Please find the below listed items discussed at today’s site meeting. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns regarding these minutes.
· Orange fence and construction entrance are installed;
· Clearing has begun and is anticipated until 11/29 (Staging area, Trib 1 and top of main stem to be completed first);
· Stream Construction 11/20-1-1/18/18.
Site Access
· 1 parking spot adjacent to Construction Entrance will need to be reserved/ blocked off. No complaints as of the time of the meeting.
· T38662 (holly on the upstream side of the confluence of main stem and trib 3) to remain if at all possible. We will revisit as construction gets closer to this tree. The flagging was removed today to prevent premature removal;
· Karen and Charlie requested to keep a group of small hollies along the right bank of trib 3 if at all possible. We will revisit as construction gets closer to these trees;
· TCOT is to repair orange fence damaged during clearing operations.
· A work order for removal of the light along the trail has been placed. Bob Hayler is the POC;
· RA pathway crew will no longer be maintaining the trail within the LOD;
· TDS will remove the garbage can along the trail at the top of the site and replace after construction is complete;
· RA has placed trail closed signs but, will be adding additional language;
· The first contractor on site in the morning is responsible for closing the gates along the pedestrian pathways and the last contractor to leave the site for the day is responsible to open the gates in the evening;
· WSSI/RA to provide PPE for HOA liaisons’ during construction meetings.
Jason Beeler ISA Certified Arborist MA-5442A, PWS, CPESC, CESSWI, CISEC
Principal Restoration Specialist/Assistant Manager