Saturday October 21st
8:30 AM Coffee and “continental breakfast” at the marina
9:00 AM Join workday Project Leaders
12:30 PM Hot dogs on the grill and bring a side dish to enjoy with neighbors
Charlie Saunders: Woodland regrowth above OL trash pick-up area
Project: Remove flagged young trees; desirable trees will remain
Raj Banga: Woodland border across from OL 1114 through 11452
Project: Remove flagged exotic invasives and vines growing up tree trunks (ivy, euonomus and Virginia creeper)
Judy Over: Woodland border along Tot Lot and playfield.
Project: Remove flagged exotic invasives and vines growing up tree trunks (ivy, euonomus and Virginia creeper)
Debbie Seret: Woodland border from marina to WV11437
Project: Remove flagged exotic invasives and vines growing up tree trunks
Bobbie Kennedy: Woodland border from marina to WV11437
Karen Noel: Throughout the Cluster
Project: General pruning, weeding, assisting
Prepare: Work clothes and shoes, long pants and sleeves recommended
Bring gloves and gardening tools
SPECIAL NOTICE TO CARPORT USERS: Please tidy your carports and remember wood storage is fire hazard not allowed.
Rain Day: Sunday October 22nd