September 26, 2014

Waterview Cluster Workday - October 4th!


Saturday October 4th    9am - 4pm

Greetings!  It’s Cluster Workday time again, another opportunity to come out, visit with neighbors, enjoy our beautiful fall weather, and lend a hand to the cause.  Maintaining a kempt appearance is one important way for us to protect our investment in our homes.

While eleven acres of open space, landscaped areas, and natural woodlands are our   most important asset, they are also our greatest challenge!  Even with professional help, there is always much more to be done.  Your help permits us to do more and spend less.

You can help with general clean up of litter and debris OR you can join one of the teams assigned to work on five “special” projects selected for this year. At breakfast, you can review those tasks and locations.  Landscape Committee members will be available to answer you questions.  A member, or members, is assigned to each project and will be present at the project site to guide and assist with the tasks.

As always, there are brush disposal sites, 2 on the Waterview side and 1 on the Orchard Lane side.  Fairfax County will come the following week to take it all away for no charge.  If you are grooming your own personal property, it’s a great opportunity to dispose of that debris as well.

You can help other ways, too!  If you are not available on Workday, and would like to take on a project at another time, please contact the landscape committee for suggestions and assistance!

Schedule:     9:00 am:    Breakfast at the marina provided by the cluster!
                                       Review the tasks for the day
                           12:30 pm:  Lunch at the marina.  Hot dogs, soft drinks and beer provided by
                                             the cluster.  A variety of other potluck dishes contributed by you!

Attire:            Long pants, long sleeved shirts, shoes and sock (no sandals), gloves

Tools:           Clippers, loppers, pruning saws, leaf rakes