WC – 11463WC AND adjacent to 11463WC

Any vehicles remaining in the above parking spaces
after 7am on July 26, 2019 will be towed.

July 16, 2019

WCA CIC to meet on Wednesday July 24, 2019, 6pm, Waterview Square in front of 11477 Waterview Cluster

The WCA Capital Improvements Committee will meet on Wednesday July 24, 2019, 6pm, Waterview Square in front of 11477 Waterview Cluster, primarily to review a contractor proposal for stormwater runoff mitigation at Waterview Square and areas adjacent to the WCA Grand Canyon footbridge.

July 15, 2019

UPDATE: Injured raccoon shot and killed by Fairfax County Animal Protection Police near Orchard Lane Tot Lot

This morning an officer with Fairfax County Animal Protection informed the board that the injured raccoon was killed because it was determined to be beyond recovery.  The animal was not submitted for lab testing as "there was no obvious evidence of rabies and it had no exposure to humans or domestic animals".  The officer stated that the rationale for dispatching the raccoon by gun shot, rather than some other means (clubbing, for instance), was "officer's discretion".
20190716 1109

In response to a call about an injured raccoon in a wooded area adjacent to the Orchard Lane Tot Lot, a Fairfax County Animal Protection Police officer shot and killed the animal.  The police report made no mention of rabies or whether the animal was to be submitted for lab testing.  Additional details will be published here as they are known.
20190715 2224

RESCHEDULED: WCA CIC to meet on July 22, 2019, 8am, WCA Marina

This meeting is rescheduled for Wednesday July 24, 2019, 6pm, Waterview Square in front of 11477 Waterview Cluster.
20190716 1830

The WCA Capital Improvements Committee will meet on July 22, 2019, 8am, at the WCA Marina, primarily to review a contractor proposal for stormwater runoff mitigation at Waterview Square and areas adjacent to the WCA Grand Canyon footbridge.

July 12, 2019

Wood handrail along the sidewalk between the van Gogh Bridge and 11442 Waterview Cluster to be replaced by RA

Reston Association Central Services Facility (CSF) staff inspected the wood handrail along the sidewalk between the van Gogh Bridge and 11442 Waterview Cluster this morning and agreed that its current condition warrants replacement.  A work order was submitted to CSF after the inspection.  No estimated date of completion was provided.

July 11, 2019

WCA Member Complaint re Tree Removals Prompts RA DRB Hearing on August 6, 2019

The Reston Association (RA) Design Review Board (DRB) will convene a panel on August 6, 2019, 6:30 P.M. to review a WCA member complaint, filed with RA on February 6, 2019, pertaining to tree removals located on Waterview Cluster Common Property.  The RA-modified application may be accessed here:!AomQNOWv0kQyg5dPLAmSfoG6PD9Ikw?e=SsNtbh

The meeting will take place at the RA Offices, 12001 Sunrise Valley Drive, in the conference center on the first floor.  To register as an Affected Party regarding this matter, please contact Shellie Calloway, Reston Association,, within five days of this notice.

A WCA member at 11497 Waterview Cluster filed a written complaint with Reston Association (RA) on February 6, 2019 pertaining to tree removals located on Waterview Cluster Common Property.  RA notified the WCA board of the complaint on March 8th, 2019:!AomQNOWv0kQyg5N7-0C_M2Dng65k7Q?e=eWdQLf.

Subsequently, Reston Association inspected the property and on May 31, 2019 notified the WCA BoD that it must submit DRB applications for sixteen past tree removals on WCA common property, then abide by the DRB's decision.
Certified letter from RA (2019-05-31 Complaint Certified DV.pdf):!AomQNOWv0kQyg5dQL2nI2n287Bqb_g?e=stXg7c
Photos by Complainant (photos of tree removals.pdf):!AomQNOWv0kQyg5dRyO52UDy5tSL1CQ?e=tTeQm1

On June 17, 2019, the WCA board submitted the following response to RA:
In response to your May 31, 2019 complaint disposition letter, "2019-05-31 Complaint Certified DV.pdf", re "Common Area Property", the Waterview Cluster Association Board of Directors submits the following documents:


July 5, 2019

Missed 5th of July Trash Collection

Republic Services missed its scheduled post-holiday trash collection today, July 5th.  We are hopeful that they will collect trash tomorrow, Saturday, but they made no promises and offered no explanation.

July 2, 2019

WCA BoD requests RA approval of a tree removal on WCA common area in the interest of public safety

The WCA Board of Directors requests RA approval of a tree removal on WCA common area in the interest of public safety.  This application concerns a declining Red Oak somewhat near 11461 Waterview Cluster.
  • WCA Supporting Statement and Documentation:
    • WCA_RADRB_Application-Common_20190630-01b-v2.pdf
    • Exhibit #1a: Arborist inspection report from Jeff Walton, ISA Certified Arborist #WE1659A
    • Exhibit #1b: Map showing tree location near North Shore
    • Exhibit #1c: Photographs

July 1, 2019

2019-07-08 WCA BoD Regular Meeting Agenda

Waterview Cluster Association
Board of Directors
July 8, 2019, 7 p.m.

MEETING LOCATION: Reston Museum, 1639 Washington Plaza, Reston, VA 20190
1.1. Call to Order
1.2. Guest speaker: WCA insurance carrier representative Michael Romano, Community Association Underwriters,  will describe existing and new coverage options and answer questions from the board.
1.3. Approval of Minutes

2.       Open Forum.  During open forum, each member may address the board for up to five minutes. A director may briefly respond to statements made or questions posed. Speakers must observe rules of decorum and not engage in other disruptive behavior. The time guidelines ensure that others will have an opportunity to speak. Speakers may not allot their time to others.

3.       Reports
3.1. Treasurer's Report
3.2. Other Officer Reports
3.3. Committee Reports
3.3.1.             Capital Improvements
3.3.2.             Covenants
3.3.3.             Landscape
3.3.4.             Social

4.       Unfinished Business
4.1. Marina reservation policy.
4.2. Marina dock substructure engineering assessment contract review.
4.3. Parking issues.

5.       New Business
5.1. Pending boundary matters that can be addressed now that Dominion Surveyors has completed the first phase of the boundary survey:
5.1.1.             Retaining wall adjacent to 11487WC
5.1.2.             Common area adjacent to 11464OL
5.2. Review pertinent Commonwealth of Virginia POA Act changes effective October 1, 2019.
5.3. Expenditures for landscape improvements
5.3.1.             11478OL “Stroller Path” rebuild: $350
5.3.2.             11495WC Site cleanup after the removal of the Silver Maple (stump grinding, regrade, top dress, etc.: $2,285
5.4. Address the issue of unregistered and unclaimed boats at the Marina.

6.       Adjourn


June 21, 2019

Silver Maple removal re-scheduled for Monday July 1, 2019


Removal of the Silver Maple has now been re-scheduled for Monday July 1st.

The crane will require maneuvering and set up space that requires vacating the following areas for the scheduled work day: 
  • ALL open surface parking spaces at the lower carport level from 11477WC thru 11499WC
  • No curbside parking from 11475WC thru 11465WC
  • No parking on either side of the driveway curve between 11463WC and 11465WC

If, on the scheduled workday, a parked car blocks crane access to the site, the board will have it towed to another cluster location. If you plan to be away and leave your car, please move it to a place outside the limits listed above or make arrangements with a trusted neighbor to move it to another location while you are gone. 

Cars left parked in the lower level carport spaces may remain in place, but they may be inaccessible for the duration of work involving the crane.

We usually plan for a crane to arrive at 7:00am on the appointed day and leave by 5pm.

Please contact Karen or Charlie at with questions or if you would like to request an on-site review regarding these preparations.

June 13, 2019

Recycling Reminder...

When in Doubt...Throw It Out!
Many items should never be put into the recycling container as they are not recyclable by the local processors. If you find yourself questioning if something is recyclable or not, follow the guidance, "When in doubt...throw it out." The wrong items, such as a dirty diaper, or a contaminated item, such as a half empty jar of peanut butter, could – or more than likely will – ruin an entire batch or truckload of clean recyclables, such as mail, cardboard or newspapers.

The Most Common Recycling Contaminants
The most common contaminants that Republic Services sees in the everyday recycling stream are:
  • Diapers
  • Yard waste
  • Old clothes or shoes
  • Food
  • Plastic grocery bags
None of these items are recyclable. Trying to recycle unclean or unrecyclable materials increases sorting time and slows down the recycling process, damages the recycling facility's equipment and causes contaminants in the bales of clean recyclables that decreases the value of the items.
What Should NEVER Be Placed in the Curbside Recycling Bin:
  • Disposable diapers and puppy pads
  • Tissue, paper towels or paper napkins
  • Clothing, shoes and other textiles
  • Yard waste, plants, grass clippings, hoses and garden accessories
  • Styrofoam, fiberglass and other foam packing material
  • Hardcover books
  • Ropes, chains and cords
  • Plastic grocery bags and photographic film
  • Food waste
  • Window glass, mirrors, light bulbs, batteries, and cookware
  • Soil or dirt, furniture, mattresses and insulation
  • Treated or contaminated wood, sheetrock or drywall
Plastic Grocery Bags
Did you know that plastic grocery bags cannot be recycled with other curbside materials? Plastic bags jam the recycling equipment and contaminate the bales. Try reusing or repurposing your grocery bags or, when ready to discard them, put plastic bags in the trash or return them to your local grocery store to be recycled through a separate commercial recycling process. You may also consider the use of reusable grocery bags for trips to the pharmacy or the grocery store.

Is Yard Waste Recyclable?
Yard waste, including tree trimmings and grass or dead plants, cannot be put into the recycling container. Yard waste is collected on Wednesdays during the spring, summer, and fall.

"Reuse, Repurpose or Recycle" Does Not Mean Everything Goes Together
You've heard the phrase, "reuse, repurpose or recycle." That doesn't actually mean that everything goes into one container to be sorted or separated out. Items that can be reused or repurposed, such as a pair of shoes or article of clothing, do not belong in the recycling container. If you have items you would like to repurpose or donate, please do so directly. The recycling facility does not separate and collect items to be sent to secondhand stores or charity organizations. Items such as clothing and shoes will end up in the landfill.
Empty, Clean & Dry
Not everything we put into the recycling container is recyclable or it might be, but it's not ready to be recycled. Sometimes a perfectly good item like newspaper is ruined because other items are wet or dirty.  So, what is the proper way to prepare your recyclables for the recycling container? It's easy – just remember: Empty, Clean and Dry.

Always make sure recyclables are:
  • EMPTY of their contents;
  • CLEAN of any residue; and
  • DRY before placing them in a recycling container.
And remember – when in doubt, throw it out!

June 10, 2019

WCA BoD issued Parking Violation Tickets to two vehicles in Lower Orchard Lane.

On Thursday June 7, 2019, the WCA BoD issued Parking Violation Tickets to two vehicles in Lower Orchard Lane.
  • Red VW (Update: Virginia antique tags installed by owner after citation issued)
    • Missing front license plate, registration expired, inspection expired.
    • Towing ordered for June 12, 2019
  • Silver BMW (Update: Vehicle removed from cluster property)
    • Registration expired, inspection expired.
    • Towing ordered for June 14, 2019

  1. Parking 
Waterview Cluster has slightly fewer than two parking spaces per house, so cooperation between neighbors is essential. If you have a carport, please use it. If your household has several cars, park one or two of them in a less crowded area so as not to squeeze out your neighbors. If you plan to host a large party, ask your guests to park outside the cluster or in less crowded areas. In addition, the following rules apply to both streets and carports:  
  1. Parking in the cluster is limited to residents, short-term guests and immediate family members living with residents. Residents may not authorize non-residents to park or store vehicles for extended periods.
  2. Trailers, boats, recreational vehicles, and commercial vehicles with obtrusive signs, fittings, or equipment may not be parked overnight in the cluster. RA provides rental storage space for recreational vehicles, trailers and boats at its Sunset Hills lot. Call RA for details.
  3. The cluster board, at the owner’s expense, will tow and impound any vehicles that: a) are inoperable; b) do not have current license and inspection stickers; c) are abandoned or do not belong to a cluster resident; or d) otherwise violate cluster rules. State and county laws require registration within 30 days of establishing residence. 

June 6, 2019

Republic Services Missed Yard Debris Collection on June 5, 2019

Update:Republic Services will collect yard waste on Saturday June 8, 2019.

There is as yet no explanation for the failure of Republic Services to collect yard debris on June 5, 2019.  Customer Service is attempting to schedule a make-up day, but nothing is confirmed as yet.  Any change in status will be posted in this message.

Updated: 20190606 1445
Updated: 20190607 1255

June 4, 2019

WCA Marina Reservations for June 2019

The WCA Marina is reserved for private events on the following dates:

  • June 6, 2019 - 5pm-10pm
  • June 29, 2019 - 2pm-6pm
Marina reservations are managed by Janice Collins under the supervision of the WCA BoD:

WCA April-May 2019 Meeting Minutes Approved and Published

The following meeting minutes were approved by the WCA Board of Directors on June 3, 2019:

  • April 15, 2019 WCA Board of Directors Regular Meeting
  • May 8, 2019 WCA Annual General Membership Meeting
  • May 13, 2019  WCA Board of Directors Regular Meeting
WCA meeting minutes are published here:

May 29, 2019

Upper Waterview Tree Removal and Parking Disruption on June 6, 2019


Removal of silver maple has now been scheduled for Thursday June 6.

Repeat of procedures for that day (from earlier notice):
The crane will require maneuvering and set up space that requires vacating the following for the scheduled work day:

  ALL the open surface parking spaces at the lower carport level from 11477WV thru 11499WV,

No curbside parking from 11475WV thru 11465WV,

No parking on either side of the driveway curve between 11463WV and 11465WV

We have stipulated at least a one week notice to the cluster before the work is to be done. We will notify affected neighbors as soon as we receive that notice from COT. If, on the scheduled workday, a parked car blocks crane access to the site, the board will have it towed to another cluster location. If you plan to be away and leave your car, please move it to a place outside the limits listed above OR make arrangements with a trusted neighbor to move it to another location while you are gone.

Cars left parked in the lower level carport spaces may remain in place, but they may be inaccessible for the duration of work involving the crane.

We usually plan for a crane to arrive at 7:00 AM on the appointed day and leave by 5pm.

Please contact Karen or Charlie at with questions or if you would like to request an on-site review regarding these preparations.

May 26, 2019

Republic Services will collect trash and recycling on Memorial Day, May 27,2019

All trash and recycling services will run as regularly scheduled on Monday May 27, 2019. There will be no interruption of service due to the holiday.

May 22, 2019

Lake Anne Treatment for Algae on Friday May 24

Blue-green algae also called cyanobacteria will be treated in Lake Anne by Reston Association’s aquatic consultants on Friday, May 24. They will be utilizing a boat with a gas powered motor for this activity. They will be treating the lake with a copper based algaecide to manage this growth. There are not any restrictions following the application. Residents can still fish and boat without restrictions. There also isn’t any restriction on pets drinking the treated water. However, there is concern for pets drinking lake water containing high levels of cyanobacteria. Remember that our lakes receive all of the areas storm water and are not regulated for consumption. These treatments are necessary to control the algae on the lakes and are conducted on a monthly basis throughout the summer.

In addition, you may have noticed a scum form on the surface of the water on our lakes. Our aquatic consultants were out monitoring the lakes last Friday and observed this as well. They stated these scums develop from the accumulation of pollen on the surface of the water as well as other floatables and runoff from the surrounding area. When the pollen is brought in during heavy rains it’s gets agitated and forms this scummy appearance. It should dissipate over time but there is no environmental concern.

William Peterson
Watershed Manager
Reston Association
12250 Sunset Hills Road
Reston, VA 20190

May 16, 2019

WCA BoD acknowledges Jeff Walton, The Care of Trees

The WCA board would like to formally acknowledge and thank Jeff Walton, arborist for The Care of Trees, for his enlightening and entertaining talk during the annual membership meeting on May 8, 2019.   Jeff explained the cluster tree management program and fielded a variety of member questions during a lively discussion period.

May 15, 2019

WCA May 2019 Election Results

At the annual general membership meeting on May 8, 2019, two members were elected to three-year terms on the Waterview Cluster Association Board of Directors.  Jim Traylor resumes his place on the board and Margaret Emerson assumes the seat vacated by Tiffany Lockhart.  At the regular directors meeting on May 13, 2019, the WCA board elected officers: and appointed committee chairs:
President: Chris Flynn
Vice President: John Melnick
Secretary: Jim Traylor
Treasurer: Marge Carrico

Design Review and Covenants: Margaret Emerson
Capital Improvements: Jim Traylor
Landscape: Karen Noel
Social: John Melnick

Contact information for officers and committees has been updated on the cluster web site,

April 26, 2019

WCA DRCC Open House on May 1, 2019, 6:30pm

Waterview Cluster Association
Design Review and
Covenant Committee

May 1, 2019, 6:30 p.m.
Waterview Cluster Marina, Reston, VA 20190

Join us to learn about the Cluster Standards and the recent updates.

Talk with us about your upcoming exterior projects.

Meet the committee members and discuss how to navigate RA’s DRB application process.

Explore the cluster approved paint colors, three new colors were added to the original color palette that you may not know about.