February 28, 2018

20018.04 / Lake Anne West
·         Next Wednesday 3/7/18 will be the final meeting and walk through for Lake Anne West
·         WSSI will post “No Mowing” signs Thursday 3/1/18
·         WSSI will closely monitor for any potential erosion on slope near construction entrance per resident request
·         WSSI to follow up with Waterview cluster on when vehicles can be driven down path
o   Waterview cluster to determine what equipment will be used for landscaping
·         TCOT will finish planting Thursday 3/1/18
·         TDS will replace concrete Thursday 3/1/18 weather permitting
o   @ Construction entrance
§  All panels impacted by construction
o   @ Junction of Bachan Ct. & trail
§  3 panels nearest trail
§  Apron around drop inlet
·         TDS will complete trail shoulders and the following action items early next week
o   @ Construction entrance
§  Install bollard
§  Cut 4’ holly stump closer to grade
o   @ Junction of Bachan Ct. & trail
§  Replace timber and river cobble at corner of trail
§  Replace wooden post for guard rail
o   Near lower trail crossing at bridge LAW-02
§  Remove cable from Ash Log
§  Replace timber in landscaping on south side of trail
§  Re-grade minor erosion in last stream access point