March 21, 2016

WCA Spring Workday

Hello All,

It’s gratefully springtime again and almost time for our Cluster Workday!  This year the workday will be on Saturday April 16 from 9 – 12.  The rain date will be Sunday the 17th.  Please mark it on your calendars and come on out!

We’ll meet at the marina for a Cluster provided breakfast at 9:00 and then break to work on projects.  Then we’ll all come back at 12 to bask in the glory of having gotten things done and share some lunch.  The Cluster will provide hot dogs and buns with the fixings as well as drinks.  We ask that anyone who would like to join for lunch, please bring a dish to share – dessert, salad, side dish – whatever you can dream up or whatever your specialty may be!

Here are this year’s projects and the tools needed for each one.  We’re looking for a volunteer to lead  up each of these projects.  Please reach out to me if you’d like to take one on: or 703-929-5465.

Plant periwinkle at Waterview Square.
Big and small shovels, gardening gloves
Cut back brush and tree overhang along and in the way of the stroller path.
Pruning shears, large clippers, rakes, gardening gloves
Widen and keep clear the walking paths in the derecho damaged area behind the Orchard Lane trash area.  Remove brush along the backside of this area by the RA path.
Pruning shears, large clippers, gardening gloves
Plant colorful annuals in two locations, one in Orchard Lane and one in Waterview.
Small shovels and gardening gloves
Pick up the many fallen branches
Gardening gloves
Clean out the two storage sheds and take inventory of the contents
Brooms and work gloves

We’ll also be collecting cans of paint that need to be taken to the landfill.  One of our neighbors has 
volunteered to make a run for all of us!

Looking forward to seeing you all out there!

Karen Wilkens
Waterview Cluster Board Member