Please find the below listed items discussed at today’s site meeting. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns regarding these minutes. So far things are progressing well and I am happy with the communication within the team.
· Weekly meetings will continue to be held at the stock pile area weekly on Wednesdays at 8:30. We will not have a meeting on November 22nd.
· Work will not occur on site November 23 or 24 due to the Thanksgiving Holiday
· Orange fence and construction entrance are installed;
· Clearing upstream of the construction entrance and tributary are complete. Completion anticipated November 29th.
· Stream Construction 11/27-1/31/18.
Site Access
· No issues with parking or community at this time. Ongoing communication will be necessary as the project progresses with the HOA liaisons.
· TDS will install a 4’ gate at the Tributary 3 bridge
· Discussed again- T38662 (holly on the upstream side of the confluence of main stem and trib 3) to remain if possible. We will revisit as construction gets closer to this tree. The flagging was removed today to prevent premature removal;
· Karen and Charlie requested to keep a group of small hollies along the right bank of trib 3 if at all possible. We will revisit as construction gets closer to these trees;
· TCOT is to repair orange fence damaged during clearing operations.
· A work order for removal of the light along the trail has been placed. Bob Hayler is the POC; Meeting to be held November 16th at 1:00.
· TDS will remove the garbage can along the trail at the top of the site and replace after construction is complete;
· The first contractor on site in the morning is responsible for closing the gates along the pedestrian pathways and the last contractor to leave the site for the day is responsible to open the gates in the evening;
· WSSI provided PPE for HOA liaisons’ during construction meetings. It is best if they do not enter the site during construction for safety reasons.
· Bridge permits are still in county review but we still anticipate installation in early January. I will provide the HOA with the maintenance and projected life of bridges for future maintenance budgeting.
· Rick will consider providing additional pieces of equipment to aid the clearing operation in the removal of felled logs chipper.
· TDS will have a Porta potty delivered to the site this week.
Happy Thanksgiving!
John P. Connelly, PWS, CPESC |Manager-Restoration
ISA Certified Arborist MA-4857A