From: Marvin Crawford
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2013 9:59 AM
Cc: Debra Bianchi
Subject: FW: water utility impersonator
FYI, please see below a message from our Office of Public Affairs:
Yesterday we had another incident of an imposter posing as a Fairfax Water employee. Here are the details from the police:
BURGLARY, 11000 block of Waples Mill Road, 10/25/13, 12:35 p.m. A resident reported a man knocked at the door and claimed to be with Fairfax County Water Authority. The resident escorted the man into her backyard while another unseen suspect entered the residence and took cash. The utility impersonator was described as white, 40s, about 6 feet tall and 210 pounds.
Can you please share this incident with your staff so they can respond to any customer inquiries. Here is the info we are providing to customers:
· Fairfax Water employees have photo identification with them at all times when they are on the job and our vehicles and field staff’s clothing bear our logo. If someone comes to your door and identifies themselves as a Fairfax Water employee, always ask for their identification or call 703-698-5800, TTY 711, to verify before letting them into your home.
· Fairfax Water employees do not receive or accept any form of payments during service calls and do not collect water-service fees door-to-door.
· Most water meters are located outside of a customer’s home so Fairfax Water employees typically DO NOT require access to a customer’s home to read a meter.
· If you have any questions about Fairfax Water’s services or their employees, please call Fairfax Water at 703-698-5800, TTY 711.
October 31, 2013
Heads up Water Utility impersonator
October 28, 2013
Notice - Care of Trees 10-28-2013 to 10-29-2013
The Care of Trees will have a crew on site
throughout the day Monday, October 28, with work possibly extending to Tuesday,
October 29. They will be pruning a number of trees and removing declining or
fallen trees on either side of the Cluster. We do not anticipate the need to
move any cars to accommodate this work. A crew will be here on Friday, November
1 to conduct a follow-up procedure (vertical mulching) for the White Oak
in the circle on upper Orchard and the Silver Maple in front of the final row
of houses on upper Waterview.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Charlie
Saunders at 703-376-1473.
October 18, 2013
October 17, 2013
Waterview Cluster Halloween Potluck
Help us scare up some fun on Halloween with a friendly potluck at the Waterview Cluster Marina. Activities kick off at 4:00 and will wrap up at dusk with trick or treating to follow. Costumes appreciated!
October 11, 2013
Workday is Postponed!
Due to the heavy rains we will be postponing our cluster workday.
A new date will be announced soon!
A new date will be announced soon!
October 7, 2013
Join us - Waterview Cluster Workday!
You may have seen this handy dandy flyer tucked in your door!
We sure hope you can make it!
This Saturday October 12, 2013
We sure hope you can make it!
This Saturday October 12, 2013
October 6, 2013
Security in Waterview
In the last weeks there have been
several burglaries reported in Waterview Cluster. Please keep watch and report suspicious activity.
Security and Police- Police
non-emergency phone number is 703-691-2131. Report all suspicious
activity to police and the cluster board. Inform the board if
streetlights are out in the parking area and trails and any other
security concerns. The board recommends always locking
houses, cars, carport storage, bikes, and other outside valuables and
using outside lighting. Motion sensors were installed in all carports. Report any non- working sensors to the board.
June 5th 2012 – AQUA VA/RELAC Rate Hearing Update
On June 5th,
2012, Mr. Dick Kennedy of Waterview Cluster attended the RELAC Rate
Hearing in Richmond, VA before the State Corporation Commission [SCC].
For those residents just becoming familiar with the controversies
surrounding the RELAC system, the SCC is the governing body which
regulates utilities in Virginia. Mr. Kennedy testified as a user upset
with the unreasonably high cost of the system and its effectiveness.
The hearing lasted from about 10:00 AM until 3:30 PM.
The result of this hearing was that the SCC Staff and AQUA agreed by stipulation to a REDUCED rate increase from AQUA’s original request of $108,775 to $78,000 (approx. a 15% increase from our current rate) that will be in effect as an interim rate for the rest of 2012.
The SCC staff questioned AQUA at length and in detail on the performance output by AQUA’s records and AQUA’s records on customer complaints, which appeared to have clear deficiencies.
Mr. Kennedy also questioned the issue of their Aqua’a proposed Cooling Tower installation, to which AQUA responded that they have not decided yet to in stall them. Aqua stated the installation would cost $250,000 to $400,000. It may be that AQUA America owns the cooling towers and are proposing to sell them to AQUA RELAC, but this is not confirmed.
The case, PUE-2011-00130 can be tracked on line at
The result of this hearing was that the SCC Staff and AQUA agreed by stipulation to a REDUCED rate increase from AQUA’s original request of $108,775 to $78,000 (approx. a 15% increase from our current rate) that will be in effect as an interim rate for the rest of 2012.
The SCC staff questioned AQUA at length and in detail on the performance output by AQUA’s records and AQUA’s records on customer complaints, which appeared to have clear deficiencies.
Mr. Kennedy also questioned the issue of their Aqua’a proposed Cooling Tower installation, to which AQUA responded that they have not decided yet to in stall them. Aqua stated the installation would cost $250,000 to $400,000. It may be that AQUA America owns the cooling towers and are proposing to sell them to AQUA RELAC, but this is not confirmed.
The case, PUE-2011-00130 can be tracked on line at
DRB Approves AquaVA Cooling Tower Proposal
During DRB’s Jan. 24th meeting, the DRB
voted to approve the addition of the cooling tower
structure proposed by Aqua, VA to be added to the current RELAC
facility. The cooling towers are intended to increase the efficiency of
the operation and eliminate the need for the diesel generator at times
of low lake water levels. The proposal includes sound proofing/noise
reduction features designed to keep any additional plant noise levels
Aqua, VA will now have to decide whether to green light the project. If they do, they will start the permit process and then hope to start construction in the Spring with the goal of being operational before a diesel generator becomes necessary this coming season.
Aqua, VA will now have to decide whether to green light the project. If they do, they will start the permit process and then hope to start construction in the Spring with the goal of being operational before a diesel generator becomes necessary this coming season.
Is New Plan for Lake Anne on the Way?
Hunter Mill Supervisor Cathy Hudgins says
she hopes to have narrowed down the list of proposals for Lake Anne-area
revitalization within the next 60 days.
Hudgins told the Reston Association Board of Directors at a planning session this week that there is not an ultimate solution for redevelopment yet.
“Hopefully, in the next 60 days, we will be able to move forward,” Hudgins said. “The good news is we have some good opportunities.”
Please select the link below to read more information from Reston Patch;
Hudgins told the Reston Association Board of Directors at a planning session this week that there is not an ultimate solution for redevelopment yet.
“Hopefully, in the next 60 days, we will be able to move forward,” Hudgins said. “The good news is we have some good opportunities.”
Please select the link below to read more information from Reston Patch;
Notice on Special Assessment for Storm Recovery
As most of you are aware, this summer we experienced two severe weather events, the June 29th thunderstorm known as the “Derecho”, and the Sept. 8th “To Be or Not to Be a Tornado”. These were two of the most destructive storms experienced in our neighborhood in recent years.
Throughout the restoration efforts, we did our very best to control costs by acquiring estimates from a few contractors for the more rudimentary work.
Please select the link below to read and/or print the entire memo distributed to all residents on October 25th, 2012
12-1026 WVC Memo – Special Assessment for Storms
Throughout the restoration efforts, we did our very best to control costs by acquiring estimates from a few contractors for the more rudimentary work.
Please select the link below to read and/or print the entire memo distributed to all residents on October 25th, 2012
12-1026 WVC Memo – Special Assessment for Storms
Rail to Reston Hitting the Homestretch
The first phase of the Silver Line is 89
percent complete and is on schedule to be taking Metro passengers to
Reston Reston in December 2013, officials confirmed this week.
Mark Canale, Dulles Rail Project Manager for the Fairfax County Department of Transportation, said construction on the first phase is on track.
During a Tuesday meeting of FairfaxCounty’s commission for the Phase 1 Transportation Improvement District, Canale said 98 percent of tracks for the extension from East Falls Church to Wiehle Avenue have been laid down.
Please select the link below to read more information from Reston Patch;
Mark Canale, Dulles Rail Project Manager for the Fairfax County Department of Transportation, said construction on the first phase is on track.
During a Tuesday meeting of FairfaxCounty’s commission for the Phase 1 Transportation Improvement District, Canale said 98 percent of tracks for the extension from East Falls Church to Wiehle Avenue have been laid down.
Please select the link below to read more information from Reston Patch;
Mr. Ken Knueven – New President of Reston Association
Congratulations to Mr. Ken Knueven, a long-time Waterview Cluster resident, on his new position as President of Reston Association. To read more on Ken’s election, read the post on Reston Patch –
Fairway Redevelopment Approved by DRB
February 21st, The Reston Association’s DRB provide DC-based real
estate developer, The JBG Companies with the “green light” for their
proposed redesign, expansion and redevelopment of the Fairway Apartments
complex. Concerns remain about the impact on surrounding traffic flow.
Using images of Charles C. Goodman’s original illustrations of Hickory
Cluster’s carriage houses, JBG presented their intent on showing
continuity with their new Fairway townhouse designs.
For more info, see the Reston Patch article by editor, Ms. Karen Goff
For more info, see the Reston Patch article by editor, Ms. Karen Goff
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