Note: Christmas tree pickup will be on the first two Wednesdays in January.
NEW YEAR'S DAY - January 01, 2018
Brush and Yard Waste will be serviced with the trash on Mondays and Thursdays until mid-March.
Residential - Trash Service will resume on your next regularly scheduled day. Recycling Service will take place on Saturday January 6, 2018.
MEMORIAL DAY - May 28, 2018
Residential - Service will resume on your next regularly scheduled day.
INDEPENDENCE DAY - July 04, 2018 (Yard Waste)
Residential - Service will resume on your next regularly scheduled day.
LABOR DAY - September 03, 2018
Residential - Service will resume on your next regularly scheduled day.
THANKSGIVING DAY - November 22, 2018
Residential - Service will resume on your next regularly scheduled day.
For more Trash and Recycling information, see our web site: