June 3, 2017

Agenda for June Board Meeting

Waterview Cluster Association
Regular Board of Directors Meeting
Monday June 5, 2017 7:00 PM


  1. Call to Order & Welcome - Karen Wilkens

  1. Approve April meeting minutes

  1. March Financials – Marge Carrico

  1. Capital Improvements - Charlie Saunders and Jim Traylor
    1. Status of drainage solution for area between 11465 and 11463 WV
    2. Power washing the marina

  1. Communications – Jim Traylor
    1. Status of new email addresses

  1. Items from the General Meeting -  Karen Wilkens
    1. Updates website with new board member info (Remove Bruce and Add Karen N.)
    2. Stream Restoration research
    3. Bigger or more recycle bins
    4. Marina sign placement
    5. Boat Racks:  lack of storage space on the racks, one household with three unused rowboats, two boats with unknown owners, Claudia’s boat now belongs to Ket, etc.  – Jessica volunteered to lead

  1. Miscellaneous – Karen Wilkens
    1. Upcoming board member vacancy
    2. Gang Tags
    3. Blue Van with expired tags and registration

  1. Trash and Snow Removal – Jeff Crowe

  1. Landscape Report – Karen Noel
    1. Review Landscape Budget

  1. Covenants Committee – Tiffany Lockhart

  1. Next Meeting Date

  1. Adjourn