July 20, 2018

Letter From the WCA President to Members Regarding the Recent Reston Association Property Inspections

Waterview Cluster Association
P.O. Box 2093
Reston, VA 20190
July 18, 2018

Dear Neighbors,

In June 2018, Reston Association conducted a cluster wide inspection. Of the ninety properties in the cluster, only eight were clear of any use/maintenance or design violations. Individual property violations from Reston Association have not been shared with the Board. The only information provided to the Board are basic categories and the number of violations in each category. Many of you have raised concerns regarding the notices you have received, hopefully the following will help address some of these concerns.

How are violations resolved? Per RA, preferable with an informal approach, without a RA Covenants Committee hearing, with Waterview Cluster helping the property owner to identify a solution. RA staff will begin a series of communications (usually a letter) with the property owner to inform the owner about the violation(s), open a dialogue about potential remedies and follow through until the matter is resolved. For use/maintenance violations, property owners may submit photographs of completed work to Tricia Filbert at RA. For design violations, submit a DRB application to Tiffany Lockhart of Waterview Cluster Board for signature prior to submission to Tricia Filbert at RA. Both will be happy to assist in the application process.

On September 28, 2018, RA will perform another inspection for all non-remediated violations. RA will determine if additional time should be granted for those properties with work in progress or refer those properties to the RA Covenants Committee meeting.

If no informal resolution is accomplished, a formal RA Covenants Committee hearing will be held on November 28, 2018, which allows the property owner to state their case before a decision is made.

Which take precedence, RA Cluster Property Guidelines or Waterview Cluster Design Standards? The Waterview Cluster Design Standards takes precedence. In a case where Waterview Cluster does not have a design standard, such as security lighting, the RA Cluster Property Guidelines would govern.

What should I do if I think a violation is in error (i.e. a violation notice to paint your chimney, when you do not have a chimney)? Contact Tricia Filbert at RA to let her know there has been error.

What fees are associated with the RA inspection and DRB application? RA does not charge fees for either inspections or DRB applications.
What are the next steps? The Waterview Cluster Board, with the assistance of the Cluster Covenant Committee, are reviewing the categories of design violations to determine what possible updates should be considered to the design standard.

Where can I find the Waterview Cluster design standard? The Waterview Cluster Design Standards can be found online at: http://reston.org/propoertyOwnerResouorces/RestonNeighborhoods/RestonHeighborhoods Overview/tabid/154/Default.aspx

Who do we contact with questions? For use/maintenance concerns, contact Tricia Filbert at RA (tfilbert@reston.org) for further clarification. For design standard concerns, contact Tricia Filbert at RA (tfilbert@reston.org) or Tiffany Lockhart of Waterview Cluster Board (vicepresident@waterviewcluster.org).
We encourage you to communicate with the Waterview Cluster Board as well as Reston Association and remain engaged in the process to ensure our neighborhood is attractive and well kept.


John Melnick
WCA Board President