February 29, 2016

Yard Waste Pick up

Republic Trash and Recycling will resume our Wednesday yard waste pick on Wednesday, March 2, 2016. Yard waste should be placed at the curb no sooner than Tuesday evening preferably after dark.  You may use a container of your choice, paper yard waste bags or clearly marked plastic bags.  Branches and the like should be cut into 4' lengths and tied for easy pickup. 

Monday                          Trash and Recycling
Wednesday                    Yard Waste
Thursday                       Trash

February 28, 2016

Tree Removal Redux

The Care of Trees will be back on the Waterview side of the Cluster to attempt, once again, to remove the failing Red Oaks behind 11441 WC and 11485 WC. COT will be using a larger crane during this attempt, in hopes of completing the work in a single day. 

Those directly affected have been alerted. The schedule, in brief:
  • 7 AM to late morning -- Red Oak behind 11485 WC will be removed. It will not be possible for cars to enter or exit the lower level of the carport or adjacent parking spaces while the crane is in place. 
  • Noon to late afternoon -- Red Oak behind 11441 WC will be removed. The crane will completely block the roadway, preventing access or egress from 11443 WC down to the marina.
  • If time permits, the crane will move to the marina parking area to assist in removing the Elm and Red Maple along the beach.
Please contact Charlie Saunders (703-376-1473) with any questions or concerns.

February 22, 2016

Tree Removals Re-Scheduled

Adverse weather conditions prevented the removal of the following trees last week:

  • Red Oak behind 11441 Waterview Cluster;
  • Red Oak behind 11485 Waterview Cluster;
  • Elm & Red Maple on the beach at the marina.

The removal of the Red Oak behind 11441 WC has been postponed for several weeks, due to prior commitments at an adjacent property.

The Red Oak behind 11485 WC will be removed beginning on Tuesday, February 23. Cluster representatives will be in touch with local residents to discuss the need to remove parked cars along the row directly facing 11485 WC. Follow-up work, potentially including removal of the Sugar Maple and Red Maple spars left behind previously, will be undertaken later in the week (Thursday & Friday).

Please contact Charlie Saunders via email (chasbsaunders@gmail.com) or, via cell phone, at 703-376-1473 with any questions or concerns.

February 16, 2016

Minutes of the February Meeting

The minutes of the February meeting of the Waterview Cluster Board are now available .
February 2016 Minutes

February 12, 2016

Operations Plan For Upcoming Forecast Winter Weather (12-Feb-2016)

A note from Perfect Landscapes, our cluster snow removal contractor (lightly edited):

In an effort to help you manage the expectations of your cluster's residents I wanted to keep you informed of our plan regarding a couple of upcoming forecast winter weather events...

...This evening we are expecting snow flurries/showers. While the predicted amount of precipitation is negligible and plowing operations are not anticipated, it is cold enough that whatever does fall will stick and might cause slick and icy conditions. We are keeping an eye on this and will be making sand/salt/chemical applications to combat any slippery conditions as required. 
Our next round of winter weather will be passing through our area on Monday. Right now this system looks like it has the potential to drop several inches of snow during the day before transitioning to freezing rain and then finally rain in the overnight into Tuesday. Plowing is anticipated during the day on Monday and will commence when accumulations have reached approximately two inches. Sand/salt/chemical applications will follow as required. 

February 6, 2016

High-Priority Tree Removals Scheduled

Six failing Cluster trees are scheduled for removal during the second and third weeks of February. These include:
  • Sugar Maple in parking island in front of 11450 Waterview Cluster;
  • Sugar Maple in front of 11442 Waterview Cluster;
  • Red Oak behind 11441 Waterview Cluster;
  • Red Oak behind 11485 Waterview Cluster;
  • Elm on the beach at the marina;
  • Red Maple adjacent to the Elm along the marina beach.
The two Sugar Maples will be removed on Monday, February 8 and Tuesday, February 9, weather permitting. Cars parked next to these trees, several in the case of the former and one in the case of the latter, will need to be moved elsewhere to allow access to the trees.

The two Red Oaks will be removed with the assistance of a construction crane beginning on Friday, February 12 and concluding on Tuesday, February 16. Cluster representatives will be in touch with local residents to discuss the need to remove parked cars and any traffic impediments associated with this work.

Please contact Charlie Saunders via email (chasbsaunders@gmail.com) or, via cell phone, at 703-376-1473 with any questions or concerns.