March 26, 2018

April 21st, 2018


8:30 AM – 1:00 PM 

Hope to see you all there!!!
We have ordered up lots of Sunshine!!!

March 19, 2018

**POSTPONED UNTIL April 10** Electric Power Interruption Planned for Tuesday April 3, 2018

**POSTPONED AGAIN! (Due to potential inclement weather)**  Power Outage now scheduled for April 10, 2018.

On Tuesday April 3, 2018 from 8:00 A.M to 2:00 P.M (6 hours) Dominion Energy will interrupt power to Waterview Cluster (Orchard Lane side), Lakeside Cluster, and Orchard Green customers so that it can complete the installation of new switching equipment and underground wiring.

In case of inclement weather or other emergency, this outage will be postponed.  Please return to this web site for status updates.

If you need any additional information regarding this notification, please call Zubair Quereshi at 571-203-5286 or Darryl Roberson at 703-742-3092 and refer to project number 10091245.

March 18, 2018

**POSTPONED UNTIL April 3, 2018** Electric Power Interruption Planned for Wednesday March 21, 2018

On Wednesday March 21, 2018 from 8:00 A.M to 2:00 P.M (6 hours) Dominion Energy will interrupt power to Waterview Cluster (Orchard Lane side), Lakeside Cluster, and Orchard Green customers so that it can complete the installation of new switching equipment and underground wiring.

In case of inclement weather or other emergency, this outage will be postponed.  Please return to this web site for status updates.

If you need any additional information regarding this notification, please call Zubair Quereshi at 571-203-5286 or Darryl Roberson at 703-742-3092 and refer to project number 10091245.

March 17, 2018

20018.04 / Lake Anne West
·         Final meeting
·         WSSI will continue monitoring and addressing erosion issues, as well as establishment of vegetation
·         WSSI will remove SWPPP box this week
·         TDS is still working to complete the following:
o   @Construction entrance
§  Repaint stripe ‘highway yellow’
§  TBD bollard or sign installation
o   @ Junction of Bachan Ct. & trail
§  Replace concrete apron on drop inlet
§  Backfill soil between new concrete and asphalt path
§  Hot seal & repaint crack in parking lot asphalt behind last parking space
§  Hot seal seams where new and old asphalt meet
o   Near lower trail crossing at bridge LAW-02
§  Rake our and stabilize rill at downstream end of project in the last construction access point
·         WSSI or TCOT will mulch black-gum, cut fallen tulip poplar back from stream-side plantings, and cut the holly stump at the construction entrance lower to the ground

Let us know if you have any questions.

Daniel Misch |Ecosystem Specialist
ISA Certified Arborist UT-4564AU

March 13, 2018

**POSTPONED UNTIL March 21** Electric Power Interruption Planned for Wednesday March 14, 2018


On Wednesday March 14, 2018 from 8:00 A.M to 2:00 P.M (6 hours) Dominion Energy will interrupt power to Waterview Cluster (Orchard Lane side), Lakeside Cluster, and Orchard Green customers so that it can complete the installation of new switching equipment and underground wiring.

In case of inclement weather or other emergency, this outage will be held on Wednesday, March 21, 2018, between 08:00 am and 02:00 pm (6 hours).

If you need any additional information regarding this notification, please call Zubair Quereshi at 571-203-5286 or Darryl Roberson at 703-742-3092 and refer to project number 10091245.

March 7, 2018

Stream Valley Plantings

Waterview Cluster Residents:

Explanation of Stream Valley Plantings

The plant and seed list and quantities are described in the approved documents for Lake Anne West, Drawing # 17 out of the set of 51 drawings. The planting approach is “reforestation” rather than “landscaping” where large quantities of small native plants are placed in a regular arrangement to cover the entire area. The species selected are common representatives found in the “Piedmont” zone.

Riparian Forest:

Canopy and large evergreen tree layer:  329 Native deciduous canopy trees.  White Oak, Pin Oak, Willow Oak, Northern Red Oak, Box Elder, Red Maple, River Birch, Sweet Gum and 73 Native evergreen trees. American Holly

Shrub and small tree layer includes: 110 Native shrubs. Canadian Serviceberry, Eastern Redbud, Flowering Dogwood, American Hazelnut, Northern Spicebush, Southern Arrowood, Black-Haw Viburnum

Stream Bank:  652 Native trees and shrubs: Silky Dogwood, Common Winterberry, Elderberry,
        Southern Arrowwood

Stream Edge: 1,956 Native trees shrub and shrubs: Silky Dogwood, Black Willow, Brookside
         Alder, Southern Arrowwood


Availability of plants may determine individual quantities.

March 2, 2018

Tree Removal

Hello neighbors,

This extremely gusty wind is taking a toll on some of our trees.  For those of you in the upper Waterview area, a large pine tree fell at about 11:00 this morning, blocking the parking lot and cars from getting in or out.  Care of Trees arrived within 20 minutes and is currently clearing the tree so cars can get through.

Thank you to Karen Noel for seeing the tree and calling Care of Trees immediately.  We're grateful too that Care of Trees could come so quickly.  Being a priority customer in times like these is one of the reasons we enjoy working with them.