March 29, 2017
Board Meeting
The Waterview Cluster board will meet April 3 2017 at 7:00p.m. at 11464 Waterview Cluster.
March 10, 2017
Tree Work
The Care of Trees crew will return to the Cluster next Tuesday, March 14 to complete planned removals and dead wood pruning. The crew's work was interrupted last month due to the need to respond to multiple instances of storm/wind damage in other area of the County. Thankfully, wind damage was relatively minor here, confined to loss of a few tree limbs on either side of the Cluster.
Weather permitting, we expect the crew to complete its work by Thursday, March 16. There are two areas where arrangements will need to be made to clear cars from parking spaces adjacent to trees being pruned. Both the upper and lower levels of the multi-story carport in Upper Orchard will be affected, as well as multiple spaces near 11424 WC (Lower Waterview). Cluster block captains in these areas will contact residents to make the necessary arrangements.
Please contact Charlie Saunders at 703-376-1473 if you have any questions or concerns about remaining work.
March 5, 2017
March Agenda
Waterview Cluster Association
Regular Board of Directors Meeting
Monday March 6, 2017 7:00 PM
1. Call to Order & Welcome - Karen Wilkens
2. Approve February meeting minutes
3. December Financials – Marge Carrico
4. Capital Improvements - Charlie Saunders and Jim Traylor
a. Sickly pines near Lakeside property boundary
5. Trash and Snow Removal – Jeff Crowe
6. Spring Workday – Bruce Geyman
7. Landscape Report – Karen Wilkens
8. Covenants Committee – Tiffany Lockhart
9. Status of WVC handbook revisions – Bobbie Kennedy and Marge Carrico
a. Issues for Board discussion
10. Miscellaneous – Karen Wilkens
a. Rose Gallery Rental for May General Meeting
b. Status of Car in Orchard Lane with expired license plates and registration
c. Date of April Meeting
11. Adjourn
March 2, 2017
Waterview Cluster Association Board Meeting
The March meeting of the Waterview Cluster board of directors will be held Monday, March 6, 2017, at 11464 Waterview at 7:00 P.M.
Yard Waste
Good morning!
YARD WASTE service resumes on Wednesday, March 1st.
Bagged or Contained yard waste will be picked up from the curb beginning tomorrow.
Sticks/twigs should be bundled in 4 ft. lengths.
Have a good day.
PS Just a reminder .........the cluster policy about trash/ recycling/ yard waste asks that
residents refrain from placing bags, piles, or containers at the curb before dark on the
day before service. If everyone stored their trash at the curb it would be most unpleasant!
Out of site until the evening before pick up ........Please.
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