WCA Owner/Tenant Contact Update Form

(click here)

Maintaining current contact information helps the board and its committees reach owners and tenants with important board announcements as well as during emergency events such as a water/gas main break or to report storm damage to vehicles or other property.  Each owner and paying tenant should complete a separate form.  Non-resident owners should enter their address at the end of the form.  Note: You do NOT need to have a Google account in order to update and submit the form.

October 31, 2017

Stream Renovation Update

Waterview Cluster Stream Renovation Update
October 30, 2017

On Friday Oct 27 Charlie and Karen (liaisons) met on site with WSSI and Nicki Belleza, RA Watershed Manager. We reviewed the white-ribbon staked areas, which did not reflect changes made after the original plan was produced. We also reviewed requests for modifications that would preserve valuable trees, and discussed plant rescue for which we needed RA assistance. Final marking of tree-save areas, reflecting updated and requested changes, will be done this week of Oct 30th. Those markings will be made using orange snow fencing, which will better protect the save areas during construction. Plant rescue will also be done week of Oct 30th in cooperation with RA.

TAKE NOTE: Clearing is scheduled to begin week of November 6th and is anticipated to take a couple of weeks. Reston pathway running along the stream will be marked by RA sandwich boards as closed. Please take other routes.

If you have questions contact
Karen Noel: knowitt@comcast.net  or

Charlie Saunders: chasbsaunders@gmail.com 

October 26, 2017

Thank you one and all

All 5 planned projectscompleted beyond expectation
10’s of contractor bags and yard waste containersfilled for regular yard waste pickup
3 piled-high truckloads of debris, delivered to the dump
Piles of over-sized debris, too big for trucks or bagsleft for Care of Trees to chip and take away
Thanks to Project Leaders for their work and guidance: Charlie Saunders, Raj Banga, Judy Over, Debbie Seret, and Bobbie Kennedy
Special thanks to Bill Barber and his truck and making 2 trips to the dump, and to Karen Wilkens for making 1 trip in a rented Uhaul
Thanks to Bobbie Kennedy for breakfast setup
Thanks to ALL who brought side dishes to the picnic and to Steve Overgrill master
Thanks to Peter Deahlvisiting master arborist and pruner, for his expertise and advice where we needed expert assistance
Thanks, in advance, to All Offerers of work on projects outside of workday 

October 18, 2017


Mark Your Calendars!

The 2017-18 Holiday schedule will be as follows:

Thanksgiving – Thursday, November 23rd
·         All communities that are serviced on both Monday and Thursday for trash will be serviced on the next service day, Monday, November 27th

Recycling will  be picked up Monday, November 27.

Christmas – Monday, December 25th
·         All communities that are serviced on both Monday and Thursday for trash will be serviced on their next service day, Thursday, December 28th
·         This week begins the off season and all yard waste will now be serviced with the trash 

New Years – Monday, January 1st
·         All communities that are serviced on both Monday and Thursday for trash will be serviced on the next service day, Thursday, January 4th.

·         All communities that are serviced on Monday for recycling will be serviced on Saturday, January 6th (for recycling only).

Christmas Trees -
·         Communities with regular yard waste service on Monday or Tuesday will receive Christmas tree pickup on Saturday, January 6th and 13th.
·         All other communities will receive Christmas tree pickup on their regularly scheduled yard waste service day during the 1st two weeks in January.

The information provided in this email will supersede any additional notification you may receive. 

Happy Holiday’s from your Republic Services HOA Team.

October 17, 2017


Saturday October 21st 
8:30  AM                    Coffee and “continental breakfast” at the marina
9:00  AM                    Join workday Project Leaders
12:30  PM                  Hot dogs on the grill and bring a side dish to enjoy with neighbors
Charlie Saunders: Woodland regrowth above OL trash pick-up area
Project:                      Remove flagged young trees; desirable trees will remain
Raj Banga:               Woodland border across from OL 1114 through 11452
Project:                      Remove flagged exotic invasives and vines growing up tree trunks                                     (ivy, euonomus and Virginia creeper)
Judy Over:                Woodland border along Tot Lot and playfield.
Project:                     Remove flagged exotic invasives and vines growing up tree trunks                                     (ivy, euonomus and Virginia creeper)
Debbie Seret:          Woodland border from marina to WV11437
Project:                     Remove flagged exotic invasives and vines growing up tree trunks
Bobbie Kennedy:   Woodland border from marina to WV11437
                                    Remove flagged exotic invasives and vines growing up tree trunks
Karen Noel:              Throughout the Cluster
Project:                     General pruning, weeding, assisting
Prepare:                    Work clothes and shoes, long pants and sleeves recommended
Bring gloves and gardening tools
SPECIAL NOTICE TO CARPORT USERS: Please tidy your carports and remember wood storage is fire hazard not allowed.
Rain Day: Sunday October 22nd

October 2, 2017

October BOD Agenda

Waterview Cluster Association
Regular Board of Directors Meeting
Monday October 2, 2017 7:00 PM


1.      Call to Order & Welcome - Karen Wilkens

2.      Approve September meeting minutes

3.      Capital Improvements - Charlie Saunders

4.      Stream Restoration – Charlie Saunders and Karen Noel

5.      Landscape Report – Karen Noel

6.      Covenants Committee – Tiffany Lockhart

7.      Fall Workday

8.      December Public Meeting

9.      Next Meeting Date

10.   Adjourn

October 1, 2017

October Board Meeting

The October meeting of the Waterview Cluster Board of Directors will be held on Mon. Oct.1 at 11463 Waterview.  The meeting will begin at 7:00 P.M.