September 11, 2017

Important Update


September 11, 2017


On Saturday Sept 9th, a group of Waterview residents met with 3 WSSI certified arborist representativesFrank Graziano, overall project manager; John Connelly, restoration manger and Jason Beelerprinciple restoration specialistClaudia Thompson Deahl, RA environmental resources manager and certified arborist was also there. There was a good turnout of Waterview residents (attendance list to be provided by WSSI). Karen Noel, bod member, and Charlie Sanders, capital assets committee, attended as project liaisons appointed by the cluster board.


Frank provided a short history of stream restorations in Fairfax County and in Reston, and outlined the environmental reasons the projects are necessary to protect our stream valley and downstream resources. In short, new land development and its impervious surfaces creates increased, fast-flowing water runoff that scours the existing stream bed. This results inundercutting of tree roots and increased sediment loads containing environmentally damaging contaminants such as nitrogen and phosphorus, which make their way into Lake Anne and, eventually into Chesapeake Bay. For more details, refer to RA website and WSSI website


The stream will be restored to its natural flood plain and the stream will be wider and shallower with gently sloping banks. Stream bed will be raised and, therefore, requires changes along its entire length. Renovation is designed to accommodate the current storm water runoff conditions vs conditions existing before all development began. Proposed new construction at Fairway will be required to provide its own onsite storm water retention to prevent increased future runoff into Lake Anne West. Our storm water is not retained onsite; it is retained by Lake Anne.


Discussion of Project Schedule:


Flag limits of clearing: mid-October 

Plant rescueFinal tree save negotiation:mid-October to early-November

Begin clearing and heavy construction:early- November

Project duration:2-3 months

Work hours:7:00am to 7:00pm or dark

Width of stream bed, existingapproximately 10’

Width of stream after renovationapproximately 11

Trees removed, 4” and larger:current count: 37

New trees to be planted:512 mixed natives (over-planted)

New understory trees/shrubs to be planted:2500 (over-planted)

Project entrance:Sunderbriar

Staging materials and equipment:RA land, adjacent to Sunderbriar

Required 10-year tree survival400 living stems required at completion

Project monitoring:WSSI, 10 years

RA easement:After 10 years


Notes on Walking the Site:


Outflow that drains swale behind 11454-11464 OL going under RA path into stream valleyNo renovation to this outflow. Restoration of the main stem will continue below this tributary, down to the point depicted on the approved plans (approximately down to station 18+40). WSSI was requested, particularly, to avoid the large group of viburnums next to the RA path bridge. Blue flags were removed from 2 big white oak trees no longer scheduled to be removed in that area.


Reviewed tree save area immediately along RA path across from 11466 - 11478 OL. Also reviewed location and trees/understory where cut-ins are planned to provide for construction access to the stream. WSSI will shift exact locations in the field to allow for as little tree loss as possible, especially white oaks and hollies.


Section of stream at footbridge: Footbridge and portions of stepping stone paths will be replacedusing saved existing and/or new. Stream bed in this area will be raised and adjacent trees with undercut roots will be covered and not removed. Outfall at west end of footbridge will be reworked to meet the new raised level of the stream bed in that locationWSSI will do field investigation to determine if flagged large black gum tree beside the outfall can be saved.


Cluster registered request for new plantings to include a higher ratio of holies and white oaksrelative to other native trees than specified on plant planting list. To be negotiated within the limits provided by species groups contained in the plan.


Discussed size of one-gallon tree plants specified in the plan. Larger trees require more care and watering. WSSI experience is that smaller trees grow fast enough to almost match the height of trees planted at a larger size after 3 years and do not require the additional effort andwater.


Limits of clearing closely follows west bank of stream all along behind11483 - 1499 WV. 


Renovation requires closing of the RA path that parallels the stream, starting from where the stream daylights at Sunderbriar and running most of the length of the trail, stopping short of the tot lot and the 3-way split. Closing will be marked by RANormaly, the path will be available before and after work hours and on weekends. During construction hours, please plan to use alternate routes for activities that would otherwise use this section of pathway.


Contact Karen or Charlie, board of director liaisons, with your questions and comments. During the project, we will be posting updates on the Waterview Cluster website and on Yahoo group site. Charlie and Karen will both have a full-sized set of plan drawings for reference.


Karen:                        Charlie: