October 18, 2017


Mark Your Calendars!

The 2017-18 Holiday schedule will be as follows:

Thanksgiving – Thursday, November 23rd
·         All communities that are serviced on both Monday and Thursday for trash will be serviced on the next service day, Monday, November 27th

Recycling will  be picked up Monday, November 27.

Christmas – Monday, December 25th
·         All communities that are serviced on both Monday and Thursday for trash will be serviced on their next service day, Thursday, December 28th
·         This week begins the off season and all yard waste will now be serviced with the trash 

New Years – Monday, January 1st
·         All communities that are serviced on both Monday and Thursday for trash will be serviced on the next service day, Thursday, January 4th.

·         All communities that are serviced on Monday for recycling will be serviced on Saturday, January 6th (for recycling only).

Christmas Trees -
·         Communities with regular yard waste service on Monday or Tuesday will receive Christmas tree pickup on Saturday, January 6th and 13th.
·         All other communities will receive Christmas tree pickup on their regularly scheduled yard waste service day during the 1st two weeks in January.

The information provided in this email will supersede any additional notification you may receive. 

Happy Holiday’s from your Republic Services HOA Team.