December 24, 2015

Waterview Cluster Updates

Wishing all neighbors and friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

General Membership Meeting The minutes of the December General Membership meeting are included in this link December 2015  Waterview Cluster General Membership Meeting.  There links to several pertinent items for your reading pleasure.  The 2016 Budget information, Trash and Recycling updates, and copies of the documents regarding Cluster Standards.

January Board Meeting There will be a regular meeting of the Waterview Cluster Board of Directors on Monday, January 4, 2016 at 7:00 PM at the home of Aimee Freeman, President, 11434 Orchard Lane.

Yard Waste Yard waste pickup had ended for the winter and will resume in early March.  At this point it is acceptable to put your yard waste with your regular trash on Monday and / or Thursday. I will post a notice about Christmas tree pick up when that information is available from Republic. Trees that are picked up by Republic are recycled. Please do not discard trees in the naturalized areas of the cluster.

November 17, 2015

November Minutes

The minutes of the November board meeting are now posted on the Board of Directors page.November minutes

November 16, 2015

Meeting of the Board of Directors

There will be a meeting of the Waterview Cluster Board of Directors at the home of Aimee Freeman, President at 7:30 pm, Thursday, November 19, 2015. The board will finalize the budget for 2016.

October 14, 2015

FYI .......

The minutes of the October meeting of the WVC Board of Directors are posted on the Board of Directors page of .
The next meeting of the board will be held on Monday, November 2, 2015.

Cluster Workday is Saturday, October 17, 2015.

September 21, 2015

Fall Tree Care: September 21 through early October

The Care of Trees will be working throughout the Cluster during the next two weeks. The crew will be on site beginning Monday, September 21 and will return Wednesday, September 23 to address priority tree pruning and plant health care work elements identified during our late spring and summer tree health assessments. Work will continue on Thursday and Friday this week and resume on Monday, September 28, likely continuing for the rest of the week ending October 2.

We do not anticipate a need to move vehicles to facilitate this work. If the need does arise during the course of work, we will coordinate directly with those involved. Please contact me (Charlie Saunders) at 703-376-1473 if you have any questions or concerns.

August 18, 2015

August minutes

The minutes of the August board meeting are now available on the BOD page.
Simply scroll down to the the month of August and the link should take you to the minutes.

The minutes of the July meeting of the Landscape committee are also posted on the Landscape Committee Page.

The next board meeting will be September 14, 2015 at 7:00 PM at the home of Aimee Freeman.


July 17, 2015

July Minutes

The minutes of the July meeting of the Waterview Cluster are now posted on the Board of Directors page.

January 22, 2015

News regarding the redevelopment of Lake Anne

Planning Commission expected to vote 
on Lake Anne Redevelopment Plan tonight
picture here

The Fairfax County Planning Commission will resume its work on the Lake Anne Redevelopment Plan for the Lake Anne Village Center with an expected vote at it's meeting tonight, which begins at 8:15 p.m. at the Fairfax Government Center, 12000 Government Center Parkway. 

We presented the latest on the redevelopment plan during the commission’s public hearing on Jan. 8. The presentation showed plans for more than a dozen public parks, the expanded public plaza, and the mile-long Crescent Trail among other features of the new mixed-use community. The redevelopment also includes modern and expanded housing for a range of incomes. 

To view full presentation Click Here

If approved by the Planning Commission, the Redevelopment Plan for Lake Anne will advance to a public hearing with the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors on Jan. 27. 

As always, feel free to share this information with other supporters, and visit our website for more information or to contact us. Like us on Facebook to follow our updates.  

January 17, 2015

January Minutes

The minutes of the January meeting of the Board of Directors are now available for your reading pleasure. Please go to the Board of Directors page and scroll down to the minutes link for January 2014.