From: Marvin Crawford
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2013 9:59 AM
Cc: Debra Bianchi
Subject: FW: water utility impersonator
FYI, please see below a message from our Office of Public Affairs:
Yesterday we had another incident of an imposter posing as a Fairfax Water employee. Here are the details from the police:
BURGLARY, 11000 block of Waples Mill Road, 10/25/13, 12:35 p.m. A resident reported a man knocked at the door and claimed to be with Fairfax County Water Authority. The resident escorted the man into her backyard while another unseen suspect entered the residence and took cash. The utility impersonator was described as white, 40s, about 6 feet tall and 210 pounds.
Can you please share this incident with your staff so they can respond to any customer inquiries. Here is the info we are providing to customers:
· Fairfax Water employees have photo identification with them at all times when they are on the job and our vehicles and field staff’s clothing bear our logo. If someone comes to your door and identifies themselves as a Fairfax Water employee, always ask for their identification or call 703-698-5800, TTY 711, to verify before letting them into your home.
· Fairfax Water employees do not receive or accept any form of payments during service calls and do not collect water-service fees door-to-door.
· Most water meters are located outside of a customer’s home so Fairfax Water employees typically DO NOT require access to a customer’s home to read a meter.
· If you have any questions about Fairfax Water’s services or their employees, please call Fairfax Water at 703-698-5800, TTY 711.