Dear snow removal client,
We are sure by now you are well aware of this weekends impending potentially historic snow storm. This storm will produce heavy snowfall amounts and high winds. Blizzard conditions with snow fall rates of 1-3" per hour are expected.
We have made sufficient preparations and are ready. That being said the very nature of a storm of this magnitude presents many challenges. Our equipment and employees will be pushed to their limits and in some cases beyond.
Throughout Friday night and Saturday during the heaviest snow we will be working hard to keep at least one lane open in your neighborhood. As the storm moves away from our area on Saturday evening we will begin the process of 'digging out'. It will most likely take until late Monday or possibly Tuesday before we are able to wrap up snow operations.
Throughout the storm we will be periodically updating you with current information regarding the state of our snow removal operations.
During this time please be patient with us and understand that we are working as efficiently as we can considering the circumstances. We will get through it with determination and everyone's cooperation and understanding.
Please be safe.
The Perfect Landscapes Snow Removal Team