December 11, 2014

Care of Trees to Begin Winter Tree Work on December 12 & 15

A team from The Care of Trees will begin this winter's round of priority tree pruning and preventive maintenance this Friday, December 12 and early during the week of December 15. The initial work will take place on the Orchard Lane side of the Cluster, focusing on trees accessible without traversing our waterlogged grounds. We do not anticipate the need to move any cars, and access to the upper and lower sections of Orchard Lane should not be obstructed.

Please contact Charlie Saunders, at 703-376-1473, with any questions or concerns. Note that our winter tree work will continue through January 2015, and associated costs will be covered by resources allocated from our 2015 budget.

December 5, 2014

Minutes of the November minutes of the Board of Directors meeting

Stay  informed about what is happening in the cluster click on the link provided to read the minutes of the most recent board meeting. November Minutes

November 25, 2014



As we begin the holiday season of celebration, family time, travel and so much more, here are a few things to keep in mind.

There will be NO trash pickup on Thanksgiving Day.  Please plan on placing your trash at the curb after dark on Sunday, November 30th for pickup on Monday, December 1st.

We live in a beautiful place.........It is the holidays.  Family and friends will be in the neighborhood.
Let's put our best foot forward.......tuck away your trash and recycling containers until  Sunday night.

The final leaf removal by Cardinal will be the week of December 8th.  Leaves should be placed at the curb, away from storm inlets.  It is not necessary to bag the leaves.  Please avoid raking or blowing leaves into the naturalized areas throughout the cluster.

Mark your calendar for the final yard waste pickup.  Wednesday, December  24th.

Information  about Christmas tree disposal TBA as we get closer to the new year.

November 14, 2014


Cardinal has advised that first leaf pick up will be around November 20th, weather permitting and without significant weather delays over the next 3 weeks.  

 It is not necessary to bag leaves for the Cardinal pick-up. Please collect them in loose piles adjacent to the curb, however, not next to any of the storm water inlets, which are connected directly to the lake (these used to be labelled with stickers advising "Save the Chesapeake, No Dumping," but don't stick for very long).  

Please note that:
Republic will continue yard waste service for a few more weeks on Wednesdays.

October 9, 2014

Octorber Warbler WV Cluster Newsletter

                   September 19, 2014
Waterview Warbler
Fall is in the air. Kids are back in school and thoughts are turning to fall time activities: football, Halloween and sweater weather. Fall is a time of preparation in the Cluster. We will have our Fall Work Day to ready the Cluster for colder weather. We are also using the remaining warm days to make repairs to commonly held property. We hope as leaves change color and the days shorten you continue to enjoy life in Waterview.
Fall Cluster Work Day: Oct. 4
Please join us on Oct. 4 for our Fall Cluster Work Day. We will meet at 8:30 at the Marina for donuts, bagels, coffee and juice. You will then be invited to choose a task from the list of activities prepared by the landscape committee. Tasks vary from picking up fallen sticks and limbs to weeding and planting. Cluster work day is also a great time to take a look at your carport and clean it out. At lunchtime we will have potluck lunch with the Cluster providing hotdogs and beverages. We hope everyone can join us! 
Lake Anne Redevelopment Meeting Just for Waterview: Sept. 29
Lake Anne Development Partners have scheduled a special meeting to talk with residents of Waterview Cluster about the planned redevelopment of Lake Anne Plaza. This meeting will be on Monday, Sept. 29 at 7:00 in the Rose Gallery at the Reston Community Center-Lake Anne. The goal of this meeting is provide an update on redevelopment plans and specific impacts on Waterview Cluster. 
Carport Repairs and Repainting
The Waterview Cluster Board recently contracted with Michael Landgrover to make repairs to the Cluster's carports. The repairs include replacing spalling brick, wood repair and repainting the exteriors. Michael began the repairs in the beginning of this month and they are expected to continue to the end of the month. Repairs are estimated to cost $16,000. 
Tree Care    
We have couple of trees on Cluster property that are not faring well and will be removed by Care of Trees. There are currently two Virginia Pines and one White Pine slated for removal this fall.  In addition there is one failing Red Oak in the wooded border near 11478 OL that may need to be removed.  All four removals will require the use of a large crane. We will keep you posted about actual dates of tree removal. 
Trash Pick Up Reminders 

Everyone is reminded that trash pick up is Monday and Thursday with recycling pick up on Monday and brush pick up on Wednesday. There is trash pick up on all holidays except Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year. Please put your trash the night before or the morning of and take your trash bins in later that evening. Also, it is strongly suggested that trash be put out in bins and not just in trash bags. These efforts help keep our neighborhood looking tidy.  
Reston Home Tour: Oct. 18

The 13th annual Reston home tour on Saturday, Oct. 18, offers a look at Reston's history with homes spanning the decades, beginning with a vintage, 1960's, Charles Goodman, townhouse in Hickory Cluster, and ending at a luxury unit in the new Avant building at Reston Town Center. The public spaces at the Avant will also be available to view, and SLHS Culinary Arts Program will offer a tasting of the decades in the Great Room. If purchased before Oct. 10, tickets are $25. Tickets can be purchased online or at the Reston Museum. 
This newsletter is provided for you by the Waterview Cluster Board.
President, John Melnick
Vice President, Amiee Freeman
Appointees: Roger Brown (Financials), Bobbie Kennedy (Secretary), andCharlie Saunders (Capital Assets).
Waterview Cluster Website:

October 1, 2014


We Invite you to Celebrate
The Reston Historic Trust and Museum
at a reception to be held on November 12th

Hear the exciting announcement about the Trust's Future

When:  Wednesday, November 12,  6-8 PM
Where: Greater Reston Arts Center (GRACE)
             12001 Market Street, Suite 103, Reston 20190

Look for an invitation Coming soon!

This event will also provide a sneak preview of GRACE's new dynamic exhibition, LineWorks: Drawing Redefined.  We are the first public group invited to see this exhibition and we hope that even if all the little details haven't yet been completed you will enjoy the artworks.

LineWorks :Drawing Redefined presents a variety of multi-media works by five artists who utilize line as an essential element in their work.  Featured artists Lee Gainer, Sarah Irvin, Nikki Painter, Foon Sham and Sarah Weinstock all create work that relies fundamentally upon line drawing.  In addition, they all explore how memories are formed, collected and forgotten,  using drawing to document their experiences.  The Greater Reston Arts Center's Gallery  will be reconfigured into five independent spaces, each presenting a different and innovative process, expanding the definition of drawing itself.

For more information about this event, call the Museum at 703-709-7700 or email 

Have you seen the new website?


Reston Historic Trust programs are presented with the support of the Reston Community Center

September 26, 2014

Waterview Cluster Workday - October 4th!


Saturday October 4th    9am - 4pm

Greetings!  It’s Cluster Workday time again, another opportunity to come out, visit with neighbors, enjoy our beautiful fall weather, and lend a hand to the cause.  Maintaining a kempt appearance is one important way for us to protect our investment in our homes.

While eleven acres of open space, landscaped areas, and natural woodlands are our   most important asset, they are also our greatest challenge!  Even with professional help, there is always much more to be done.  Your help permits us to do more and spend less.

You can help with general clean up of litter and debris OR you can join one of the teams assigned to work on five “special” projects selected for this year. At breakfast, you can review those tasks and locations.  Landscape Committee members will be available to answer you questions.  A member, or members, is assigned to each project and will be present at the project site to guide and assist with the tasks.

As always, there are brush disposal sites, 2 on the Waterview side and 1 on the Orchard Lane side.  Fairfax County will come the following week to take it all away for no charge.  If you are grooming your own personal property, it’s a great opportunity to dispose of that debris as well.

You can help other ways, too!  If you are not available on Workday, and would like to take on a project at another time, please contact the landscape committee for suggestions and assistance!

Schedule:     9:00 am:    Breakfast at the marina provided by the cluster!
                                       Review the tasks for the day
                           12:30 pm:  Lunch at the marina.  Hot dogs, soft drinks and beer provided by
                                             the cluster.  A variety of other potluck dishes contributed by you!

Attire:            Long pants, long sleeved shirts, shoes and sock (no sandals), gloves

Tools:           Clippers, loppers, pruning saws, leaf rakes


September 10, 2014

August Minutes

The minutes of the August Meeting of the Board of Directors are posted on the BOD page.  Simply scroll down and click on the link.  Enjoy.

June 20, 2014

Re-energize Reston

If you have not signed up for the LEAP home energy check up yet do it today!   We had ours yesterday and it was well worth it.  So far LEAP has done about 300 Home Energy Check -Ups, their goal is 1,965.

Re-Energize Reston with a Home Energy Check-Up 
The Re-Energize Reston Community Challenge kicked off earlier this year with a community goal of 1,964 Home Energy Check-ups to honor Reston's founding in 1964. Organized by the Reston Association and the nonprofit Local Energy Alliance Program (LEAP), the effort will help Reston residents improve the comfort, health, and performance of their homes. 
Home Energy Checkup Cost: $45 ($35 with RELAC discount plus an extra $25 coupon off your May or June RELAC bill.  Special offer available through June 30.)
Schedule your checkup at or call 703-642-4647
(Select location: NOVA – Reston -- RELAC), If you don't see a convenient time, click on the waiting list and we’ll get to you as soon as we can.) 
In this check-up, you will get an evaluation of your home’s energy efficiency by a professional LEAP Energy Coach. Where needed, our Energy Coach will install energy efficient light bulbs, smart power strips, and more. The check-up generally lasts 60 – 90 minutes. LEAP will get you started on immediate energy saving measures for your home, as well as a road map towards an ENERGY STAR home.
The value of this package is estimated at well over $250 in goods, savings, and professional advice. The low price of $45 is made possible with the support of the Dominion Residential Home Energy Check-Up program. Additionally, a $10 donation will be made to Friends of Reston for every check-up done in the Challenge for tree planting and other activities.
Join over 100 of your Reston neighbors who have already become part of the Re-energize Reston Community Challenge today! .

June minutes

The minutes of the June board meeting are posted on the Board of Directors page.

June 16, 2014

June 16, 2014

Weekly Tree Maintenance Update

The crew continuing our spring tree maintenance work will be on site Monday, June 16 with a small crane to remove a deceased pine tree above the circle along upper Orchard Lane. It should not be necessary to move vehicles to accommodate the crane. The operation should take no more than an hour or so. The crew will return over the next few days to complete the maintenance scheduled for this spring.

June 12, 2014

Friday, June 13

The Care of Trees will continue tree maintenance work begun last week, resuming work this Friday and continuing next Wednesday (and possibly Thursday). Friday's work will focus on upper Orchard Lane, and we will need cars cleared from the circle first thing Friday morning (by 7:00 or 7:30).

June 2, 2014

June 3 - June 5:  Spring Tree Work

The Care of Trees will be on site this Tuesday through Thursday addressing priority tree maintenance tasks throughout the Cluster. Tuesday will be devoted to removal of another deceased Red Oak, this one located adjacent to 11481 Waterview Cluster.

Please contact Charlie Saunders at 703-376-1473 with any questions or concerns.

May 29, 2014

 Message from John Melnick, Waterview Cluster HOA President

Waterview Cluster held its annual meeting May 7th. The residents who attended elected a new board member Bruce Geyman. We welcome Bruce who lives at 11444 with his wife Nan Dearborn and daughter Zoe.  Bruce has been a regular cluster volunteer over the years and he looks forward to bringing his cluster experience to the Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors re-elected John Melnick board as board president and elected Aimee Freeman as the board vice president.  The board reported sound finances and steady management of our cluster assets.  I have attached a directory of the current Waterview Cluster Board of Directors and Appointees.  My priorities this board year (May 2014-May 2015) are entrance signage and establishing a covenants committee.  

WV Board Contact Information 2014-2015
Phone #
John Melnick II
Relac,Signage, Covenants
Board Officer
May 2013 – May 2016
11483 WV
Amiee Freeman
Roster, Newsletter

Vice President Board Officer
May 2013 –May 2016
11436 OL
Theresa Monturano
Web Site, Snow and Trash Removal
Board of Director
May 2012 – May 2015
11440 OL
Tiffany Lockhart
Design & Covenants, Signage, Stream Restoration
Board of Director
May 2013 – May 2016
11497 WV
Bruce Geyman

Board of Director
May 2014 – May 2017
11444 WV
Roger Brown
May 2014-
May 2015
11412 OL

Bobbie Kennedy Secretary Appointee May 2014-2015 11441 WV 703-481-6430
Charlie Saunders capital assets Appointee May 2014-May2015 11446 OL 703-742-3317

May 17, 2014

General Membership Meeting

The minutes of the General Membership Meeting are now posted on the Board of Directors Page.  Simply click on the page and scroll down.

May 7, 2014

RELAC start date

I thought the community might find this information useful.  I received this email from RELAC yesterday.

RELAC is ready for the season and we will start cooling operations this Thursday May 8th, 2014.

Note that Chimney House Road will be offline until the Heron House switches from heating to cooling.
We are working with the engineers and will update you when that happens.

Our second year of ownership begins on May 30 and we are planning a public meeting at the RA facilities at the end of this month.

As soon as RA gives us a day that their conference room is available we will announce the date.  This meeting will detail
the improvements we made last year, planned capital investments for this year, re-evaluation of flat rate
fees, and much more.


Mark Waddell

May 6, 2014

Updated Helpful Resident Information

Helpful Resident Information Updated May 2014

Air conditioning-  703-349-3301. Our home cooling system uses water from Lake Anne which is distributed by the utility RestonRelac.  Air Conditioning services begin after the second 80 degree day or May 22 through October 9th. Houses can be on a metered or flat rate billing system.  RestonRelac will perform a free check-up on your a/c system and can provide referrals for repairs. Residents wishing to install independent cooling units must be approved by RA.


Boat registration and marina reservations The WV Cluster marina can be used for resident events and residents can store private watercraft. Boats need be registered though the WV clusters board. A sticker is provided to indicate a registered boat. Acceptable watercraft include: canoes, kayaks, rowboats and small sailboats. Watercraft should be stored on the boat racks located on either side of the marina. Gas powered watercraft are not allowed on Lake Anne. Pontoon boats can be owned by residents with waterfront homes. Pontoons are not stored in the WV marina. To register a boat or an event at the marina, contact Lisa Climo at 703-709-6169


Dues TWC Association Management bills WV owners for HOA dues quarterly. There is a 10% late fee for bills paid after 30 days from the due date. Unpaid HOA bills can result in collection action and liens on the residence.  Each year at the annual meeting the cluster announces the amount of the next year’s HOA dues.  Small yearly increases are common to maintain the required capital reserves. TWC can be contacted at 703-437-5800 and Timely payment of your HOA dues is vital for WV Cluster operations.


Events and Home Owners Association meetings-Cluster Work Days will be held in the spring and fall each year. Suggested tasks are provided by the landscape committee. There are coffee and donuts to start the day and lunch at the marina with the board providing grillables and beverages and residents bringing sides and deserts. The next WV HOA General Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday May 7th 7:30PM at the Reston Community Center Lake Anne.  There will be another members meeting in December TBA. WV Cluster board meetings and Landscape Committee meetings are held monthly and the time and date is posted on the cluster web site  Board meeting minutes and landscape committee minutes are also posted on the WV web site.


Exterior Home improvement projects, painting, and tree removal Review the cluster handbook before starting an exterior project. Application forms for some exterior home improvement projects and tree removal can be found on www.Reston.Org (Reston DRB forms).  The application forms require the signatures of two adjoining neighbors and a board officer.  Available house and roof color pallets are available from the WV board.  Painting WV cluster front doors does not require color approval. See available documents on the WV Cluster website.

Intranet WV Cluster Resources.  

Yahoo Group: Contact board member Amiee Freeman email to join. Our message board and is an owner and renter communications resource

Facebook Group Pictures and resident posts

Parking and Carports WV carport spaces are owned by the cluster and leased by original assignment to WV addresses. Some addresses have a carport, others do not. Home owners cannot sell their assigned carport spaces.   Parking in a carport is reserved for the Owners of properties assigned a carport who pay an addition HOA fee for carport use. Carports leased to residents must be kept clean and uncluttered. General cluster parking is shared by cluster residents. Please be respectful of your neighbors when parking in the general areas.  Cars using WV Cluster parking must be residents and have valid tags and inspections. Recreational vehicles are not permitted in WV Cluster parking areas. For recreational vehicle storage see www.Reston.Org.  

Pools- Residents obtain a pool pass for pool entry from Reston Association. The pass is good at all Reston Association pools.  Visitors can pay an entrance fee. Our closest pool is North Shore and it is a heated pool. It opens the middle of May and stays open after labor day.  See pool information on the www.Reston.Org web site.  Residents can use all of Reston’s pools with their pool pass.   

Reston Association  Used for pool pass information, home improvement approval forms, Reston events, fields and parks, elected officers, camps, classes, and other available resources. Live, work, play!
Roster directory for WV owners/residents-this information is available by contacting the WV board.

Security and Police- Police non-emergency phone number is 703-691-2131. Report all suspicious activity to police and the cluster board. Inform the board if streetlights are out in the parking area and trails and any other security concerns.  The board recommends always locking houses, cars, carport storage, boats, bikes, and other outside valuables and using outside lighting.  Motion sensors were installed in all carports. Report any non- working sensors to the board. 

Trash, recycling and brush collection- Mondays and Thursdays for trash and recycling . Brush and yard waste is collected Wednesdays March through December. It is best to have your trash cans on the curbs no earlier than dusk the day before pickup. Trash cans should be put away by the evening of the pickup day.  .  Brush waste must be bagged and sticks short and tied. Our trash contractor collects most types of trash without calling for a special trash pickup. The cluster board will inform residents on dates for fall leave collection and holiday tree collection. The AAA web site is Replacement cans and recycling cans are available from AAA.

**The WV Cluster Board suggests that owners and residents familiarize themselves with the Cluster Handbook. It is available for review on the Cluster Web Site The WV board encourages participation in Cluster committees and events.  We share a wonderful place to live and working together we make it home.